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Everything posted by heelsinc

  1. It will scan ALL folders that we already have so we don't have to go back through the whole import roms process?
  2. Can you explain what this is please.
  3. same thing happens every time I open Big Box. As the Big Box logo opens up over the homepage of the computer the whole screen shifts to where the menu bar on the bottom is only half way visible and and the icons that were on the left are cut in half also. It puts the whole thing into an overscan then when I close big box everything goes back to normal. I have no clue why it's happening but lets not dig into it to much more because as of last night I decided to move the computer to a different TV. It was in the spare room and since I started using Big Box I have become some what of a hermit. So I'm moving it to the living room so if I'm using it I'm at least around the family. I'll report back if the same thing happens or if it was just some weird shit with that TV. Works fine on the living room TV which is better anyway cause it's a brand new 70 inch compared to an old 42. Still confused why the upstairs TV was doing that but oh well.
  4. anyone having issues with over scanning in big box since switching to the new beta? Never had this issue before but now in the big box options menu I can hardly see what the options say that's how much of the left side is cut off. Any idea why just one program would have such a huge over scan issue while nothing else does? Any ideas how to fix it?
  5. resolved
  6. I can't figure out where this new feature is haha Edit...I found it but it looks like you can only change the category of a system and not the order of it so not totally this exact feature that we were talking about but getting there it seems. We can now categorize between "Arcade, Console, Handheld and Compouter. Not yet able to order them the way we want to though.
  7. That's the exact order I am going to put mine in. It's not in big box yet but obviously that will just be a matter of time until it's implemented there.
  8. This feature is in the new beta!
  9. this is a great help thanks. However I couldn't get it to close the program after exiting. I'm using joytokey but followed the same instructions are the command line parameters required? and if so do I just type /c ?
  10. I guess the way to do it now would be to name them with a number in front with the order you want them to be in for example. 01 Game Boy, 02 Game Boy Color, 03 GBA. But then you would have to have them scrapped under the correct name. I don't like having to do it this way as it just mucks things up. Charco I like your idea on how it should work. I'm putting a ticket in now if you guys want to vote on it. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1887/system-sorting
  11. What's everyones favorite openbor games? So far I have Simpsons Treehouse of Horror and Marvel First Alliance 1 and 2. What are some other good ones?
  12. Never mind figured it out
  13. It bothers me that it goes GB, GBA, GBC. I want to place them in system release order. Is that possible?
  14. HAHA I know that's why I'm asking I'm to afraid to click it myself!
  15. I'm in the middle of importing a large set of roms right now and wanted to know if I could switch over to Big Box to play games while it uploads.
  16. I know this is old but it doesn't seem like anyone is talking about this. Just found out about it from the tutorial video and signed up right away. Is anyone here using retroachievements? I think it's an awesome idea and can't wait to start getting some!
  17. the sad part is I entered GB, GBC and GBA all using the same format. Then reentered them all more then once. All while in the associated platforms tab and not once did I pick up on the fact that I was doing it wrong every time. Thanks again man between your help here and your videos you make this so easy to do.
  18. wow. I've been staring at the associated platforms for about an hour and didn't pick up on that. Tunnel vision from being so frustrated I think. Thanks so much.
  19. yea I do every time. I followed the game boy one to a t. I got SNES up and running was just missing the quotation mark at the end of the command line but I SWEAR I have the gameboy one correct -L "gambatte_libretro.dll"
  20. I just did and the same thing is happening. deleted retroarch completely downloaded it again. got the cores for the systems that are already in launchbox they work. Just added an snes game downloaded that core and same problem. This is insanely frustrating.
  21. now nothing that I add will open in retroarch. I just added an SNES game and am getting the same issue. I don't understand what happened. The ONLY changes I made from last night to this morning was trying to add a few more systems. All the systems that were perviously added are still working.
  22. cores are downloaded command line is good. Games were rar's I unpacked them to see if that would work and that's how I got the GBA games to work outside of Launchbox. Deleted the platforms and tried to upload them again but same issues.
  23. Sigh...need more help. So I imported Gameboy and GBA last night. In Launchbox games won't even open Retroarch. It looks like is about it then doesn't but does list the game as played in the "Play Count" counter. Outside of the Launchbox if I just try to boot up a game file it opens Retroarch brings up the Gameboy title screen for the system NOT the game and then hangs there. Am I missing something? Using the Gambatte core for Gameboy/GBC and VBA-M For GBA. I got GBA games to work in Retroarch OUTSIDE of launchbox. Still nothing on GB or GBC. Edit: Sorry I realize I put this in the wrong "Troubleshooting" forum. If a mod could please move it for me. Thank you
  24. yea it crashed mine twice also. Eh no big deal I can always just go into launch box and search wrestling to quickly find a title I want and launch the game from there. Thanks again for the quick responses guys!
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