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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. On 9/13/2021 at 9:57 PM, DerSchlachter said:

    Should be used as a workaround. I also convert my iso files to chd, to speed things up a little, I created 5 folders (chd convert 1 - 5) in each folder I put between 200 and 300 files, alphabetical sorting) then I start in each folder the transformation. Then I go to work ... in the evening I'm through with one or the other folder and start the next batch.

    What do you need? Hard drive space!

    My CPU: AMD 3900x

    I'm using a AMD 3700x.

    Yeah I'm converting by the alphabet cause space is an issue, I'll move say # and A titles, upcompress them all, delete the GZ, then convert the .iso, then delete the ISO, move them back, etc...it's laborious, but it's working well. I'm up to letter H now.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Suhrvivor said:

    I compared with a couple of discs and I'm getting about 50MB difference per disc between cso and chd. It's a small difference but I think it's worth it, I'm definitely  switching to chd.

    Now I'd hope for the Ps3 emu devs to start supporting chd or at least any disc image format, dumping and storing games in folders having thousands of files it's a royal pain in the ass.

    That would be amazing. That should save some serious space too.

  3. ^^^ So never mind...apparently .CHD IS smaller for Rock Band 2 when you factor in the .tmp file created by launching the .GZ file...which also took my system a full 55 seconds to load the game (the first time is always slower with .gz to product that)

    A second launch with .gz took:  20 seconds
    The first launch with .chd took: The exact same time as the second+ launch of .gz as far as I could time it.

    BTW all these games are loading from my DS1621+ NAS, not a local or external drive, thus slower then it would be otherwise.

  4. So the results were promising, but not 100% across the board...two of the six games in my test were actually smaller with .gz (setting 9 maximum), those were the huge 'Rock Band 2', and much smaller 'Sonic Mega Collection Plus.'

    Of course that doesn't include the .tmp file which would be very nice to get rid of the need for....

    Attached are the results of the few games I tested.



  5. 4 hours ago, zugswang said:

    Yes, maybe, I think it was on default 5.

    Whatever the difference it's minimal even on 9 compared to CHD (using latest CHDMAN 0.235)

    I didn't know chdman would be any better on later versions until I noticed I was using a version years out of date and re-converted Sega CD etc with latest chdman and the difference was vast in comparison.

    Cool..I'll try it out...you are just grabbing this latest CHDMAN from the latest x64 windows build of MAME, correct?

  6. 6 hours ago, zugswang said:

    I am not aware of a bulk bat file that extracts gz first then converts  iso to CHD.

    I did have one that converted 7z to gz in bulk and that was useful at the time (when I wasted another 2 weeks of my life) as it turned out doing that.

    I just extracted the gz first and then as they extracted I just pulled the isos into another folder and converted them to CHD.

    This has literally taken me almost 1 month solid to do this for 5,200 PS2 games (and counting) and it is an absolute killer, but I am almost there now :)

    ps, tried converting on an old dell pc i have and to say it is slow is understating it .... 1 file every hour at best !

    The better your PC, the faster it will be as I found out quickly.

    PS, Converting just my USA set from GZ to CHD saved me 100gb, so compression is even better overall using CHD on top of the instant loading.

    I thought that using the max setting of .gz (9) was better than .chd in providing more space saving (which is what my compressions setting is for all my PS2 games), I have about 2400 (mostly US and non-US exclusives only) but maybe your GZ set wasn't using the maximum compression?

    I'll have to try it out and I'll report back.  Thank you.

  7. On 9/9/2021 at 2:06 AM, zugswang said:

    Thanks for heads up on PS2, as I didn't think to get the PS2 Japan set. Now I have 5,000 PS2 games in CHD format (USA/Europe/Japan) and still downloading :)

    Converting them is a killer, but so much better than even gz (no more temp files wasting space for every game)

    Are you aware of a way to process PS2 games that have already been converted to .gz in one batch swoop? Despite the temp file, I think I prefer the better compression of gz, but I'd like to try it out on a subset of games.

  8. 9 minutes ago, AlEst98 said:


    Here it is. You can modify the number right to "Sleep" (try with 9500, 10500, 11500 or higher).

    This is for use "ESC" for fullscreen and auto-fullscreen.

    It works now. Not sure what the issue was before, thank you!


  9. 1 minute ago, neil9000 said:

    Your folder structure is wrong, they go in Images/Platforms/name of platform/name of image type.


    Ahhh I missed that...all my images across the entire collection load fine, but I guess the defaults have to be in that format...I'll try that next.

  10. 2 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    I dont have those options either for defaults.


    However, i have never needed to do that for default artwork, it just goes in the correct folder and is automatically detected, i have never had to do anything in the edit screen to get them to show.

    hmm I'm lost then...because I'm doing the same thing for 3DS as I am for Playstation 1 which was done with earlier versions of LB ...so I'm confused why the 3DS won't show..I appreciate you trying to help BTW.

    This is my PS1 folder/file layout and my 3ds folder/file layout:






  11. 10 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    No it was not removed.

    Working fine here. On latest stable release and tested on the last released beta just in case. If you click on the button with the image type name (the one next to the Plus symbol what does it show.

    Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 9.20.32 AM.png

    All I get (from clicking that button OR right-clicking) is this:




    My version is the latest stable:


  12. On 7/10/2019 at 4:48 PM, Retro808 said:

    It is not a folder, you set a specific image. In the edit just choose to add an image in the right hand section of the window where the images display. Select your image and then select the label for default. 

    Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 6.47.03 PM.png

    Hi, this no longer works in the recent versions... how do I set this default box art for my platform now?

    I placed the Nintendo 3DS.png file in a newly created "default 3D Box' in the images folder for this specific platform, but it doesn't pick it up...I have the same image/file-format for my PS1 system (named to 'Sony Playstation.png') and it finds it and works just fine...


  13. I have a large package of these generic placeholder images, but none for 3DS...I have a bunch if 3DS eShop titles imported that are missing everything...many are not even in the database yet.

    I would like to dress them with these generic covers for now, as I do with some other system's games until I can find actual covers...Does anyone have these? 

    Thank you in advance.

  14. On 8/29/2021 at 4:55 PM, CDBlue said:


    Have you followed the instructions on the libretro Mesen core page? Making sure to pay special attention as to where to put the HD packs, what to name the main folder (HdPacks), and what to name the folders where the actual packs are located.  I assume you have the folder names correct for the actual packs, as you mentioned you have them working on the stand alone version of Mesen.  I'm not sure if it's case sensitive or not but make sure you have the folder in your System folder labelled "HdPacks" and not "HDPacks" or anything else... they have it in quotes on the instructions page with that case, so perhaps the core is case sensitive for that.... just a thought anyway :)


    Thanks for taking the time, but yes...it all matches....I just gave up and I'm using the stand-alone for those games...it's fine. ?

  15. On 8/3/2021 at 8:35 AM, AlEst98 said:

    If anyone gets some error, here is a command line for AHK to set autofulscreen and exit easily from the games with "ESC" button:

    Sleep, 9500
    Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Enter Up}{Alt Up}

    ; This section closes Demul when pressing Escape
        Send !{F4}

    This works too but faster:

    Sleep, 3500
    Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Enter Up}{Alt Up}

    ; This section closes Demul when pressing Escape
        Send !{F4}

    Hello. Can you post a screenshot of this command as it shows in LB? This isn't working for me...thank you.

  16. Hi, this doesn't work... it just closes immediately. I have it in the same folder as my CUE / BIN files....using Windows 10? Anyone know how to fix this?

    *nevermind, I fixed it, my names were ISO / CUE, not BIN /CUE, so I just had to edit the .bat and change the .bin to .iso in the command and it worked. (hopefully...I'll test playing them later)

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