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Everything posted by Shwiftyfive

  1. I've found an even better way to launch Punes in fullscreen! Paste the following in the default command-line parameters on the details screen: --fullscreen yes
  2. Great, thanks for the quick reply!!
  3. Is there a way to pop in an existing theme I've downloaded and edit it?
  4. Late to the party, but here is a script that launches punes in fullscreen SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; set title match mode to "contains" Loop ; start a loop { WinWait, puNES ; waits until a window containing title puNES" appears Send, {Alt down}{Enter}{Alt up} ; Send Alt+Enter break ; break the loop }
  5. Thank you. Using Alt+Tab revealed that the mesen window was active and that was the black screen. Turning off the startup screen removes the black screen and now it behaves like it does in launchbox mode. I see a windowed mesen and hear an error noise. Reset, load/save state, or exit doesn't happen.
  6. I did figure out how to get the pause screen working for Launchbox so I can more rapidly test scripts. Still nothing for mesen though. When testing scripts in Launchbox, instead of a black screen I come back to a windowed mesen and hear and error noise. Mesen has lost focus. Reset, load/save state, or exit doesn't happen.
  7. Thank you for your reply! Yes if I press e on the keyboard they exit. That is what I've mapped in the emulator. Your first suggestion worked for bsnes. Reset, load/save state, and exit all work. However, that doesn't work with mesen. Something odd happens where after selecting Reset, load/save state, or exit, I am presented with a black screen that is stuck. I can reopen the save menu, but at that point even resume game gets me presented with the same black screen. The only way I can get out of it is to ctrl alt del. Also, testing new scripts seems extremely tedious. Is there a faster way than open launch box, change script, close, open bigbox, test, close, repeat? I can't seem to pull up the launchbox pause screen not sure why.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm trying to get the pause screen scripts working for BigBox. Some of these scripts I've used have worked for other users. I've used similar scripts for both bsnes and mesen. Here is what I've tried so far for the exit script : 1. Leave blank # This works most of the time, but not in about 10% of cases. 2. Doesn't work Send {e down} Sleep 50 Send {e up} 3. This works, but you aren't supposed to close the emulator this way. Something about not saving properly. Also, I really need to be able to send keystrokes so I can get the save state, load state, etc. functionality working with the pause screen. Process, Close, bsnes.exe 2. Doesn't work Send, e 3. Doesn't work SetTimer, SendKey, 1000 ; Checks every second return SendKey: IfWinActive, ahk_exe bsnes.exe { Send, e } return 4. Doesn't work SetTimer, SendKey, 1000 ; Checks every second return SendKey: ControlSend,, e, ahk_exe bsnes.exe return Thanks for taking a look!
  9. Thanks for the info!
  10. Is there a web location for the Mame.xml file which is normally in the Metadata folder of the LaunchBox install? I know the Metadata.xml file can be downloaded here: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/metadata.zip so I was thinking there may be a location for other .xml files as well. Thanks!
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