Hello everyone,
I'm trying to get the pause screen scripts working for BigBox. Some of these scripts I've used have worked for other users. I've used similar scripts for both bsnes and mesen. Here is what I've tried so far for the exit script :
1. Leave blank # This works most of the time, but not in about 10% of cases.
2. Doesn't work
Send {e down}
Sleep 50
Send {e up}
3. This works, but you aren't supposed to close the emulator this way. Something about not saving properly. Also, I really need to be able to send keystrokes so I can get the save state, load state, etc. functionality working with the pause screen.
Process, Close, bsnes.exe
2. Doesn't work
Send, e
3. Doesn't work
SetTimer, SendKey, 1000 ; Checks every second
IfWinActive, ahk_exe bsnes.exe
Send, e
4. Doesn't work
SetTimer, SendKey, 1000 ; Checks every second
ControlSend,, e, ahk_exe bsnes.exe
Thanks for taking a look!