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Everything posted by Skel3tor

  1. I do have my roms in on a different drive. Currently LB and videos ect are on my C and then roms are on my G drive
  2. I currently have my LB on a M2 drive but it takes up a lot of room and would rather move it to a HDD. With that being said do I just reinstall LB on the new drive and move over the videos file and emulatrors file? I don't want to have to redownload all my emulators and intro videos if possible? Thanks
  3. I cant find the export option?
  4. I have been a member here for a cpl of years and just recently decided I want to get involved with with some more in-depth launchbox stuff (making themes ect). I know the very basics but that's about it. I know an average amount C++, python and SQL which I think could potentially help me with this endeavor. Any suggestions to get me started , tutorials ect? I am combing though material here but with so much I am all ears for some directions.
  5. Probably a dumb question but in the unified theme how can I get the list (games,wheel, ect) on the left instead of right? In my ultrawide unified theme they are on the left. I have tried the different platform views but maybe i am missing something?
  6. I changed the default and then changed it back. That was the fix. Not sure why the default was giving me a black screen but the fix was to change it then change it back, restart BB.
  7. I thought I had it fixed. When I launch BB it is a black screen but I can hear the sounds. I can back out into the previous menu and then I see a display options,view ect) I changed show platforms and it showed me the platform wheel with all my games. Once I restarted BB black screen again...... I will tinker with this and see if I can find the problem
  8. SOLVED..........NOT SOLVED
  9. BB was working fine two days ago and then today I log in and its a black screen. I can tab back into the option screen and I get a display but when I go back to the games wheel I get sound and no picture? Was there an update?
  10. Problem solved, was actually a faulty cable riser on the video card..................... but it only was distorting when I gamed through BB.............. replaced riser and BOOM no distortion..................
  11. VLC was the default, switched to media player but that seemed worse.
  12. No-one else experienced this?
  13. I have troubleshooted a little. 1. All drivers are current 2. Tried different HDMI cords Not sure what the problem could be
  14. I am having the problem of starting BigBox and the audio is all scratchy and distorted. This happens when I startup BB and even when videos are playing. Sometimes the sound goes completely off and I have to restart BB. When I use retroarch I am having the same problems within BB. Any ideas?
  15. Loving this theme! I do have another question that I am sure someone knows. In my platforms I am getting a ton of sub catagories like SNK classics, SEGA ST-V, ect. I am wanting to clean my wheels up and combine like say sega games all under one platform. This is what I currently look like with LB. I am assuming it is under Edit platform and folders, liek to ask first before i go chopping up my library. Thanks!
  16. Just an awesome theme!!! I do have 2 questions that maybe someone can answer. 1. Can I customize each platform (videos,music ect) in this theme if so HOW? I have been messing around with the options but can't figure it out 2. I run a duel monitor setup and when I run MAME it runs my emulation on my secondary screen and every other emulator runs it on my primary screen. Not a huge deal I prefer to be consistent
  17. I have a problem with my controller automation buttons when I try and exit a emulator. Most of the time when using the controller automation to exit a emulator it works flawlessly but once in awhile it closes BB and makes my icons on my desktop small (BB is running in the application background and I have to end it in task manager to restart BB). I have been trying to see if it is certain emulators but I come across this problem on several different emulators. Anyone else have this problem and any fixes out there?
  18. Solved, lot of options in Dolphin had to be changed, works great now
  19. I did some testing using Dolphin and I can not get LB to work correctly for playing games (loss of FPS,audio lag) . I have a Hyperspin full setup on my Arcade Machine and it runs Dolphin flawlessly decompressing my .7z files on the fly and then playing them with no problem. I am trying to get LB to work on my HTPC like my hyperspin setup when dealing with Dolphin but the only solution I have found is to decompress the files to ISO then play them BUT I am having huge FPS problems, audio lag ect 1. Can RocketLauncher help me with my Dolphin setup? 2. Can LB decompress files on the fly for Dolphin to use? Any help would be appreciated, thanks
  20. That's my next step if nothing else works
  21. yeah i have the same setup ssd for OS and 7200 for storage
  22. Internal 7200 wb black drive
  23. So by extracting to a SSD you have no frame rate problems? I have an i7 6 core/32 gb ram/1070ftw card so there should be no reason I am experiencing these issues
  24. Yeah I am having some frame rate issues with Dolphin. Not sure if RL will fix this but worth a shot. I am in the beginning stages of tweaking my LB/BB so it's gonna be awhile before i tweak it the way I want it.
  25. Hello, I am new to LaunchBox but not new to ROMS/EMULATORS (Hyperspin for years). I recently decided to try LB/BB on my HTPC and let me say WOW the simplicity of setting this thing up is 1 million times less complex than that of HS. Well worth the $50!!! Ok on to my question I always used RocketLauncher in HS for controllers/emulators ect. It seems that LB/BB has everything I need already installed. 1. Why do I need to use RocketLauncher? What are the benefits? 2. I am having a small problem of getting my screen size to save in whatever emulator i use. I always have to manually enter full screen? Any quick fixes for this? Thanks in advance and to the LaunchBox GODS thank you for this program!!!!
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