I think this might have to do with retroarch. On initial import for psp, I selected use bezels. However, now I don't want the bezels showing. It launches via retroarch (whose UI organisation is a little baffling with overrides etc).
I launch a game and then switch off the bezel via quickmenu-OnScreenOverlay-DisplayOverlay=false. I then try to save ethe core override via quickMenu-overrides-saveCoreOverrides.
However, if I relaunch the same game, the bezels are back. Also for other games.
What am I doing wrong? ðŸ˜
Edit: So if I do quickMenu-overrides-saveGameOverides, this works. However same for ContentDirectory doesn't. God I hate retroarch settings.
Also, if I didn't want to disable the entire overlay (eg. Controls etc) how would I achieve this?