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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. Hi Sorry to bother everyone again just got another drive so wanna tidy up Hdd's wanna transfer roms to another drive is there a way to do it without starting fresh with that platform ? Thanks in advance Dean
  2. Aye up Matey 7" or 10 " is fine Thanks
  3. Sorted Thanks to you Cheers
  4. Hi question for anyone who can help seen video posted by ETA Prime showing how to set up Marquee Anyone know where you can buy a small sized monitor with hdmi or dvi connections ? Needs to be UK based if possible please Thanks In Advance Dean
  5. Ignore last post Thanks to you sorted !!!
  6. Sorry mate don't expect you to answer followed your instructions - still the same cannot understand directed it to folder with images - just says insert other disk 1-2 2-1
  7. Sorry to bother you Thanks again for all your help
  8. Is it anything to do with it running 32x as well on that game ?
  9. Sorry Mate as I have said before I am proper thick I cant follow what you are saying all other games seem to run ok just Fahrenheit which keeps asking for other disk wont even boot into game sorry and Thanks
  10. sorry mate , i don't know how to do that any guides how to do that ? BTW Many Thanks
  11. Running Fahrenheit in retroarch when i try to running Fahrenheit in picodrive via Retroarch all i get is insert Disk 2 and if i insert Disk 2 it tells me to insert Disk 1 Any Ideas ? Thanks Dean
  12. Cant get that theme to work sorry for being an idiot
  13. Cheers Pal
  14. Now Sorted Not sure how but all seems ok looked on here and found an older thread which referenced a scan method within windows - which seemed to work Thanks Again
  15. I will check that mate definately what i dont understand is that it did work and every new version i try is exactly the same so maybe its something that demul needs thats wrong and other emus PS2 or gamecube are fine so its not cpu or gpu i am just baffled
  16. occasionally runs but never true full screen and super slow Don't understand it ??
  17. Hi Sorry to bother again My version of Demul stopped working so i tried downloading newer versions and now i cant get any to work Bios is still in old roms folder and so are games i have tried new and old direct x11 plug in but from when i run it just freezes and wont go any further before this old version ran fine and only thing that's changed is version of demul Any ideas ? Thanks Dean
  18. OK Matey Thanks Again
  19. Hi I know this is completely off topic but i know there is some really generous , helpful and knowledgable people so i thought i would ask if this post needs deleting sorry and delete My question is this - i have just got a 4K Sony 8596 (UK Spec) and when i select HDR in TV menu to HDR10 its really dark there is an Auto is that the best option Thanks Again Dean
  20. Sorted Was trying to run window and Full Screen at same time I am such a tit
  21. Cheers Only thing that has changed is TV like i say window mode is fine will check details Video Card is GTX1060 Can' seem to get pc to output to 1080p unless thats TV settings
  22. Hi All sorry to bother again Just updated Telly to Sony 8596 and when I run Retroarch either current build in Launchbox or brand new download when I run in full screen the screen corrupts If i run in window mode its fine Any Ideas ? Thanks Dean
  23. Thanks Again Matey
  24. Hi Sorry if this info has already been posted the recent feature poll what new features are to be integrated ? Thanks
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