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  1. Hi to all, I know this may be a little too late but I had a similar issue that did not require to edit each cores config file. It was A DPI issue with Launch Box/ Big Box, here was were I found my solution:
  2. Hi, is it possible to also do some of the exclusive Genesis Mini covers? They can be found here https://genesismini.sega.com/
    Incredible! Thanks for all the hard work.
  3. Great, Thanks!
  4. Yea no problem. Out right now (on mobile) but, will definitely get the folder to you. To answer your question of how, I was trying to create a platform category named favorites to be able to see it in BigBox alongside Arcade, Computer, Console and Handhelds but, was not appearing. So I edit the playlist to be included in a platform category under All but, I had to manually type it in since the option was not there. This did not yield the result I was looking for, so I deleted the playlist but All was duplicated and is now stuck. Thanks again.
  5. Hi, I seem to have accidentally created an “All” platform category, and cannot seem to get rid of the duplicate. Right clicking on either one just gives “grayed-out” options. Cannot delete or change either one. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have tried using backup xml files but do not think I fully know how to use it properly since I do not haves LaunchBox.xml file in the root folder. I am running latest version of LaunchBox. Any advice would be appreciated.
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