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Everything posted by DerHof2007

  1. Thanks, Kind of what I figured... I guess the few times I tried it must have been with a game that I only had the front art for so obviously nothing happened.
  2. Ok, stupid question time... doing a search led me here... What is 'flip box'?
  3. Thanks, that got her. I actually did look at that but for some reason didn't decided to change it. I have an 'emulator' folder inside my LB folder. Inside of each of those I have my roms folder. Actually, and this was a one time thing for no important reason with the PS1 emulator... I actually had roms in two separate folders. I was wondering how LB was going to keep on 2 folders... I consolidated them yesterday and rescanned. On a side note LB did scrape the dozen or so games that are in individual folders. The only ones I have in separate folders are the ones with multiple .bin files... some of them have 30+ files.
  4. I added PS1 today and imported before I had all my roms in place. After it was done I had about 10 more games to import and added them to the directory. Under tools I scanned for added roms... it turned up nothing... I tried a few times. Re-booted LB... still no luck. I thought perhaps because these particular roms (cue/bin) were in their own folders that may have caused an issue... moved a cue/bin in the root of the rom folder... still no luck. I ended up re-importing the folder... although I had to remove the already existing roms from the list first. This worked fine... but this particular situation made this easy as all the new roms were variations of only 2 games and I only have about 100 PS1 roms. If I was adding random roms to a console with a 1000 roms this solution would not be to user friendly. Any idea why its not finding the added roms?
  5. I don't think... 228 videos here https://emumovies.com/files/file/1380-scummvm-video-snaps-pack/ Only think I can think of is maybe because of the file name structure. Instead of the full name they have more of a naming structure like MAME roms... Only one of the normal ones I see is 'Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity'... this is the one that downloaded for me. All of my games have the full name of the plus platform. EX 'Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity (CD, Windows)' So even this wasn't an exact match. I don't know how important that is for something like this.
  6. Trying to get scumm imported. Did a test run with about 8 games. LB recognized them and fetched pictures and game data properly. Didn't have the same luck with EmuMovies. Got 1 movie and 0 themes out of the lot. I'm pretty certain all this stuff exists there.... any thoughts on why I only got one video?
  7. Got a few questions. First of all I'm doing all my Launchbox prep on my main PC then I will simply copy files to my cabinet. That being said I see the .ini file is stored in a user folder on my C drive. Is this going to cause an issue in my cabinet when that file is not there? Is there a way to make Scumm store everything in its local folder? Also, although I got it to work I don't recall this being mentioned in the video... I don't think you even did it that way... But your launcher created all the xml files in a dedicated folder. When I ran one nothing happened. I had to move all of the xml files into the same directory as the Scummvm.exe file. So far I just did a test with about 6 games. The rest of my files are still zipped. Can scummvm be ran with the files zipped? I tried to get them installed this way but scumm wont recognize the games unless I extract the zip file. I really would prefer to keep them zipped if possible.
  8. Well, I've known about deleting the rom with the game for some time but I was certain I heard the individual image delete in the info pane... because that was one of the first things I tried when I upgraded from 7.16 last week... and was immediately disappointed :-( I think this would be a great option because sometimes with autodownload you can get some crappy images, doubles at different resolution, etc. It'd be a nice way to clean up without hunting them down.
  9. Ok, I don't know where I got this but I swear I heard in one of your YT videos that there would be an option to delete everything in one click... as well as right clicking and deleting individual artwork in the info pane. Maybe I was drunk... Mandela effect? Something.... but I swear I heard this!!!
  10. Doing a test and not getting it. Right click to delete game. Pop up>>> Are you sure you wish to permanently delete 'game'? yes... Pop up>>> Rom confirmation.... yes Never asks about the art and it doesn't delete it...
  11. Yeah... I don't think its working properly. I'm certain they said in one of their youtube videos that you would be able to delete all game artwork and everything with one click. Actually before this update I though you could delete a game including the rom... but that doesn't even seem to be an option right now...
  12. Yeah, it seems so. I recall seeing someone it said its better with 10 but maybe I'm mistaken. Everything seems perfect with 7. If it would benefit me maybe I would deal with the things I'm complaining about but I don't think its necessary.
  13. Well, let me ask you this since you mention performance... I'll be using BB primarily for MAME and C64... will some minor ScummVM, SNES, NES, Astrocade. Most likely nothing else. Once I finish setting everything up over the next week or two I don't really plan on touching it again... as in not even updating LB. For my needs its already fully functional and I'd rather spend more time playing games than tinkering with it. I spend enough time on other hobbies... So my point is... since I see no issues with how this runs now on Win7... what enhancements would I see if I bit the bullet and ran Win10?
  14. I just wanted to upgrade the pc in my cabinet. Was going to just upgrade a couple components but thought one of the NUC's would be cool. My problem isn't with the NUC its with Win10. I'm not the type that likes to be controlled... especially when I pay for something. I not naive... I know their is no total control with any of todays tech but Win10 is an abortion. Telemetry, forced updates, forced software like Cortana, One Drive, X-box... I shouldn't have to jump through hoops and watch 20 youtube videos to try and get rid of things I don't like or want... because even if you successfully disable/delete stuff they can sneak it back in with the next update. Going to just upgrade and stick with Win7 like I said... and start learning Linux as well.
  15. Screw this thing and screw MS. It's going back today. I'll order a new mobo and cpu and use 7. As of right now I see no benefit of 10 over 7 for BB. I may actually build another NUC to use to start learning Linux. I can't see me buying another MS OS.
  16. I thought this was an option in the new version?
  17. I was trying to figure out how to set this up. I saw this tread from 2 years ago https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/30004-scummvm-importing/ It does work but damn it's time consuming. If I want to add 50 or so games this may take hours. Is there a way to bulk import these like regular roms? Is there a way to run Scumm with my original zip files or do I have to unzip every game into its own folder?
  18. All I did was open task manager. Right click Cortana and click open location. Leave task manager open. In that directory find the folder with Cortana in the name. Right click it and select rename. It will probably say you need administrator privileges. Click the button for that. Then it is still going to tell you that you can't rename it. Back in task manager right click Cortana and end task. Quickly go back to Explorer and rename folder.... I simply added a z to the end. That is it. Cortana wont be able to restart. You can even delete the folder completely if you want. You'll know its working because your search bar at the bottom will no longer function. EDIT>>>>>>>>>>damn... perhaps this isn't that simple. The complaint about my start menu not working about 3 posts ago apparently wasn't because I added a user... it had to do with the Cortana thing. I renamed the folder back to the original name and all my problems went away. Basically it seems if you do the rename trick this problem happens after a reboot. This video here does what I did but with extra steps beforehand... perhaps they are needed. I'm done for the night .... maybe I'll try it tomorrow.
  19. Hmmm..... well that certainly screwed some things up. Didn't even do the second half... simply added a user. I guess with the new user it wanted to add all the features that I had previously deleted. I can no longer access anything in the start menu with the new user or the original one. Not sure if there is a way out of this or not.... may have to do a restore. Heading out... I'll have to look at it later.
  20. Haha... I'd have to re-enable Cortana to do that first step. Killing Cortana kills your ability to use the search feature! But it can be done in settings.
  21. So what is this... does this autolaunch BigBox on startup?
  22. I'll keep that in mind. I figured I'd update LB on my main pc and sync the files with an external drive... If necessary I suppose I'll have to update if necessary on occasion then simply take offline again. Worst part about this is I know I'll have to redo much of what I did last night each time. I have a feeling you know more about Win10 than me but I'm 99% certain I deleted it. I assure you its not showing up in my task manager and I deleted the folder in the systemapps directory. And I've already eliminated OneDrive as well... including the icon in Explorer.
  23. Yeah, this is my first real experience with it. I said I'd never do it... but I figure since it wont be online and LB is supposed to be better with it.... I'd really like to try Linux one day... Another project perhaps in the near future.
  24. Yes sir... I learned what Powershell was last night :-) I used it for a few things but it can't uninstall things like Cortana and One Drive.
  25. Cool!! I decided I wanted to try out the NUC. I got the i7 with 8GB and 2TB HDD. It came yesterday. Spent about 3 hours screwing around with it last night learning how to disable and uninstall the BS that MS tries to shove down our throats. Having to week through the crappy and or outdated videos on youtube to find the good ones or this could have been much quicker. Research was the bulk of it... I'd say now that I know what to do I could probably clean a new system like this in 10 minutes. Even though this thing will most likely never see the internet I still wanted this junk off of here. Going through settings and deleting all the telemetry/spying stuff is straight forward enough and basically common sense. The stuff that took more work was completely disabling and deleting things like Cortana, One Drive, and forced apps like X-Box!!! Seriously baffles me that you simply can't delete something like X-box... I don't own one and never will... why force this on me? Anyway... its gone. This NUC didn't have too much bloatware like I imagine a desktop or laptop probably comes with. Transferred my approx. 180 gig of emulation files. Ran a quick game or two just to see it work. So far so good.... but just using the keyboard. Didn't hook up my control panel yet. One thing I didn't think about when I ordered this NUC... I have a couple boards in my pc that supply external molex connectors to supply 5v and 12v power to cabinet fans, and lighting for all of my controls. I'm going to have to hook up a separate external power supply for this that will automatically come on with a relay when I power on the NUC. Fortunately I had a brand one laying around from back in the days when I built and sold control panels. Hopefully I'll get this running full power in the next few weeks and I'll post a video in the collections and builds forum. I took some notes and stuff on the W10 cleansing so if anyone is interested let me know.
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