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Everything posted by pezley

  1. Beautiful theme, really good work
  2. I did the layout and @Grila here did the XML for me a while back. It's working fine on my low res 4:3 arcade machine
  3. MUGEN is the redneck's mishmash pieces to make a pick up truck of the gaming world. Funny to look at but not something you could ever take seriously
  4. just had a quick look and can't find it. I might have the original file at home so I'll do a reverse image search when I get a chance.
  5. Any ideas if you can have both ? so videos play but the background audio is ambient ?
  6. I have a very specific selection of games firstly - Top 25 from metatcritic etc for each platform secondly - memorable games that only mean something to me Some platforms like PS1 & Arcade which had a huge library of top games I have upped the limit from 25 to 50. I just want a selection of games which defines each platform
  7. I think thats where it went but I'll give it another go thanks
  8. Had a go at that but nothing played, do you know where the audio file needs to be placed ? maybe i dumped it in the wrong location
  9. Hey, you can find it attached in the post below. The arcade was a generic one I found on google but changed it a lot to suit the right shape marquee and screen, along with putting in extra work for the CRT scanlines etc.
  10. Hey all, I'm wondering if there's a way to play background audio on game selection menu. I still want the game video audio to play as well. It's come about because on my arcade, a lot of older titles didnt have audio on the attract screen so the videos lack any sound, it's disjointing scrolling through games and having audio gaps so I thought a ambient arcade sound track in the background would be good. Any thoughts on how to do it ?
  11. With the help of @Grila we just built this for my arcade machine
  12. Got it working So my problem was that my CRT in the arcade is a half vertical res montior, the actual resolution is 560x240 and when using that native resolution it causes weird things. I have now set it with a proper 4:3 resolution and it's fine. Added some videos and marquees and it's chugging away perfectly. When I have finished adding all the videos and marquees ill take some nice videos of it in use. @Grila is there any chance you can make it set to a weird resolution of 560x240 so I can try and get the most out of the monitor, it should still stretch out OK to a 4:3 ratio . Or atleast nudge me to where in the xaml. I can use it as is perfectly fine but I'm losing a portion of my vertical resolution. If enough people want to use this in 4:3 for arcade & 16:9 for modern screens, it might be worth locking this thread and starting a new one to show off the theme rather than looking like a thread for help which people might skip over Here's a quick screen record though. Really happy and Grila has done awesome work. https://youtu.be/OncU_W1_J_g LaunchBox_Big_Box_12_01_2018_08_26_14.mp4
  13. I was being an idiot... restarted Bigbox and all OK. Displays funny though, ignoring the video and marquee not fitting, it now squashes the background. Joys of CRT and low resolution
  14. Hey, just tried to drop it onto my launchbox, loaded the theme and it looks identical to the default theme ? Am I going mental or doing something wrong ?
  15. Thanks but it's a standard 6 button 2 start cab. I'd rather not drill some extra buttons on if I can avoid it. I dont want to get a coin inserted noise every time I hit heavy kick on street fighter !
  16. Awesome thanks, didn't know it could use two keys
  17. Thanks but I want it as the hold + press which mame doesn't have
  18. So I know my Auto Keys are working as I have set up volume Up/down which is working fine but the close current window doesn't seem to be exiting out of mame. The other one I'd like to know is if it can be configured to insert coin (or key '5') ? Would save wiring and drilling in another button and seems a much tidier way of doing things.
  19. For arcade stuff, in particular Hyperspin front ends, does it really annoy any one else when they use the wrong art assets ? like it spins a street fighter 2 logo into place followed by a pic of chun li but chun li from Street Fighter III..... that drives me insane and always puts me off 1,000,000 games in one because it looks like no love was put in. Effort sure but not love.
  20. Hey, I did think about this but I'm not sure if launchbox can have a different theme per game as that is what you would need. Marquee, monitor & CPO sizes change per game. if you had a limited selection of games ( I only want 4 games on my cab ) You could do it by having generic cabs. For instance, Midway cabs (Mortal Kombats, NBA's, Wrestlemania etc) Nintendo Cabs (Donkey Kong, Mario etc) and a more generic cabs like the viewlix and Dynamo's you could do it quite easily around 5 or so common cabinets and that would cover a huge amount of games. Another problem is a lot of artwork was scanned years ago and truthfully looks terrible, running on a low res monitor would look OK but on a 1080p / 4K display would stand out terribly. I'm actually just starting up an arcade artwork reproduction business so know my way around cabinets and artwork if you wanted someone to work with in achieving this, you certainly aren't the only one thinking it would be better though !
  21. Absolutely brilliant work. Thank you. Will get a chance to pop it on the cabinet over the next couple of days. Can't wait !! Reeally appreciate everything
  22. Thats really awesome, I'm happy for it to lose detail, it will lose most of it in the transition to CRT anyway. One thing, when running on the CRT for some reason I get a lot more games on the left selection then running it at 1080p ( see photo attached.) any way to reduce this ? it makes the clear logos difficult to read
  23. Ill be making all the marquees/videos the same size so it's nice and uniform. This isn't for 20,000,000 games like most all in ones have, it's just a select few so wont be too bad
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