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Posts posted by sundogak

  1. 3 hours ago, RetroFanZ said:

    I really like these logos. but is there a way to reduce the space between these in big box? I find them too spaced out personally and I would really like to use them ;)

    That is controlled by the theme xml. Might try asking in thread for your specific theme. 

  2. 1 hour ago, brookbrook87 said:

    In the same situation.


    Got games installed in vita3k, all games come under zip format, works without issues if they are started from vita3k directly, but while i add to launchbox, i am probably missing something, even after reading this post few times already.


    Can you explain like detailed step by step how to add a game in launchbox please.


    Thanks in advance

    Place game ID (same name as folder) in a dummy text file in the folder with the eboot.bin. In this case PCSA00027.txt  The emulator will only launch directly into a game if the Game ID is used. 



    Setup your emulator in LB.  Add the -F and -r switches to the Default Command Line entry.  Make sure to check the boxes for remove quotes,extension/folder path are checked. 



    Import the text file as a "rom".  Manually override the name at the last step of import to indicate actual game title (in this case Freedom Wars).


    If you don't want to manually do the text files you can use this batch file placed in the ux0\app\ directory.  If run from there it will take the name of each parent folder and create a text file in the game folder. 



  3. On 5/25/2024 at 2:14 PM, Special T said:

    Thank you, I appreciate it!


    That's really odd, I have all my arcade games in a separate folder outside of mame and they work fine. If I move the game.com games into the MAME folder i.e. "MAME 0.265\roms\gamecom" the RetroArch will load them without any issues.


    Just curious but do you know why the location maters with Game.com games and not arcade games? Is the retroarch/mame core referencing other stuff within the mame folder to load Game.com roms?

    Well, my bad, I didn't read your post carefully.

    I am going to backtrack a bit on what said above as just noticed you were talking game.com vs Tiger handhelds. You are specifically referring to game.com games which is a MAME Software List game vs the Tiger handhelds which are in the arcade set. 

    Similarly you can set it up as follows to run via MAME and RA. I am using Lostworld Game.com game as example below.  You point to your main MAME software list set for both RA and MAME and then you don't have to move any ROMS around (or combine).  In this case, it now points to the Software List folder Game.com and the rom:


    If using MAME then under associated platforms. Note you don't have to use "cart1" if you have properly setup MAME folders with HASH folder and updated.  MAME figures it out by Zip file name using the HASH xml.  Or you can use "-cart1".



    For Retroarch it is a bit different for Software List games than it is for Arcade.  I setup a separate entry for Retroarch Mess (or software list) emulator to make it easier to work as different check box settings needed. 


    Then for Associated Platforms for RA:


    This is the entry. Note the spaces and double quotes as is key or won't work.

    "gamecom -cart1 \"%romfile%\""

    Then you should have ability to launch via RA or MAME. 

    As side note, Software List is another layer deep in complexity for RA MAME so my recommendation/preference is to use vanilla MAME particularly for software lists (plus gets goofy on borders/artwork with RA).

    • Like 1
  4. Don't move stuff around.  Point to your main MAME rom folder set.  Unless you have a full merged set then you will always run into issues trying to manually reassemble. 

    In MAME:



    Assuming you have Retroarch working for MAME overall then pointing to the same rom set and using RA as emulator works the same. Below if launch via RA:



    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Cnells2000 said:

    This is my setup so far. wondering if i need a command line script or something......



    the roms have to be unzipped into the Windows:APPDATA\Tuxality\Infuse\brew folder



    This is the mif folder



    This is the mod folder



    Inside of mod folder(s)

    image.png.eb5364b2eae5fc2a0f46aa7eea7c6b64.png image.png.df760ad4946f4611359aa6c3bf2ba6e2.png


    how it looks right now when booting from LB




    the roms work fine outside of the front end. just trying to get them to boot in LB.

    i dont know what files or folders to use for the roms though. any help would be appeciated.

    @JoeViking245@Retro808 would you guys happen to know any command line scripts that i could use or which boxes need to be checked or unchecked in the emulator section? thanks

    That is working as designed.  LB launches into the main menu for the emulator.  The issue is the emulator has no way to direct launch into a game or other command line functions.  It is a development preview so not really ready for prime time integration to front ends.  So you will only be able to launch into the main menu at this stage unless they add in hooks to direct game launch.  Your video shows you are getting to the menu so you just have to select the game down on bottom with controller.  Adding to that they don't have any "portable" setup so now have appdata stuff (where roms, config are located) scattered separately from the main emulator exe which always makes things a pain.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 21 hours ago, Ricardo42 said:

    i recently bought some fx3 tables from steam but launchbox  don't scan cover art i bought the star wars collection and walking dead i do have emumovies how can i find cover art for pinball tables?

    See this pack in downloads sections.  Others have similar packs if prefer another.  LB DB isn't setup well for pinball for emulator type as they don't divide by system such as Pinball FX, FX3, or Future Pinball.



  7. On 2/10/2024 at 3:36 AM, wockawocka said:

    Window 10, RTX 4070ti, i7 8700 - Licensed Launchbox

    I'm having issues importing PSX games using the importer on LB.

    Everything otherwise works. I'm using BB / LB with Duckstation. The emulator works, the games load via LB / BB fine, everything is ok on the surface. But, when importing the games using the importer, be that using the whole rom folder or individual cue or CHD files out of 14 games only 10 go over.

    I've gone through the forum posts that I could see addressing things but there's no apparrent answer I can see and I'm surprised it's an issue with an older established format like this (so I'm assuming I'm at fault and it's a user error on my part).

    I've been using Launchbox for almost 3 years now but I'm finally going to try and deal with the issue but I'm stuck. I've used PSX Cue / Bin files and CHD's - The error is the same.

    I've made some progress but tbh I've got as far as I can with them, two examples are as follows:

    'Einhander' is not detected in the importer but change the file names incorrectly to Einhaender and they import, (this works on a couple of others too).

    In The Hunt (Both one and two) don't import regardless what I do to the wording.

    I don't know the inner workings of the Launchbox importer. Perhaps it matches the files up against an existing list to import them or not. But either way it's frustrating. I haven't got 500 games in there, just 14 I want to play. If I use Bigbox then leave the frontend to Duckstation they're all there and working / playable. I'm at a lost to understand why the can't be loaded into Launchbox for selection.

    I'm happy to manually do it but I don't know how to do that.

    More than likely they are duplicates as the LB Database sees it. For example, on the "In the Hunt" do you have a game already in your LB listing for "Kaitei Daisensou: In the Hunt"?  If so that is the Japanese title and LB won't import it unless you check the box on import to import duplicates.  By default LB won't import dupes but sadly isn't good about telling you that (it just shows zero import).  My guess is anything you are seeing not importing is likely another name already in your setup. 

    For Einhander, the spelling you see is for the World release so it isn't incorrect.  You can override which name is presented/shown by going into edit game and selecting Alternate Names and click on version you want as primary. 


  8. 21 hours ago, dugan26 said:

    I'm Back!!! haha 

    Hey pal thank you very much everything is working great and cant thank you enough!

    Another question, not sure if you can help me or direct me somewhere.

    When i play Donkey Kong i never run out of lives. Which is kind of cool and has helped me get to the cement factory! The DK Dream!

    From my research this is called a "cheat". 

    However no other games in the Atari 8 inventory does that happen to.

    Is the cheat part of the ROM? 

    Any idea ?

    I would like to apply that cheat to other games like DK JR and others. 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

    I also heard there are cheats where you are invincible and cant be hurt but thats not what i want- that would totally get rid of why play the game.

    Just looking for unlimited lives 

    Any of this make sense?


    Altirra has a cheat system.  It is listed in main menu under "cheat".  You can either enter in the hex codes manually or load them from files others have made.  Altirra can use Atari800 emulator cheat files or ones specific to Altirra. You can google around to find them. I don't use them but as example here is cheat file for Donkey Kong Jr. that gives infinite lives  DonkeyKongJunior.a8t 

    Select the Cheat menu, select Load and go to file. Then hit the double arrow button to move into Cheats window.  If checked then active.  Sometimes warm reset needed. You have to have the exact same disk/cart file that was made for the cheat file or likely won't work (or crashes game/causes other odd things).  The cheat is altering the code of the game.  Remember to uncheck the cheat (or delete) when going to another game or will cause issues.  You also won't always get a cheat that is like you want as depends on how the code can be altered.  Also not all games have cheats unless you are into hex editing and understand the game code to know where to alter.



  9. 31 minutes ago, masterone2988 said:

    Hi all...thanks for allowing me here.

    I am using the windows version 13.12 and linked it to retroarch

    I have figured out how to add the roms and get games up to play

    I loaded a Retro Roms "best" set from Internet Archive, and one of those zips was

    That loaded up, and I think it scraped ok

    When I go to one of the games, eg Donkey Kong Nintendo, I select play, and it is just displays 16 square boxes and numerical numbers, rather than any images.

    Is this because it needs some sort of bios files for it to play?

    I am also in the Retroarch System Files page, and downloading the full list of BIOS there.

    After I have done that do I then have to insert all these bios folders somewhere in Launchbox to say get the above Donkey Kong Nintendo game to play?



    Specifically which system are you referencing with Donkey Kong?  The arcade set, the Nintendo Entertainment System? Retroarch can play many systems so helps to know which one, and which core (actual emulator system within RA)? 

  10. 21 hours ago, ibleedspeed said:

    Saw that but its too much manual entry for a large collection. Also you still have 2 copies of the games since Vita3k requires the games to be installed in its emulated storage directory. 

    You don't have to have to have two copies of the game once imported into Vita.  You just put the pointer txt files with Vita ID in the ux0\app\####### directory where the eboot.bin is located and get rid of the PKG file (or imported zip).  

    I use a Windows PS script to automatically generate the pointer files in each game folder based on the eboot.bin folder parent name.  A second one generates the game name for each VitaID in the folder so helps on import. But still doesn't get you out of manual edit of the name. No easy way for these systems unless someone does a plugin similar to the one LB had for PS3 (for same reasons as Vita). 


  11. 2 hours ago, 5thWolf said:

    I saw a post some where while working, but didn't get a chance to read it, but stated the MESS has a work around, or has it working?
    Incase anyone has run across it. I can't seem to find the article now 😣

    There is nothing on MAME GitHub 


    There was a closed source emulator (CDi Emulator) separate from MAME that said they had  “proof of concept” but nothing released to public. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, BigBen said:

    Hi all!

    I apologize in advance if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. I'm getting ready to start my first build with this FE, and I'm trying to figure out how much drive space I'll need. I'm only going to be emulating MAME and consoles up to probably PS1.  I'm not concerned about the ROMS, I know they don't take up a whole lot, but what about the art/movies, bezels, etc? is 2TB enough? 4?


    Thanks in advance!

    4TB would be smallest I would go with as run about $80.   If only going with carts and no CD based game systems (or very choosy) and no MAME CHDs then could do a 2TB.   PS1 games (just USA) run about 611 GB if doing whole set (and no JP versions).  GameCube, Dreamcast, Saturn, and Sega CD can eat up 2.5 TB alone and that isn't including all Japan games.  MAME is about 170 GB with ROMs and Software List.  With MAME CHDs it will add another 1 TB (many forgo CHDs or prune on select games to avoid full install).  LB itself isn't very large but if include directory with Manuals, Images, Videos, etc can get up to 0.5 TB for moderate systems. 

    If you can spend another $50 ($130) beyond 4TB that will get you a 8 TB which will be more than enough leaving room for PS2 USA and select Wii and Wii U if decide to go that way.  The tendency once you have hang of it is to "add one more system" so reality is buy a drive you can afford but also gives plenty of headroom if decide to add more.  Once you get into CD based games space gets eaten up quickly. 

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, CloudIX said:

    Just asking, but is there a way to cancel a proposed change? Under Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow, I proposed a change to an already established japanese name from "Blue Dragon Ikai no Kyojuu" to "Blue Dragon Ikai no Kyoujuu" as I know a bit of japanese and how their vowels work, but I was mislead by the internet on the name of the game in japanese. After looking at the kanji, I realized the original name was correct.

    You cannot cancel a submission. If it is approved (more than likely), then you have to go back and edit/correct/resubmit as new change. 

  14. 4 hours ago, dugan26 said:

    When i hit F4 what should happen?

    Does a menu show up?

    When playing DK and hitting F4 - the game just starts.

    Is there some kind of menu that should be showing up? 

    Or does the game itself do anything? 

    Sorry i know i said i was good here - but just curious

    I will leave you alone if you dont know

    For this particular game there is no menu. It simply toggles the difficulty each time you hit F4 to one of the 5 difficulty settings.  The icon in middle changes each time you change settings.   Manuals are located here https://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-donkey-kong_1673.html  As to what each of the difficulty settings changes/does as far as game play, have no idea.



  15. 2 hours ago, dugan26 said:


    Let me clarify - 

    See the options in the game here on the pic - how do i access those options?

    Options for Difficulty? 
    How do i get into that menu?

    any idea?

    thanks again for your support here


    As noted above, OPTION = F4

  16. 7 hours ago, timekiller said:

    Thank you for your response. I tried your suggestions, but unfortunately I'm no closer to a solution. I did uncheck the "Attempt to hide console window". "Hide All Windows that are not in Exclusive Fullscreen Mode" was already unchecked, so I disabled the Startup Screens.

    Now when I launch a table, I get a "Loading Game" dialog on top of the Bigbox screen, and the table still loads behind everything and I can't alt-tab to it.

    Just as above, this behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes the table appears on top and the DMD is behind. In that case I can alt-tab to get the DMD on top. When the DMD is on top, the table is behind and I can't alt-tab to it.

    The DMD behind the table and it being sporadic is an issue I have had both in and out of LB/BB. Even with just VPX running I have had that happen.  It always seemed to be some tables more than others and could work fine for awhile then not.  With three different programs running at same time (VPinMAME, VPX, BB/LB) and then anything else going on in Windows, it is prone to focus issues.  However, there are a couple ways to fix the DMD glitch. One of which is 100% but requires some table code edits to embed the DMD directly into the table window.  See this link

    On the table itself losing focus, I have not had that prior (even with PUP Packs).  Usually, that is why the DMD gets out of whack is because the table wants to pull to front as priority.  I would try altering the VPX setting for running in exclusive mode vs window and see if one is working better than other.  Double check resolution setting.  Unlikely that is the problem as typically if issue there then would see across all tables.  I would also check you are using a recent version VPX and VPinMAME.  Definitely don't do the administrator hack as that will cause all other sorts of oddities in LB and VPX.  Although unlikely culprit, I would for testing purposes reduce the number of background applications running in Windows as they can pull focus.  Lastly, would double check your launch parameters for VPX in LB and try putting the -primary switch.  If only running one screen shouldn't matter but won't hurt as it tells VPX to focus on main screen.

    -primary -minimized -play


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