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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. 8Bit Neon Clear Logos View File This here is some clear logos I created for Bigbox for the Platforms/Systems I call them 8Bit Neon you can use these with any theme but I personally use them on the the Neon Deluxe Arcade more to come hope someone enjoys these... PS. The way I created these is starting with a Document that was 1100 X 600 and transparent Background then I created the 8-Bit Neon effect's this way they look more Uniform... Submitter Lilg1983 Submitted 01/30/2024 Category Platform Clear Logos  
  2. Version 1.1.1


    This here is some clear logos I created for Bigbox for the Platforms/Systems I call them 8Bit Neon you can use these with any theme but I personally use them on the the Neon Deluxe Arcade more to come hope someone enjoys these... PS. The way I created these is starting with a Document that was 1100 X 600 and transparent Background then I created the 8-Bit Neon effect's this way they look more Uniform...
  3. Came here for something else and found your work forgot all about what I was looking for but if you created it I will get it these are so amazing
    these are amazing great work
    Love your work these are amazing 5 stars
    These sets look amazing 5 stars from me keep up the great work
  4. For anyone who is interested For all of the new Logos I create I will post an announcement here I will only post after I have created at least a few to keep post to a minimal Thanks to all who have viewed the download and ones who have downloaded them Update: here you have it Nine more clear logos new logos include Atari 400, 800, 5200, 7800, Daphne, Gameboy, Advance, Color, and Lastly Nintendo Switch remember you can grab them in the downloads section
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Here I have for you are some Steampunk style platform clear logos there are 12 in all created by me this is version 1 as there are more to come when I have the time If you are a Steampunk fan like me you should enjoy them Constructive Criticism is welcomed
  6. SteamPunk Clear Logos V1 View File Here I have for you are some Steampunk style platform clear logos there are 12 in all created by me this is version 1 as there are more to come when I have the time If you are a Steampunk fan like me you should enjoy them Constructive Criticism is welcomed Submitter Lilg1983 Submitted 06/21/2019 Category Platform Clear Logos  
  7. Thanks for the Info @Styphelus it is good to know LaunchBox resizes the images this makes it easier to Create Hi-res clear Logos Custom Ones that is. The Problem is that as you said our OCD doesn't Like Different Sizes in the folder even if they all end up being the same size in Launchbox/Bigbox Thanks Again
  8. Just a Little project I am working on for BigBox steampunk platform clear logos have a look and constructive criticism is welcomed Please Note some of these might change slightly seeing how the text is a little small on a few or just some things I am not to keen on Update: I reworked all of the Clear Logos to make them bigger so they are better Quality will be uploading them to the downloads section as soon as I get home Hope you all enjoy them these are just the systems I have on my Launchbox Setup there will be more to come Update: you can now download these in the download section under platform media/Platform clear logos Be Kind Please Rewind Oh wait that's a 90's term
  9. Hello everyone I hope this is the right place to post this and this has probably been asked before When it comes to clear logos in BigBox what is the standard size that A Logo should be for Game and Platforms Alike I seen one place saying (400X175px) but if you open logos in lets say Photoshop some are one size while others are different Lets use N64 for an example If I look at Super Mario 64 the clear art I have is (400x151px) but then Legend of Zelda The Ocarina of Time is (400x175px) would it hurt for them to be all the same size or does the size depend on the name of the game and how many words are in it and also what is the Largest They Should be before they start bleeding into the video Snaps or other parts of the theme any help would be Greatly appreciated I hope I am not confusing People Again Thanks I have posted images of Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda The Ocarina of Time Mario Being (400x151px) and Zelda Being (400x175)
  10. Lilg1983


    Agreed it did pave the way and don't get me wrong I love it all the fancy bells and whistles game themes and all it is just to hard to set up I know how to set everything up in HS but LB is so much more easier I do give Credit to the HS team for a great front end it was fun while I used it
  11. Lilg1983


    Just thought I would throw out there A little Something HS or Hyperspin= Headache 3 months in and still not finished setting up everything on the other hand you have game specific Themes but me personally I do not care to have all them themes for each game for 1 Lets say I have 15 systems including Mame just think how many themes I would have most likely and I am guessing 10 Gigs just in themes if not more not to mention the 100's of gigs in games and video, box, and cart art as well now on the other hand you have Launch box 3 months in 15 systems including 100's of gigs in games and videos, box, and cart art and lets see 2 months prior I was done and playing games and I have no need for any Advil for a headache That's how easy Launch box is....
  12. As soon as I am Finished with all of them I will post the 2d as well as the 3d separate files of course If I can I will also try and create the CD art as well for people who like to see the spinning disc in Big box Thanks for the feedback
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