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Everything posted by 2Play

  1. exoDOS is now at v6 around 600GB+. TDC is now at v21 (up to 2023) also around 600GB+. Both have their focus. TDC as written on their site is for the style you want. You can get latest on a forum. When you search/find the main non full free you ll see also the forum info (a Magnet)
  2. I think it was 50 for full lic. but you can always wait for Black Friday or sales that they offer great deals.
  3. Dear Jason thank you as always you taking the time to reply. Platforms: yes I select a folder called n64 that has roms inside. Then wizard does not recognize platform but I can of course select manually or use name as per LB db. If in future plans and if of interest it would be great if wizard would recognize roms folder names based on other main setup such as retropie or batocera or similar mainstream fe. This way ppl like me can do manually less entries. Of course I could take the time and have 2 folder setups. One for LB and one for existing RP. I can do but I sure others would also appreciate the feature (extra platform folder names recognition). Of course I dont expect any folder name version just the standard used by ES based FEs Just a kind feature request if time allows. Thank you about roms naming. I mostly use No Intro too. Ill def recheck I'm testing LB Android 1.1 on Pi4 Android 12 by konstakang Thank you and all involved for the great LaunchBox and continuous improvements
  4. Good day to all, Im testing LB A 1.1 Media/Art do not download automatically on the few roms tested. Platform name not automatically selected either basis the folder that games imported. Platform auto detection as shown on ETA Prime video not happening which means the application seeks for naming convention use in LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com) ? I tested with the ES/Retropie rom folders naming example n64 rather Nintendo 64 as per LB DB Does this also apply on roms naming? or the LB DB is similar to No Intro naming or another naming convention? - Can the Bigbox license be used also on LB A or we need the new license? Apologies if duplicate but I just started testing LB A
  5. I think the ones with the prob are the ones with combined folders. I kept all separate and update one bss your release and works fine. Whatever works for everyone. Your work is done anyway and its all good. No complains from this side on the naming heheh
  6. Thank you eXo. I can see you change the name folder to eXoDOSADV Renamed the old folder and pointed client there. I can see availability of 6.1 at the mom
  7. Exactly ScummVM have their own full set bss the v# It can be separate in LB
  8. Check these posts that cover major ques like yours: Hope will help most of you out there...
  9. Yes Exo has both now 3.1 Adv + Rpg on PD. He updated Rpg v3 to 3.1
  10. RPG Pack v3 on Archive will be updated/corrected... Adv v3.1 Pack due to size will require more time...
  11. Now eXoDOS Vol II: RPG v3.0 is up again
  12. He disabled the RPGv3. I guess the v3.1 is coming. Rest are v2.
  13. Hi @eXo! Got the 3.1 Adv update. As you said its very easy, just point to v3 folder. It took about a day to "check" and then very fast updated the 249 new files (dated today)! Tx for all your time and hard work!
  14. Dear Angelo please look for earlier exo messages in here. He gave all info
  15. If not free for anyone the ignore my last. For me I dont need to :-)
  16. @eXo Hi there. Do you want me to "free" the torrent in PD?
  17. @eXo forget the torrent at the moment and take care your health and family at the moment. Torrent can be done once you are well and feeling better! Thank you for all your work and making retro players happy!
  18. @eXo Wanted to say also a big tx for all your time and efforts in the past and running years. PD still has your complete v2 in 5 splits (vols). This would work for most of us in ref to v3! Are you planning to post a new import tutotial with the v3 release? Do we keep the image packages in this topic or not needed with v3?
  19. Very kind update Dan! Tx!
  20. I thought Jason was in touch with Syntax X to make this work. I dont know what happened but was happy to see all these minds in one place.
  21. Down to the point! So for collection or specific titles you can use Total DOS. For lets say plug an play eXoDOS. I like the fact that exo did the split sets. As an adventure game fan, the adventure set if more than enough. ScummVM 1.9 also has lots of staff/langs etc. but I personally dont need other lang titles or the same game in multiple langs (which is good for archive purposes) But with Total DOS 14 things might change as all exoDOS might be included in there. TDC release 13 (PD).xml
  22. Complete guide 2017
  23. It would be nice to hear some comments from the experts in the field. eXo is in the forum eXoDOS: eXoDOS Vol V: Action, Version 2.0 07/2014 93.163 GB eXoDOS Vol IV: Sim/Sports/Racing/Edu, Version 2.0 07/2014 95.981 GB eXoDOS Vol III: Strategy, Version 2.0 07/2014 49.412 GB eXoDOS Vol II: RPG, Version 2.0 07/2014 18.100 GB eXoDOS Vol I: Adventure, Version 2.0 07/2014 119.406 GB TotalDOS v13 Total DOS Collection - Release # (lucky) 13! 02/2017 46.919 GB Celebrating 10 years of DOS archiving A major update this time around, over 2,000 additional titles made it in since #12 was released just 6 months ago. This releases REPLACES TDC #12 in whole
  24. Thank you for posting your solution. Please now find way to do this with latest version. Updated :-)
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