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Everything posted by spectral

  1. Thanks again, I'll have a play around I think before commiting to importing things for realsies.
  2. Thanks. I presumed as much with the disc swapping. It was how the second disc would be displayed in BB I had no idea about. I didn't like the idea of having muliple entries for the same game. One more thing actually, is there an easy quick way in BB to switch which is the dominant disc and which an additional app? So for example once on disc 2 to be able to have the main entry as disc 2 and disc one be it's additional app.
  3. I know in Launchbox you can add the second disc as an additional app to to the first disc. How is that handled in Bigbox? Also what is currently the best way to disc swap? Just manually go into the emulator and do it with keyboard and mouse then next time you use BB load from disc 2?
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