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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Lmao I just corrctd it while you posted it at the same time
  2. Thanks for noticing, the total zip should be around 4gb, I didnt have any errors while uploading so I suspect there's something wrong with emumovies @Charco do you know what could be wrong? Edit: Sorry Charco I ment @circo lol
  3. Glad you like and thanks for testing as well bro ? I have to confess I haven't tried pause menu's yet, my whole setup feels so fragile and don't dare to change too much around lol But maybe I can make them without using pause screens myself, I'll try in the future for sure! ps The circle is becoming rounder, new theme to go with:
  4. Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme View File Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section once updated in the future, if you want notifications for future updates be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner. Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme Huge thanks goes out to @Hexxxer for his amazing theme (FutureState) framework and controls (HexControls.dll), without his work I couldn't have made this theme. ----------------------------------------------------- INTRO This theme is a sequel to my previous Futurestate Neon Deluxe theme, it looks a lot like the theme but has some features that the prequel had not; like embedded fonts (no need to install fonts, thanks to @Jason Carr) and much more, you just have to see it for yourself. My main goal with this theme is to create a virtual arcade building kinda like 'New Retro Arcade'. Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes and elements, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme: Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street) Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside) Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming) This theme uses a softer version of Marquee screen FX, if you like there is more choice at Realistic Marquee Monitor FX Transparent background Mame PCB's (circuit boards): Over here You can find transparent background arcade cabinets here at Arcade Cabinets Project 2.0 Video of early version: Video of v2.0 with a new view: ----------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Download the theme from Big Box's theme manager or download the zip file here and extract the content to Launchbox/Themes/NeonDeluxeArcade/ You might need to unblock the .DLL's in the plugin folder for them to work properly. To make the placeholder work which shows the Cabinets/Advertisement Flyer - Back/Box Back in the screenshots it first needs some changes in your image priority settings within Launchbox. As the cabinets don't have their own placeholder to be coded in a theme I used the Cart 3D placeholder as I figured most people will only use one cart view or can set Cart 3D in image priorities to Cart Front. You can control a lot to your liking within image priorities, as long as you remember it's Cart 3D for this placeholder. My setup in image priorities within Launchbox options: TIPS 1. This theme uses images and video pretty heavy, it could run slower on older systems. I recommend doing the following to speed up Big Box greatly: Uncheck all Background Images in launchbox/settings/image priorities Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings Use the Clean Up media tool in launchbox/tools/Clean Up Media... (this can really speed up lists with thousands of games and duplicate media) Let Launchbox cache your images 2. This theme is probably only fit for use on a 16:9 aspect ratio. 3. If you use a 4K display you probably have to set the Windows dpi settings to 200% in order to keep the layout intact. Hope you like and enjoy! ? Submitter Mr. RetroLust Submitted 06/26/2019 Category Big Box Custom Themes
  5. Version 1.4 Added shutdown screen (previous version didn't work) Thanks @neil9000 for testing!
  6. Version 1.4 Added shutdown screen (previous version didn't work) Thanks @neil9000 for testing!
  7. @neil9000 If you like could you check these 2 themes, they should work properly now I hope. Neon_Deluxe_Arcade_Startup_Inside.zip Neon_Deluxe_Arcade_Startup.zip
  8. Version 1.8 Fonts are now properly embedded so you won't have to install them separately thanks to the new coding for themes by @Jason Carr New screenshots reflecting latest version
  9. Damn, I wonder what could be wrong, the binding fields are in order but the backgrounds and mist are not, I'll have a look at it.
  10. @Kondorito, @neil9000, @Retro808 Hey guys, since my system doesn't seem to want to show me any shutdown screen can you guys maybe test if it works correctly on your setups? I hope it just works the way I thought out, there are two startup screen themes, the other is reversed from outside to inside the arcade, the shutdown screens for these are reversed as well from inside to outside, I hope this makes sense lol
  11. Damn I think you're right lol thanks, where's my head at?! I'm not sure anymore which it was exactly but I saved the preset with my own settings it's attached here: LUST666.zip
  12. Done, you can download the update pack 2.3 Version 2.3 Added Root Beer Tapper and Pirate Pete per request 3D Boxes, logo's and fixed up flyers have been uploaded to the launchbox database as well
  13. 2.2 Added: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) PAL realistic bezel, update with proper cart, I'm looking at you @Suhrvivor
  14. Thanks man Yeah thats the idea, focus to the game, background to accentuate the game. Lol I knew someone was gonna notice and I would say 'yep it's modded' lol but I'll change it soon
  15. 2.1a Added: NeoGeo CD realistic bezel, thanks to @Kondorito for the photo ?
  16. I think I can use this yep, thanks! If you can find this version of the console I would be very happy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo_Geo_CD#/media/File:Neo-Geo-CD-TopLoader-wController-FL.jpg
  17. Thanks bro I have a huge folder with about every systems roms downloaded, slowly but surely I'm adding systems one by one to my launchbox collection, going through the games I like to keep, for every new system I add I make a bezel(s). But I do need good front (from front to slightly angled downwards) photos of each system, Neo Geo CD for example I couldnt make as I didn't find a good quality and angle image for so I put it on hold.
  18. 2.1 Added: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) NTSC realistic bezel 2.1 Added: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) PAL realistic bezel
  19. Yep confirmed, eveything checked does download em all, thanks like always @neil9000 ??
  20. Yes it would lol, I feel like Stimpy a lot.
  21. Thanks i'll try it out, but wouldnt it work the same either way when everything is checked or unchecked?
  22. I'm having a problem (or rather my brain does not compute, that happens a lot lol "computer says no"), when scraping I like it to download each and every image from the database so I can choose afterwards what I like to keep. This worked in the past as far as I'm aware of but now I noticed i'm missing images, I know something changed in region priority settings not to long ago, so my region priority settings are all blank so no priority is given to any region (I figure then everything would be downloaded). Most images will be downloaded correctly but I noticed the proper front covers for the following NES games where not being downloaded (only some japanese versions of the covers, not the euro or north america covers) Duck Hunt Excitebike Popeye Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 3 Wild Gunman Wrecking Crew It really puzzles me as they are all classic nintendo games, why does it happen to these I wonder or is it just that I can remember what they looked like back in the day? @Jason Carr @neil9000 Hope you can help me out, am I missing something in how the priority settings and database work, or is there an issue? Thanks for reading ?
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