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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Version 1.8 Added pack "LMNOP - UPDATE PACK" Enjoy! ? After all update packs are done I'll release the resources and template so people with the skills can make their own or any missink ones. NOTE! : After installing the images you have to select all (or any alphabetical range) arcade games (CTRL+A = select all) go to Tools and click 'Refresh selected images', let it load and the games should now display the right 3D boxes.
  2. Version 1.7 Added pack "FGHIJK - UPDATE PACK" Enjoy! ? After all update packs are done I'll release the resources and template so people with the skills can make their own or any missink ones. NOTE! : After installing the images you have to select all (or any alphabetical ra
  3. Version 1.7 Added pack "FGHIJK - UPDATE PACK" Enjoy! ? After all update packs are done I'll release the resources and template so people with the skills can make their own or any missink ones. NOTE! : After installing the images you have to select all (or any alphabetical ra
  4. New boxes that where missing overall, with a few corrected names and there could be one or two images that where missing a logo or company logo that where fixed, not sure anymore.
  5. Version 1.6 Added pack "0ABCDE - UPDATE PACK" Enjoy! ? After all update packs are done I'll release the resources and template so people with the skills can make their own or any missink ones. NOTE! : After installing the images you have to select all (or any alphabetical range) arcade games (CTRL+A = select all) go to Tools and click 'Refresh selected images', let it load and the games should now display the right 3D boxes.
  6. Version 1.6 Added pack "0ABCDE - UPDATE PACK" Enjoy! ? After all update packs are done I'll release the resources and template so people with the skills can make their own or any missink ones. NOTE! : After installing the images you have to select all (or any alphabetical range) arcade games (CTRL+A = select all) go to Tools and click 'Refresh selected images', let it load and the games should now display the right 3D boxes.
  7. Update: I've done some thinking to make this project something that will not drain every bit of energy out of me lol I think it's best if I just do the ones that have scraped media and leave the ones without any media alone, unless I see some popular games and that I have in my personal mame collection (Abscam, ASO aka Alpha Mission for example and so on) and then once done release the tools, template and resources so people can work to satisfy the fine thrills of collective OCD-ism. ? The messed up thing is I have 1600+ files to work on with mostly empty scraping results and that's the full mame collection with bootlegs/clones collapsed with parent titles, I don't even want to know the enormous number when it's uncollapsed. I'm sorry if I disappoint anyone with this, the Mame ocean is just too big of a bitch to sail all over. <quote for the history books)
  8. Ok @andyco47 I see some scans for arcade and downloading, I'm afraid it will be the usual flyers used by the known flyer websites seeing the date of the packs, but we'll see. @neil9000 You mean uploading downloads from that "PD" site here ? Wouldnt that cause complications with people? Seeing as I am still quite a noob to this community I don't want to take risks. But if it wouldn't I see quite some more stuff that could be uploaded to the downloads section, many GB's and thats a bit of a problem as launchbox servers aren't very speedy on my end. Takes about 15 minutes to upload 500mb.
  9. I think the best/fastest way would be zipping em up in various zips and send them through wetransfer, you can send 2 gb at a time so it's probably 3 to 4 packs then. Me making a list of 1600+ games that having missing artwork and you finding and collecting these 1600+ would be too much work for the both of us. In case you want to send them to me by wetransfer I'll pm you my emailaddress. Ps I guess those flyers on P-dome will not be available for starting members right? If they are I can dl them myself ofcourse lol
  10. Cool thanks bro! They could be of great help then, only question now is how to transfer the 7gb, by wetransfer?
  11. Thanks bro! Does this include flyers not available on https://flyers.arcade-museum.com and https://www.flyerfever.com emumovies and the launchbox database?
  12. Lol yeah OCD gets the better of me as well but am a bit frustrated now I see how much work is still to be done. Around 1650 boxes still to be made, this time the workflow is different, have to find flyers or make artwork, cutout/find the missing logos (more missing then not), at this point it feels like I reached the end of the tunnel only to see a longer tunnel ahead. Kinda bummed out by this, not having a good day today but maybe soon I'll have fresh new energy again to work further.
  13. Looks amazing! I can use it for my windows version (its the only windows game I have at this moment funny enough)
  14. Thanks both for your replies and the compliments, really appreciate it. I hope you both wont go into anymore discussions and stay friendly towards eachother lol lets leave that stuff where it belongs; the rest of the internet, so tired of facebook, twitter and the likes where people misunderstand eachother and go into endless discussions, it good for nothing and only drains good energy. I am a launchbox user indeed in fact my life is wrapped around launchbox this past year, working almost full time on media for it, this software and passion mean a lot to me for various personal reasons, its like medicine for me. I still have a lot of work to do on these, after I finished the update packs there is a large amount of data (thousands of images/flyers/art) that I collected, fixed, cropped and made that need to be uploaded to the database as well, i'm not sure if I still have energy left to do this at the point I finished this project. I did thought about converting to mame naming but this would take me far too much time which I like to spend on the other running projects but maybe @circo likes them for emumovies as well and maybe he knows how to convert them to mame naming so they can be used for different frontends.
  15. Thanks bro My opinion: I normally prefer to use the realistic media, as in cps3 cdrom cases for example, but I love 3D images more than 2D, so in the end I went for it seeing how cool it looked when others made 3D boxes. In short: I think it looks cool in my collection lol
  16. Version 1.5 Added pack "TUVWXYZ" (remember: missing boxes will be updated through update packs in the future) Enjoy! ? Next up are the update packs for missing boxes. Tip!: I noticed in my setup that games starting with "The" (examples: The Adventures of Robby Roto, The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Flea) where not showing up as 3D boxes after caching, if you experience the same do the following: In Launchbox, select all arcade games (CTRL+A) go to Tools and click 'Refresh selected images', let it load and the games should now display the right boxes.
  17. Version 1.5 Added pack "TUVWXYZ" (remember: missing boxes will be updated through update packs in the future) Enjoy! ? Next up are the update packs for missing boxes. Tip!: I noticed in my setup that games starting with "The" (examples: The Adventures of Robby Roto, The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Flea) where not showing up as 3D boxes after caching, if you experience the same do the following: In Launchbox, select all arcade games (CTRL+A) go to Tools and click 'Refresh selected images', let it load and the games should now display the right boxes.
  18. Love em like always bro, you accidentally added the vertical bezel link to the horizontal version (on youtube it's correct), here's the horizontal link: https://bit.ly/2TJU0zf
  19. Oh aha dat is tof van hem, dank je wel
  20. Ik snap niet wat je zegt zonder google translate
  21. Theres many missing boxes which I still have to do, takes some research finding missing art and making art for those that dont have any. But it could be less than half way, not sure yet, the mame jungle is a big and mysterious landscape.
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