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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Everything in the transition to the new system worked out great! I've decided not to complicate things too much and as a test put all folders including the Launchbox software folder on the new drive instead of splitting the software to the ssd and the data to the 4TB drive and it's running like a dream! So I don't even need to move the software to the SSD, it was all a breeze to do so, Retroarch didn't need any change and in Mame I just had to change 2 paths. Finally I can play those Mame 3D games without any lag (they where running mostly at 1 frame per second or something, not playable and now i'm speeding down mountains in Real time in Alpine Racer for instance) and everything I wished for above like 4K res with overlays, shaders and the ultra wide screen marquee monitor in 2560x1080 all worked out as I hoped it would. Hell I am now even able to have Launchbox.next autoplay video's, it may sound weird but I'm so incredibly happy with all of this as before my crappy low end system couldn't do all those heavier things without lag or at all, now I can finally get back to working on my game library, making new marquees and working out the theme I was working on. Thanks so much for everything @DOS76 @Jason Carr @Kondorito! Couldn't have done it without your advice! Have a great day on your side of the planet.
  2. My favorite channels for some time are Game Sack and the Game Chasers, great channels with a lot of humor as well.
  3. I'm in the middle of the system transition now (happy happy, joy joy!!!) I bought a Toshiba 7200rpm 4TB with 128mb buffer, seems to be pretty fast with 190mb/s transfer speeds. Everything went well up to this point. Now I do want to do this right from the start as I'm a bit worried to screw anything up in the configuration. My plan is to put the Games, Images and Videos folders on this new drive (G:) and put the rest of the Launchbox installation on the (C:) drive, I can't find any xml settings where I can change these folder paths and am a bit afraid to start Launchbox in case it'll change things around automatically when not finding certain folders or anything similar. Anyone able to give me some advice on this matter?
  4. That's a lot of MEGA POWER! (with echo sound fx)
  5. I've spend more time testing out the issue to give you more details: I haven't changed the language settings (keeping it set on English), but did change the text from auto translated dutch to English manually in the general/side bar settings. I have narrowed it down (I hope): It isn't at system restart that it reverts to Dutch but when launching Bigbox and going back again to Launchbox.next (haven't tried regular Launchbox but am sure it has the same problem) now it does not revert "All" to Dutch again, that one stays in English, but it does revert "(None)" and "(Exists)" back to Dutch, maybe it's the () characters that cause the problem somewhere in the code? Edit: ps "Exists" isn't translated well, it says "Uitgangen" which is translated from "Exits", it should be "Bestaat", on a side note. The new Beta (8.4.6) fixed the right-click menu language and even the right column with game details was in English. Thanks man But while I was typing this I tried to do the same in the above step; Going to Bigbox and going back to Launchbox.next it reverts back to Dutch on some menu's: Right clicking games in the main list is now still in English (this one seems to be fixed completely!), the game details column to the right has reverted back to dutch (not all row titles are in dutch though, but as you said you are still working on this one), right clicking menu on the left category/platforms column is reverted back to Dutch as well. I've attached below screenshots in case it might assist you to get an overview: Thanks for all your hard work and have a great weekend as well!
  6. Awesome bro thanks! Then i'll save some cash on the ssd and go for 8gb extra ram and go for a 4tb instead of 6tb as I will be throwing away games I don't like, might be hoarders-sacrilege, sorry for that In the end I can save up room for the video's and images as well and put these on the main ssd when minimized in size. I'll let you know in a few weeks from now how the transition went.
  7. Thanks @DOS76 @Kondorito! Yeah it will be local i'm not going the NAS route, holy crap dude that is fast!. I searched for the new system specs, are these fast enough for this example of usage: I want to be able to run the main screen at 3840x2160p, 2nd screen at 2560x1080p (wide screen marquee) thousands of arcade games in a list with video and images in bigbox, running games in mame with bezel artwork (4K bezel artwork in the future) and a shader. All without lag! haha I would even be glad with 75% less lag as it is at the moment. These are the new specs: CPU: Intel Core i5 7400 (7th generation): 4x 3 GHz, Turbo 3.5 GHz RAM: 8 GB DDR4 2.400 MHz GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 - 2gb, clock: 1.354 MHz, memory: 1.752 MHz
  8. I noticed some small issues still @Jason Carr I hope it helps you to tackle this language thing further: It seems the "All" "None" "Exists" side bar items are translated back to Dutch automatically after a system restart, even though I've translated these manually back to English in the General/Sidebar settings before. Not sure if this was already the case in Launchbox itself, but i'm pretty sure it was. The info field titles in the right column like: Rating, Series, Region etc. are also in dutch (but not every title). That's all left on the language issue as far as I can see, sorry I didn't notice them earlier on. Edit: If you need screenshots to get more details let me know.
  9. Thanks so much @DOS76 and @Jason Carr This will help out a lot, I do have a smaller SSD with OS and other software on the new system it's around 128 gb sadly lol but enough to put the launchbox software on. You think putting the images and video's on a 4 or 6 TB drive would perhaps introduce some lag as well when on the same drive as the games? In that case would it help to split this data to separate mechanical drives or would that introduce extra work/time for the pc? Or is a much faster CPU, GPU and ram enough to lift most of that lag in comparison with the current low end system? There are these Seagate drives (I hope you guys have experience with these) which caught my attention which have 8gb of flash/ssd as a cache, it's sort of a hybrid drive which they call a SSHD (drawback I can only find them in 2tb versions here), it can cache the first 8gb on it's ssd which should give faster results than regular HDD's by not having to reload data, would this extra flashcache help Bigbox browsing in combination with 8 to 16 gb of ram and the image cache that Bigbox builds itself? As you can see I hope I don't have to buy a larger SSD as that stuff is pretty expensive. But since I do need a mechanical drive either way I could test out if there would be any lag and decide later on if the SSD is necessary. Sorry for the many questions, I'm trying to figure out a bit how it all works beforehand and plan out the strategy to tackle this, I promise I won't keep question-bombing you
  10. @Robin55 I see another error at the moment, I hope to clarify to you why some titles get rejections, could be I'm quite a few days behind from the point you uploaded these but there is a batch where you (or someone else?) upload naomi clear logos as new games instead of adding the logos to the already uploaded titles. If I would accept these you'll get double game title entries which could cause even more time to fix afterwards.
  11. I'm looking for a new hdd next week thats fast for loading a whole lot of data for Bigbox, I'm working on a low end pc for a while which has problems loading video's smoothly (especially bad video lag when the videos are stretched out larger in some themes and when the platform lists are long, default theme is doable with small video's but still slow loading times), it has a slower hdd and the gpu is onboard so those problems don't surprise me at all with such a cheap and old system so no problem there. I'm going to move to a 7th gen I5 with a nvidia 1080gt or something, don't have the exact specs at the moment but it's fast and new lol. Now it does need a large HDD (or Seagate's SSHD?) and I want to buy a good one for price/quality but I hope I won't need an expensive high end hdd, 4TB would be future proof. Now I would like to ask help to make the right choice, what do I have to look for to minimize/destroy any hdd lag for large video's in large lists? Is it read/seek time? and which speeds would be ideal? Flash cache or another sort of cache/buffer I should look for? I see a lot of 4tb hdd's which have 5400 rpm, would that do or do I need 7200 rpm? I would really appreciate any advice, tips or experience you could share. I'm not sure whom to ask from the team or the community so excuse me if I tagged the wrong person @DOS76 @Jason Carr @Retro808 @Lordmonkus @Kondorito
  12. Yeah I know, it does take a lot of time but then again so does moderation as well, the plugin seems to upload new content faster than rejecting or accepting the new content, especially new games take forever to load the next in queu. I think it would be handy if we had a way to leave constructive feedback for the uploader so if a mistake is made we could leave a reason why and the uploader would know exactly what to change. As it is now we can leave a reason but the uploader won't see the message as far as I can tell. The plugin is very handy in uploading mass content but with that mass errors/mistakes/etc as well when not being able to review securely. With the Neo Geo marquees I uploaded (which where quite a lot as well) I opened up several tabs like 10 tabs or something in my browser instead of going through each upload on one single page and it worked quite quickly, while one tab was loading a link/menu I started loading the next step in the other tab and so on, I hope that could help you do it quicker as well if you choose to take the manual route. Also I did it in batches, spread over a few days to keep it from being a boring/repetitive task that would take a lot of time in one sitting and it should stay something that is a bit of fun to do.
  13. Noticed some names have: gamename1 / gamename2 as a title, that can be one reason for rejection as the alternate name field can be used for a second name. I rejected one of the uploads which was Power Slam 2 I believe, as it had Virtua Tennis 2 on all the images and the wikipedia info. A lot of naomi uploads have duplicate images as well, might be better to upload them manually (would be a lot of work indeed but could be error free time spend) as someone uploaded a ton of DS games not too long ago by use of the plugin with 3 to 4 duplicate images per title, while they where legit titles they got rejections as someone has to manually remove hundreds if not thousands of duplicate images after that when the uploader is unaware, seems people that use the plugin don't get the option to see all the images they upload beforehand or something. Maybe something broke with the last update of the plugin, not sure as I don't use it myself.
  14. "Defaulting to system language in some cases/places" is fixed for the settings and tools/menu's, thanks so much! The only thing I still see in my native language (dutch) is the right click menu (on every occasion so it seems to be something stable) in .Next, that's not a big issue for me though but I still mention it in case you want to tackle this if this is an unwanted issue (not sure if it is generated by non-English windows 10 or launchbox.next itself)
  15. During moderation accepting new games takes a long time, around 30 seconds if not longer (45 seconds at the moment). Usually with data and images added to the DB it doesn't take as long which is logical as new games adds a lot more data to the database. But when a large batch of new games are added it does take a long time and I can't seem to get through the queu like this as smoothly as I have to wait and wait, is it taking as long for you over there (across the ocean) as well? Might be my connection perhaps?
  16. In my opinion: More choice is better, so uploading both versions would be great so people can choose what they prefer.
  17. Thanks bro, no worries it's not of high priority at all, he should relax and rest with his family after all the hard work lately. Maybe it isn't Launchbox.next itself even but something in Windows 10? Who knows, I'll be happy to provide more info when he's fully rested
  18. Launchbox.Next is amazing but I do have a small problem still, I live in the Netherlands but I don't wish to have most of the software in Dutch on my pc (except for Windows itself, I like that in Dutch) so when I have a problem or have to look stuff up there is so much more info online in English than in Dutch and thus streamlined in one language is very helpful. In Launchbox most of the text is in English (not all texts though) even though I've set the language to English but the menus and settings are in English which is great, Launchbox.Next shows the menus in Dutch (while the language setting is set to English) which was not the case in Launchbox, I guess it is because of the windows language settings? Surely hope I don't have to switch Windows to English though, any help/tips on this matter is very welcome
  19. Thanks bro, yeah cutting out by hand would be the best result, most progetto cabs are too low res for the displays we have these days so to make things look really nice we need higher res. Perhaps we could organize a team with several photoshoppers in the future and work together on batches so the work is finished sooner and we can balance out the amount of time per person.
  20. Thanks bro! I searched for high res cabs photos for a few CPS1 games at the time as a test concept, cut them out and color corrected/cleaned them up, I did upload a few to the database if I remember correctly. Am also planning to create cab images that don't have any or only very low res ones. Will be a lot of work but working through system by system would be doable, at the moment I'm still busy working through Neo Geo marquees and in the future their bezels. Lot of plans haha might take a lifetime all in all
  21. Yep that's the one, great marquee monitor! But if I could choose now I would have bought the one a little larger, it depends how close you're sitting from it ofcourse, for me it's about two meters. Another factor to consider is the combimation with the size/scale of your main gaming screen.
  22. Thanks man, all the credits go to @Hexxxer for his amazing Futurestate theme, I just changed around some image and info placeholders and adjusted the graphics a bit plus a few additional ones. Yeah I love to see all the info as much as possible, the arcade cab images deserve a lot more love imo, though I think the reason why it runs so slow on my lower end system is because of multiple overlays on the full video placeholder. I'll make a new post soon with the theme, hopefully it's in better hands then.
  23. Thanks bro The monitor is a 21:9 25 inch LG ultra wide monitor the smallest one of the series, it aint't very expensive, over here it's around 169 euro. Ah yes the theme, been trying to manually adjust a copy of Futurestate from @Hexxxer in notepad++ as I don't want to install the required software package for customizing themes (wanna keep the system clean) but it's becoming too complicated for me at this point to create what I have in mind, the theme also runs reaaaally slow on my lower end system. All in all I have put it in the drawer for the time being and was thinking of releasing it to the forums so experienced coders could maybe finalize/fix/optimize it.
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