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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. You're welcome. Thanks for the marquees, most of them are new but you are still sending marquees you have sent me before, like the san francisco rush special edition which already has a better quality version available in the collection, also the alcatraz edition of SFR has a better quality in the collection already. The TMNT2 marquee you've send me multiple times in the past before, there is a high resolution version of this already in the collection, although it's cut off on the sides it is still miles ahead in terms of quality and resolution then the image you've been sending. This is the absolute last warning before I'll end the cooperation, do not send me marquees you have sent me before.
  2. The House of the dead marquee you've send about 5 or more times now and both 1 and 2 are still named wrong, it's hotd not htod, in the zip below you'll find higher resolution marquees already present in the collection so you don't have to send them anymore. higher resolution already present in the collection.zip
  3. Here's a redrawn marquee of Jack Rabbit from Zaccaria, it's not really good but the source is low res so it will have to do for now until someone scans it one day Source: Redone:
  4. A redrawn marquee of Got-Ya. It had simple shapes so I tried to redraw it.
  5. Thanks man. I ment with the coming of HD and 4k; the era of the coming of those higher resolution displays.
  6. A recreation of the deluxe version marquee of Sega Bass Fishing aka Get Bass (Japan) 1997. Found a good quality image of the fish prop and worked from there. Source Get Bass: After: Source Sega Bass Fishing: After:
  7. Thanks man! Just for the record I don't do pinball marquees as that's another world on it's own to dive into, I remember I used to play visual pinball back in 2005 and there where scans of the marquees in their community. I bet since the coming of HD and 4k the scans got better as well, so to have the best quality possible that's out there I'd have to dive into their community and I don't have the time to do that, so I keep it to video games only.
  8. I did another recreation of a marquee, I really liked the colorful Turbo Out Run marquee you've send me @JonnyModlin (much nicer than the current marquee in the collection) but it was only 1000px wide and there wasn't anything larger on the internet, but I found a high resolution image of the car so I could work from that. Hope you like Before: After:
  9. What's New in Version 3.0 - 201 marquees. To make things easier I started to got through the Progetto snaps packs and check them one by one if I can find a better quality version out there, to be continued
  10. I use a very outdated version of RA (probably a few years behind), that could be the problem. You could open the cpg files with a text editor and try to make sense out of the settings and shader I used but thats all I can offer in help.
  11. It's BB xaml files, but if you have xaml files for LB that make marquees possible I can take a look at it and see what I can do.
  12. Thanks there a lot of marquees that you haven't send before but there's also many that you did send me before multiple times like avsp.jpg, batman.jpg, btoads.png, crysking.jpg, crzytaxi.jpg and many many more. Please STOP doing this, if you can't stop doing this we will have to end this cooperation.
  13. You're welcome man. You can send me marquees that you haven't send me before as I've mentioned to you before, if you have better quality resolution versions of marquees they are also welcome.
  14. What's New in Version 2.8 - Added 194 marquees of which many artwork I cleaned up/restored, it was a hell of a job, especially Lost Thomb! Thanks to @JonnyModlin for all his help in listing the marquees that needed cleaning and offering new marquees to work on.
  15. Thanks for the list, just so we understand eachother this is the only list of touch ups i'm gonna do and I will only do small fixes. Lost Tombs for example is so badly damaged it would take days to recover and since we're not an arcade shop it'll have to do as it is.
  16. Jon please go through the entire collection and take notes in a text editor or something, then format as this example: 1. Outzone, outzone.jpg scratches and/ or damages. 2. Simpsons, simpsons.jpg scratches. And so on. Please go through the entire collection once and write it down as the example above and then upload the text file or copy and paste it into a post here. It's better to have one long list with all the information rather than multiple posts each day with a list without line breaks, it makes it easier for me to work with. Thanks for understanding, and please take your time even if it takes weeks that is okay. The marquees you've mentioned in your above posts don't need to be on that new list anymore as I've taken notes already.
  17. I have fixed up some damages on the stider marquee but the other marquees you've mentioned: TNMT and Shadow Dancer have minimal damage and i'm not gonna fix that. This project is purely ment for people to see a marquee while they play in the best possible quality, but there it ends, I don't mind to fix up some small spots here and there but If marquees should be spotless clean that is something for an arcade shop that sells marquees to customers, I understand they have to be spotless in that case.
  18. Yes all other marquees are great man, thanks! If its the Metal Slug 4 marquee that you've send before it's not needed but if you have a new higher quality version you can send it, no problem. 👍
  19. Thanks as always for all the marquees man! Can you please not upscale some images to 3840 pixels? I noticed this in the previous marquees you've uploaded, with some of the playchoice toppers for example. It's better for the image quality if you leave them at their original resolution, if possible I'll upscale them with A.I. for a better result, but not all images come out better with A.I. upscaling though. Thanks!
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