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Everything posted by Grimoz

  1. Hi all, having a strange issue with my new LB setup that i haven't had before, when i try to download the Platform Videos i only get about 5 options in the drop down list for each platform however im wanting to use the Unified ones and they dont show up as an option, im wondering if something is broken with Emumovies as im logged in and other media downloaded correctly. Have tried logging in and out, restarting numerous times but still get the same 5 listings, any help would be appreciated. P.S I understand i can get them from the FTP directly but just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this issue.
  2. Hi All, my MAME Cab is currently running windows 7 Pro and has been for a while but I'm now considering a complete overhaul of the system and was wondering if there was any benefit of me updating to Windows 10, ive had no issues with 7 apart from performance issues occasionally. My main concern with upgrading to W10 is the ability to hide login screens etc, i have my W7 shelled and windows is pretty much non existent, has the ability to hide W10 become an easier thing since the early days or is it still something you need Enterprise for? Thanks in advance ?
  3. I got my upgrade to Lifetime and couldn't be happier, would have been happy to pay full price but just got lucky with the timing, love this product. Oh and the consumer friendly marketing practices involved were the emails sent out to members stating that "there is a Black Friday Sale" so not sure what else exactly you want them to do. Keep up the great work devs.
  4. Cool thanks Retro808, i'll wait to see what pops up
  5. Hi all, does anyone know if there will be a Black Friday deal this year, my premium license just expired and was hoping to move to a lifetime license.
  6. Its sad that you cant continue the Android version development but with so little revenue to be made I think its the right choice to stick to the PC Version. I own both and to be honest the Android version was more of a curious purchase than anything, also to support your work but i didn't really use it and probably wouldn't have too much in the future, i find mounting storage etc in android painful which really puts me off gaming on it.
  7. I can confirm that i have had the same issue running Sega Saturn (Yaba Sanshiro) inside LB, crashes back to the game selection screen.
  8. Appreciated mate, love your work
  9. Thanks Jason, I already have my NAS mounted as network storage but when I go import a system it only gives me the option to choose the internal storage. Am I missing something?
  10. Sorry if this has been answered previously but are there any plans to allow for network storage access, I have all my rom files on my NAS drive which i run on my Shield TV so i would like to keep it that way rather than transferring to an external drive.
  11. Yep im having exactly the same problem on windows 7 64 bit, frustrating to say the least!!!
  12. Awesome thanks for your help : )
  13. Great, is it possible to create custom platform catagories or at least rename a platform?
  14. Can that playlist be named whatever I choose and will I be able to add artwork etc to it? Sorry im a long time user of LB but have never had to do this so not really up with all the shortcuts etc.
  15. Hi all, im in the process of updating my Arcade Cabinet from Hyperspin (With RocketLauncher) to Launchbox and I was wondering if and how I can successfully move my Light Gun Games to Launchbox? The problem i have is that the games that are in the Hyperspin setup are using multiple emulators (Mame, wii etc.). Is there an option to create a new platform (Gun Games) then copy games from already existing platforms, so if I import all my MAME roms over can I then go through and copy the games to the Gun Games platform or is this impossible, I know i can just browse MAME etc for the games and play from there but I like having the dedicated gun menu item to go straight to a list of available games? Hopefully this isn't too hard to understand, its hard to put it in wording. Also what Theme do you guys recommend for an Arcade Cabinet, I do like CriticalZoneV2 as its clean and works well, just wondering if there are any others i should try, have tried Cityhunter but it was sluggish due to the large database of games. Thanks in advance
  16. Nevermind figured it out, Google was my friend ?
  17. Cheers @Charco ive just started using the FTP in the past couple of weeks but didn't realize these theme videos were on there, ill definitely try and grab them. Out of curiosity is there a way to filter/show just the Unified videos instead of having to select them one by one in Filezilla, was hoping that they would all be in a separate folder but no deal, there are 14gb of Videos in that folder haha :)
  18. Awesome, thanks for the link, wasnt sure where to find them.
  19. Having some issues downloading the Unified 16x9 HD Platform Theme Videos from Launchbox, i got about half downloaded but about 14 of them fail and throw up a 404 error, this usually starts with Sega Saturn, ive tried to do them one by one but still no luck. Anyone have any ideas? I am a lifetime member of emumovies if that helps, not sure where they are hosted though.
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