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sirgubster9 last won the day on December 19 2023

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  1. some day this would be the dream!!!!! these are sooooo beautiful dude just wow. Tried to use yours and make them my own with my own button layout and stuff but just dont possess the skills, maybe some day Ill get there. seriously soooo awesome!!!
  2. HEY Tried opening your psd in photopea instead of gimp and it totally worked!!!! words are unlocked and rewritable. Annoying because gimp Im slightly more used to and probably something Im doing wrong on my end but ya just wanted to let you know that people with photoshop or whatever are probably fine, just my cheap rear end having a problem. thanks!!!
  3. I don't believe they are but I could be missing something, like I said not great at photo shop but I looked around for a long bit and even watched some YouTube videos and it seems like the text got flattened into a non editable layer to me. But ya i certainly could be wrong. Thanks again.
  4. The text is the only thing that can't be altered. Well it can be altered, but like you cant change what it says. Everything else works great. So ya if you where able to do that at some point that would be awesome. Thanks again. Seriously exactly what I was looking for and my photo shop skills suck, I'm using gimp but with your setup, you basically made it for people with no skills so it's perfect ha hs. Thanks.
  5. this is sooooo cool and sooooo useful, my only issue is that I cant change the text, i watched your video and when you bring it up the text has a little text icon next to it in the layer so you can type in different text, mine seems like its already been flatted or whatever so now its a picture like all the rest. Am I missing something or are you able to reup with the text still editable?
  6. You can go into the settings on launchbox and turn off the automatic downloads. So instill 13.8 and open it up and then immediately go and turn off automatic downloads. Atleast that's what I did. But my system always asked if I wanted to download. I've never had it just automatically do it. I did all this through launchbox. Then once I was setup I started up bigbox.
  7. I went to the launchbox folder and I side that folder is an updates folder. Inside that folder is a whole bunch of install files for previous versions including 13.8. I just double clicked 13.8 and installed it. That was pretty much it I believe. You can install it directly over your current version. Let me know if you have that folder and if it worked for ya.
  8. In launchbox there is a folder called updates and inside that folder is previous version installers including 13.8. I installed that version over this version and I'm up and running again. I think this might be a windows 7 issue which is what I'm running and im guessing so are you.
  9. Border always goes behind mame and others. I know there is the bezel option with the built in border but that one doesn't do it for me. Is there anyway to get this border to come up in front of everything else?
  10. Don't know how to use reshader and no the app doesn't add those unless you turn them on which is what I'm trying to do. I got demul shooter working as batch file as you suggested as additional app thank you. Got a hot key running that turns full screen now using alt enter and then turns on the bars using alt 1 as well which is great! But for some reason as soon as I click the gun or a mouse button the bars go away now? So maybe I should look into this reshader you are talking about. Can you point me in the right direction?
  11. Sinden games are running but I have to have those white bars pop up. How are those gun4irs? I didn't even know they existed until recently. I'm not super happy with the sinden but now Ive already spent all the cash.
  12. i did have it working as well but now I have sinden guns so im trying to have the bars pop up and close down as well Are you running cbx in exclusive full screen? Because I push alt enter and it does go full screen but then when I run it again next time its small again. The emulator that you are pointing launchbox to is cxbx loader right? ya I had demulshooter and i had it running as a seperate setup, but i just figured I could combine it all, but I can definitely break it back out again.
  13. I have this for wild west shootout and it works great, took me forever to make it, because I know very little about ahk and batch files. Can you please help me convert this over to virtua cop 3 using cxbx. Need it to do all the same stuff except I dont care about that x button part and i need to add in that it needs to go full screen. Can you help me out? Ive tried to convert this over many many times and Im obviously doing it wrong. CowPath = C:\non rom games\wild west shootout\CowBoy.exe Run RunAs /trustlevel:0x20000 "%CowPath%" run C:\DemulShooter_v10.9.0\DemulShooter.exe -target=coastal -rom=wws sleep, 10000 Send !1 X:: ;EXIT BUTTON Esc:: send !1 Process,Close,CowBoy.exe Run,taskkill /im "CowBoy.exe" /F ExitApp return #IfWinActive
  14. got dragons lair 2 working great, but cant get drgaons lair or space ace to work, it plays but the game skips around like crazy, what version of the m2v file did you use?
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