Thanks, I just need to spend time with big box and find out what its button capabilities are so I can maximize the use of my controllers.
Thanks again.
Main Wheel and Default Games View I guess would be sufficient, as long as Default Games View will still work when there is a known system like Atari 2600.
Thanks in advance.
Hello, y2guru,
Can you add pinching in addition to the already provided skewing?
I'm trying to recreate a section of my theme from Nevato which uses it.
This is how it works in attractmode:
Just a recap of how skew, and pinching of an image currently works:
If skewing the y axis of an image, the right side of the image will move either move up or down.
If pinching the y axis of an image, the right side of the image will expand or contract.
Say for example I had a magazine cover that says next months issue and it would have a cover based on an offset from the current selection.
It's nothing useful in my plans, just aesthetics really.