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Whilst going through some of my way to numerous boxes of stuff, in a sometimes seemingly futile attempt to 'down-size' all my crap, I came across the hand-held calculator I used in High School: Old-School-Hand-Held-Calculator.jpg In this photo, it's 'calculating' 2x2=4, and many other things simultaneously. Can your calculator do that? Wink I bet some of you 'whipper-snappers' don't even know what it is. Laugh
Jason Carr said Ha, no kidding. How old are you, Stimpy? 110? :P
No, but sometimes I feel as if I'm pretty close. Smile I'm actually only in my early 60's. I suspect you guys don't remember these (some Drug Stores even had 'em), either: Tube-Tester.jpg In the Army I worked on a lot of tube equipment (there was more modern stuff, as well). First thing ya checked was for a cold tube, 'cause if it was cold, it was bad. Discreet components, too. If ya saw a big, fat resistor that was charred and didn't smell very good, it was bad. How's that for high-tech trouble-shooting? Laugh
bd000 said LOL Laugh I bet he was in the war. AM I RIGHT CADET! *sergeant major voice*
LOL! Laugh No, but I was in the Army. Went in, in 1970, but went to Berlin, Germany (The Wall was still up then), after schooling in Massatwoshits, instead of Vietnam. I was glad about that. Those beer-drinkin' Berliners generally weren't trying to kill you.
Cadet Stimpy said
bd000 said LOL Laugh I bet he was in the war. AM I RIGHT CADET! *sergeant major voice*
LOL! Laugh No, but I was in the Army. Went in, in 1970, but went to Berlin, Germany (The Wall was still up then), after schooling in Massatwoshits, instead of Vietnam. I was glad about that. Those beer-drinkin' Berliners generally weren't trying to kill you.
Is that you, Captain Jack?? O_O
I have to admit I'm a little jealous, Stimpy, I bet you've seen a ton of really cool technology develop over the years. Always wished I could have seen the initial stages of video games, especially.
  • 4 months later...
Came across this photo the other day. The price was staggering ($20K for the 64KB model), but it was pretty new 'consumer/scientist' technology. This was before even I was using computers. Laugh (I came back from my military tour in Berlin, Germany that year). IBM-Portable-PC-1975.jpg But one of my favorite 'early computer technology' photos, is this (description below photo): IBM-305-RAMAC-First-Hard-Disk-Drive.png This is a photo of the first Hard Disk Drive (HDD) being removed from a cargo plan via forklift. It was about the size of an upright piano. It weighed over a ton, but only stored 5MB of data. Introduced by IBM in 1956, was the IBM 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control). The drive had fifty 24-inch diameter storage disks. It could locate a single record in 600 milliseconds (0.6 of a second). While 5MBs seems like nothing today, it was the equivalent of 64,000 punched cards! The container could have held more disks, and therefore could have had more storage capacity. The 5MB limit was set by IBM’s marketing department. They couldn’t figure out a sales pitch for anything greater than 5MBs!
We've come a great distance in a short time when it comes to computer technology 5MB of memory the size of a piano now they have 8TB 3.5 drives and I think 2TB laptop drives. I wonder what that monstrosity would have set your company back

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