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What! That's a little to far if you ask me. I think if they can develop boarderless monitors then spanned monitors would be much cooler but for me the borders ruin the experience but that is just my opinion. If that is that dudes house he must have mega cream to be able to a) pay for that b) have room for it.
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Well, Derek, this could solve that bordered-monitor thing in a fun way (78" screen, by the way): Samsung-SUHD-TV-4K.jpg I'd really like one of these. Dream on, Self... Laugh Here's the link for it. You may wanna sit down before you look at the price, though. Wink Due to the 'Exit Doors' and the elevator with nearby fire extinguisher (stairs on the right appear a bit commercial, too), I'm gonna guess he's in some sort of office building. But, I believe John Q. Public can buy one. Maybe here. But, I'm sure you're quite correct as to them being expensive (that Website makes ya call for a price, so ya know it's gonna be crazy) and large. I suspect they'd make that TV's price look like 'chicken-feed'.
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