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I am just trying to get this setup myself for SSF and I think I finally have it working as it should with a few games already tested and confirmed. How cool that you are talking about this right now.

First some setup...I have DT Ultra, WIn10Pro and SSF 011 build alpha R5.

Here is the bat file I created..."H" is the drive letter created during the quickmount (using 0 would not mount). All other instructions from Lordmonkus are followed to a T. See this for more DT command line info http://www.daemon-help.com/additionally/command/

@echo off 
set game=%1% 
set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Ultra\DTAgent.exe" 
set emu="D:\Gaming\Emulators\Saturn player - SSF 111AR5\SSF_011_alpha_R5\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount H, %game% 
start /wait "" %emu% 

%daemon% -unmount H

I'm going to now extract the remainder of my Saturn files from their ZIPs and then use Notepad++ to find/replace all the .zip with .cue in my platforms/Sega Saturn.xml file. Tomorrow I will try this method with Ootake. This saves the hassle of trying to remove and reimport the games/media for said games.

Thanks so much for all of your help, I just bought lifetime subs to LaunchBox and EmuMovies this week and I already have so much working wonderfully thanks to all of the videos and help from the forums, you all totally rock!

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Cnells2000, One thing to keep in mind...if SSF is run and there is no image mounted, SSF will change your disk drive to a physical one. 

Try this,

1. mount an image to a virtual drive (check the drive letter and ensure it is listed the same in you batch file).

2. manually open SSF.

3. go to options and check that the CD drive is set correctly to the DiskSoftVirtual.

4. exit SSF.

5. open Launchbox and load one of the saturn games you have pointed to use with the .bat as the emulator.

SSF is extremely picky about saving changes (don't get me started on how changing regions in the options menu rarely works - I ended up having 3 instances of SSF, one for each region of games). Keep in mind, I'm using DT Ultra 4.x, so that may also have bearing on how the batch file is used by DT.

Posted (edited)

i mounted a game manually, (Mounted it to I) as what i have in the .bat, and the game i clicked in launchbox started with no problem. the problem is where if i dont mount it manually, i get disc empty..hmm

Once Again My Settings are

 @echo off
set game=%1%
set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools lite\DTlite.exe"
set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount I, %game%
start /wait "" %emu%

%daemon% -unmount I

Untitled 5.jpg

Edited by Cnells2000

Like This????

 @echo off
set game=%1%
set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools lite\DTagent.exe"
set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount I, %game%
start /wait "" %emu%

%daemon% -unmount I


would you be able to help me make a .bat to the point where it would mount to one iso i put in the file?

then all i would have to do is change the name of the game if it mounts and problem solved.

Just an example, i know im not doing this right

@echo off
set game="D:\ROms\Sega Saturn\Roms\Alen Trilogy (USA).cue
set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools lite\DTlite.exe"
set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount I, %game%
start /wait "" %emu%

%daemon% -unmount I


I would think that since you are getting syntax errors when the .bat uses the dtagent...the commands are wrong for your version of DTLite or it doesn't have a dtagent.exe in the install. Did you review the page I linked, it shows the available syntaxes. 


I Have Win 10 Pro, I Installed the Exact Version Of DTUltra u have and i have the emulator you have as well. mounting it with DTagent shows syntax error and dtultra soes what ive been seeing all along...everything but the mount. thats why i asked about helping me direct it to a rom instead :(

Posted (edited)

Wow, sorry for your luck. check this out in making your own batch for individual files:


-mount: mounts the selected image file to the virtual drive.

Syntax: -mount type, letter, opt, path, where     <--- I would skip the type and opt portions

  • type is "dt" or "scsi". VHD, VMDK, TrueCrypt and ZIP files are mounted to HDD virtual device by default, so you don't need to use this parameter for the abovementioned range of file types.
  • letter is a device letter which will be assigned to the created virtual drive. If this parameter is not used, then the first available letter will be used.
  • opt is an optional parameter for VHD and TrueCrypt files only. Use "ro" if an image you want to mount should be mounted as read-only.
  • path is a path to the needed image.

Example: DTAgent.exe -mount, dt, F, "D:\Images\SomeImage.iso"

-unmount: unmounts the selected virtual drive.

Syntax: -unmount letter , where

  • letter is a letter of the virtual device you want to eject.

Example: DTAgent.exe -unmount F

Edited by jurasitol
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I Had to set the .bat to F because i cant add a virtual drive in dt ultra. there is no option or i cant find it. in the daemon tools pro and dt lite they have that right click/add a virtual drive add a scsi drive option. maybe thats why its not working. how did u do it?



I used the quickmount...basically just go to window explorer, double click on a .cue file, wait for it to mount, check my Computer and look at the drive letter DT gave it. This will be the drive letter to use in the batch file. If you are constantly adding/removing other drives from your system then just set it to Z to keep it simple.

@echo off 
set game=%1% 
set daemon="C:\DTools\DTAgent.exe" 
set emu="D:\SSF\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount Z, %game% 
start /wait "" %emu% 

%daemon% -unmount Z


I would think mounting a specific .cue file via the batch may look like below:

@echo off 
set game="D:\Saturn\Area51.cue"
set daemon="C:\DTools\DTAgent.exe" 
set emu="D:\SSF\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount Z, %game% 
start /wait "" %emu% 

%daemon% -unmount Z

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