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Colecovision roms will not start under Launchbox


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After much effort and reading, I am unable to get Colecovision ROMs to start using Launchbox. None of them. I can start them without issue via MAME directly. I have things set, such that it should be producing the same start-up request from Launchbox, exactly as I am doing it via the MAME command-line. All fail to start, instead I see MAME fire-up, "loading machine 0%" and it closes right back down. I also see what appears to be a command window appear just before (in a blip) MAME comes up, and it closes the same way when MAME shuts down. It's acting as though it can't find the file, but everything set as it is, it should (and again, does when I perform it on the command line to MAME directly, from any folder location, as I am using full paths for both MAME and the ROM...although I have tried it many different ways). Current Emulator set-up: Emulator Path: P:\Emulators\mame0168\mame.exe (or whichever MAME version, I've tried several, 0169/mame64 included) Default Command Line Parameters: -skip_gameinfo -nowindow coleco -cart P:\LaunchBox\Games\Colecovision\ Options Checked: Don't use quotes for filename; No space before filename Sample shown: mame.exe -skip_gameinfo -nowindow coleco -cart P:\LaunchBox\Games\Colecovision\File Under Game Edit: Emulation is enabled ROM Filename: P:\LaunchBox\Games\Colecovision\filename.zip (where filename is any game filename). I have also tried with the file being a .zip, .col, .rom(which they needed to be for ColEM...which also loaded them successfully from the command line). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've taken a lot of time to research this, and try different settings, to no avail. I'll feel stupid if it's something simple, but still hoping that it is....lol.
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Do you have the proper BIOS? coleco.rom if my quick research is to be believed. Also, BlueMSX apparently can load Colecovision games and there is a BlueMSX Core in RetroArch. This does need the coleco.rom file in your RetroArch system folder. I don't know how well this works though honestly.
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I do have the BIOS files, as you already concluded. =) As far as MAME version - I've tried a couple. I could use the -now abbreviation as well, but that doesn't change my results. I did try it just to see, as I'm hoping for anything/something to solve this problem. Also, more detail for whatever it's worth. I can also start all of these successfully using MESS from the command line....but through LaunchBox, I get the same failed results.
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Hi rageking I use ColEm but I just added my 6 Colecovision games to Mame168 and they all launch fine via LaunchBox. See the 4 attached images. Bear in mind that these later (162 and up) Mame versions have Mess totally integrated. You can just put your Coleco games into Mame's roms folder. You also need to add your Colecovision bios file. This must be named the same as the Mame/Mess system - in this case coleco and it must be zipped. My Coleco bios is COLECO.rom so I had to zip it as COLECO.zip before putting it into the Mame roms folder. Best of luck.
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scree - thank you for your post, your screen shots solved my issue (or made me aware of what the issue is, by giving me something else to try). While everything I have, other than Colecovision stuff works via LB using explicit path names, the Colecovision stuff seems to only work using relative names. It doesn't make sense to me as to why, especially when I can use those same explicit paths to start things from the command-line, but can't argue with the results, and I can replicate and resolve the issue by changing the path format. I previously had all my emulators sitting at the same level as LB, and was using explicit paths for showing where they reside, and where the roms reside. It's a little cleaner than placing the emulators inside of LB (like in your example set-up)....but if not everything works set-up that way, then it needs to change(lol). In addition, I guess that's a better set-up for portability - as then, you just need to grab the LB folder and you get everything needed for everything to work, if you ever decide to relocate it. Many thanks for everyone who took the time to try to help! I'm sure I'll be back starting some additional questions on other topics. Rage
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  • 1 year later...

I am having the same problem with running colecovision games.

I have tried for many days loading, unloading reading many guides with the same results.

I am getting close though. Games start to load then a quick dos screen appears and disappears quickly I was able to grab a screen shot.

See image.

It says: 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 NOT FOUND (tried in coleco coleco)

Fatal error: Required files are missing. the machine cannot be run.

What files is it missing? I have the coleco.rom and coleco.zip in the Roms directory with the zipped game files.

Since I cannot see the 4 images SpyCat posted (must have been removed), I cannot know where to put the files or how to name them.

I am using LaunchBox 4.5 and Mame191b and followed Unbroken Software's tutorial published Jan 13, 2017

Any ideas?


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I mean I don't know if that will help you or not for this particular issue but the software is on like version 7.14  for stable 4.5 is probably from 2015 or so there have been tons of improvments since then Also what emulator are you trying to use I don't think I saw that mentioned in your post


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do you have the coleco.zip file in where MAME looks for the roms by defualt that is the roms folder in the MAME folder also you have to go into  tools manage emulator and choose to edit MAME then go to the associated platform tab and type in the name of your platform (this has to match what is in the left side platform menu in LB  then in the middle section type coleco -cart

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27 minutes ago, barrybgb said:

I am having the same problem with running colecovision games.

I have tried for many days loading, unloading reading many guides with the same results.

I am getting close though. Games start to load then a quick dos screen appears and disappears quickly I was able to grab a screen shot.

See image.

It says: 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 NOT FOUND (tried in coleco coleco)

Fatal error: Required files are missing. the machine cannot be run.

What files is it missing? I have the coleco.rom and coleco.zip in the Roms directory with the zipped game files.




You're missing exactly what it says you're missing, in your coleco.zip you need to have a file called 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2

It may be the same file as coleco.rom and just needs renaming (my crc is 3AA93EF3). If it doesn't match then you'll have to find an updated bios that works with the newer versions of MAME (we can't tell you where to look but google is your friend).

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7 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

do you have the coleco.zip file in where MAME looks for the roms by defualt that is the roms folder in the MAME folder also you have to go into  tools manage emulator and choose to edit MAME then go to the associated platform tab and type in the name of your platform (this has to match what is in the left side platform menu in LB  then in the middle section type coleco -cart

Ok, I have that file and now it starts. it just stops at the "press a button" screen

Now I just need to get a controller to work.  What controller can I use to select the options?

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use the tab button on a keyboard to set the controls once your in the menu enter will put in in the mode to set buttons when in that mode then try pressing the button you want to do and it should map it. It should work with just about any controller in my experience


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11 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

use the tab button on a keyboard to set the controls once your in the menu enter will put in in the mode to set buttons when in that mode then try pressing the button you want to do and it should map it. It should work with just about any controller in my experience

I will try that. Thanks to all for the help.



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