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I am trying to add some more games to my launchbox but, it turns out there isn't a platform for the Taito Type X. I'm a little surprised it isn't on here already since it has games like Street Fighter IV, Blazeblu, and King of Fighter XIII.
All of these should be routed through Arcade / MAME for the Platform, except that it is currently bugged and it wont import any games. We already know about the bug and platform changes are coming. These requests should go in our LaunchBox Games Database BitBucket (the BitBucket link at the top of the Database pages). There have already been a few requests too, so vote on ones that already exist first then make your requests if it doesn't exist.
I have all my Taito Type X loaded. Since they run differently and are essentially PC games, I basically added a new platform and then added each game individually within it. I used arcade for the mets data. Works great for me, if you need help you can send me a message.
They are pretty much PC games, but the names should still be internalized by the mame database right? Like how we change the rom file names to their real game names. Pretty much the only thing that seems to be working right now is a regular MAME / Arcade set, nothing else seems to want to import if it needs the MAME Importer. So this is currently a giant bug, irregardless of if media can be found for it, though we obviously need to rectify that too.
@SentaiBrad No, you don't need the MAME importer because Taito Type X games don’t follow the name conventions of MAME. You can rename the game folder to anything you want. They are basically just PC games and don't get emulated, so there's no need to follow any arcade emulation rules like 8 characters long names and such @Retro956 If you do it the way as angelobodetti said you should be fine.
SentaiBrad said All of these should be routed through Arcade / MAME for the Platform, except that it is currently bugged and it wont import any games. We already know about the bug and platform changes are coming. These requests should go in our LaunchBox Games Database BitBucket (the BitBucket link at the top of the Database pages). There have already been a few requests too, so vote on ones that already exist first then make your requests if it doesn't exist.
CriticalCid said @SentaiBrad No, you don't need the MAME importer because Taito Type X games don’t follow the name conventions of MAME. You can rename the game folder to anything you want. They are basically just PC games and don't get emulated, so there's no need to follow any arcade emulation rules like 8 characters long names and such @Retro956 If you do it the way as angelobodetti said you should be fine.
Yeah, I just manually made a system for it and added them all by hand and used the Wiki database. Launchbox is still in the early days and I need to give it some time lol. I just get excited and eager for the updates and the database to have everything lol. Also, @CriticalCid , Did you just use MP4's for the themes that you ported over? If that's the case, I might continue doing my themes for this program or create some new ones. I really like the native theme, Like really really like them, but if they work in MP4, I don't really see a reason not to bring them over to this program.
Yeah, they are just normal .mp4 videos. I recorded the themes in HyperSpin with Fraps and edited/rendered the videos as .mp4 files. My theme is basically just a gigantic preview video screen ;) Jason also said that he plans to do background videos, on this way it would be pretty easy to use 16:9 themes in full screen as well. Btw. I love your cinematic themes, would be definitely nice to see more of those :)
CriticalCid said Yeah, they are just normal .mp4 videos. I recorded the themes in HyperSpin with Fraps and edited/rendered the videos as .mp4 files. My theme is basically just a gigantic preview video screen ;) Jason also said that he plans to do background videos, on this way it would be pretty easy to use 16:9 themes in full screen as well. Btw. I love your cinematic themes, would be definitely nice to see more of those :)
Nice! That's pretty much exactly how my hyperspin themes were. I just made the videos and converted them to flash. I can't wait for the background video update now!!! I have been thinking about all sorts of ideas on how to construct the themes! And thanks so much for the kind words! It definitely helps get me get motivated to make more themes! I am going to be pretty dedicated to making themes in Launchbox.
I just added a Taito Type X system to my LB and it worked just fine. (It's this weeks Tutorial), however, I've never added a Platform here, ever. I've always added platforms to the import screen. I used the add button in the bottom right hand corner of LB, added the Taito Type X exe, filled in the information, manually scraped it and selected the info from the Arcade platform and it added just fine. https://i.imgur.com/SE3Ri6T.png There might be a bug with the Platforms view, but you can literally add what ever you want. If I had known this was a bug, as I think I've read you or someone else's report before on not being able to add custom platforms, I would have asked you to create a BitBucket ticket or post the error for Jason so we could get this resolved.
SentaiBrad said I just added a Taito Type X system to my LB and it worked just fine. (It's this weeks Tutorial),
I'll keep trying but I think the visual aid will be better for me on this one so looking forwards to that video now Laugh Yes I have put the error up on bitbucket too
Just an update on this, The error disappeared after a LB restart (should I remove the bitbucket) and I managed to get Taito Type X working, all tho it did feel I was hashing it together a bit. I have noticed a couple of the game wont exit is there a way to add a exit key for them.
Since there is no Database entry you kind are cobbling it together. Keep it there, because there was a reason why that error code came up and maybe we can still relieve it. The tutorial for Taito Type X does go up in about 4 hours and 20 min (10AM PST), so that may answer some questions too.
Yeah I bumped into the same bug when manually adding a game. I kept getting the error when trying to add a platform without any games that doesn't have a database for it. I ended up adding the game in a different way though. When I get home, I'll try and create the problem again.

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