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multiple file type in one emulator


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good morning

i'm using mame for lot of systems, but i have a problem.

for example, commodore 16, i have .dsk, .prg .tap 

in command line for the  defualt emulator i can choice only of those formats?

ex: mame.exe c16p -flop

obviously if i click on a game with tape format or prg , it does not start.

there is a wat to recognize the format automatically?




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can you add multiple switches in the command line say for example atari 5200 for MAME is a5200 -cart so for commodore 16 you would put c16p -flop -tape -program (for the last 2 I'm not sure that is what MAME is looking for they are just examples I'm sure you know better than I what it is looking for but that is how it should work to my best understanding. If you can't put multiple switches on the same line you could add two new instances of MAME to LB using your already existing MAME.exe just point LB to it again with a name like Commodore 16 tapes then fill in the command line that you need. I think it will support multiple switches though.

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hello @Jason Carr , tried without success, i need to disable "don't use quotes", and "use name without folder" or it will not start...

also putting %romfile% don't permit to start

the way is:

mameui64.exe -cart (for cartridge)


mameui64.exe -flop1 (for floppies)

but i can use just one of these options at time... there is a command like "mamui64.exe -flop1 *.dsk -cart *.crt" ?

Edited by neogetter
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It's not ideal but but you could always create multiple emulator entries in LB - one for each file type, with appropriate switches on each - and then switch between them as needed per game.

You might also consider just using a dedicated (non-MAME) emulator such as Vice as that would allow you to just throw whatever type you want at it so long as it's one that's supported. I'm not sure if it's a different story for C16 than it is for C64 but MAME/MESS have never been very good for C64 emulation anyway. I use CCS64 myself but it's C64 only. Vice is okay though, and it supports C16.

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good evening zombeaver.. thanks for the suggestion ^^

i was thinking today the same think...





create 2 emulator files:



import the folder dsk into LB and choice: mame-dsk.exe -flop1

import the folder crt into LB and choice: mame-crt.exe -cart

problem fixed i think ^^


i used mame for lot of platforms cause it was very easy to configure ^^

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You actually don't need separate .exes. You could divide your folders up if you wanted to, as that might help you organize things, but you don't need multiple emulator .exes. All you need to do is create separate emulator entries in LB, each directed to the same .exe, but with different command line parameters for each. You could name one entry "MAME Cart" and one "MAME Floppy" for example - they could go to the same .exe, the only thing that needs to change between them is the command line parameters (-flop on one, -cart on another, etc.).

I use this same concept to separate out some emulators (primarily Retroarch) so that I can quickly switch between certain things like different control schemes.

Take a look at this post:


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