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Just posting a quick help request. I have counted numerous of posts with Demul & Launchbox, I tried to follow all of them and applied the emulator settings as advised (-run=awave rom=) and tick the 2 checkboxes as provided on various screenshot but no matter what : it works perfectly for Naomi 1 or 2 games, but Atomiswave it just opens Demul and I have to manually select the right game in start => atomiswave => list of games and double click on the right one to start emulation.

I clearly don't get the issue, as naomi works perfectly. is there anything to change ? is -run=awave the right thing to do ? games are in zip format, awbios as well, name is the same as expected by demul, I can even launch those games directly within windows cmd following -run=awave rom=mslug6 for example... so clearly clueless here :(

bellow all my settings, if you find anything strange, please let me know.


Posted (edited)

@Bilbotorm Another way you can do it is by putting per game custom command line but you will have to edit each game in LaunchBox which shouldnt take long (right click game edit and under the emulation tab click use custom command see screenshot


Edited by Maddoc1007
put in wrong name

I see from your screen shot you have Sammy Atomiswave as your platform in the settings just to be sure that matches you platform name exactly in the left platform list in LB if those to names don't match it quickly breaks things.


Hello DOS76,

unfortunately, Sammy Atomiswave is good as my platform in the settings and as in the left menu.

with such settings as in the screenshots above, NAOMI2 works perfectly, where as Atomiswave simply open Demul but I need to manually click on File -> Atomiswave -> find the game in the list -> Launch it, and then it works :(


Erf, very sorry, I tried the manual input as you advised and it worked... looking into details, as you can see on my screeshot above, i was missing a "-" in front of "rom" in command line for Atomiswave in edit emulator settings -_-

how lame

Sorry again and thanks for the quick feedbacks!

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