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Total Noob with lots of questions


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Haha sorry if that was confusing... for example I have a BUNCH of Genesis roms and they are in both the USA and Europe... aka Genesis and Mega Drive... I didnt want any of the Mega Drive info to download, just the genesis. Sometimes on its own it changes the box art on me on its own, and when I scroll through and look I'd rather just seen the Genesis stuff... not a HUGE deal but an OCD rather :P So if there was an option/feature to only download Genesis stuff I guess that's what I am asking lol

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Well, if you did do that then you would have a ton of games without artwork. If a game was only released in Europe or Japan, then it'll have Mega Drive artwork. For a game that is multi-region, the intention is to show the artwork for the game that your entry is based on. So if you have two of the same game, one euro and one USA, then it should show appropriaetly. I don't know where Jason ever got with that stuff, but he didn't get there fully. So in short, there's no easy way to do it. The Audit tool can help if you don't mind a bit of leg work, but in terms of LaunchBox and Big Box parsing out regions completely, not yet.

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Well I finally had my brother in law and sister with me to play some retro gaming. They were super impressed with launchbox and big box specifically. We wanted to play 3 player Mario party and some old school streets of rage. 

What a show... retroarch is SO bad none of my controllers ended up working. Wired or blue tooth. I fiddled with it for an hour. I had everything working previously on single player with very minor errors. Now today when I want to show others nothing worked. 

I got frustrated and decided to turn my MacBook Pro laptop on and use OpenEmu... paired three Bluetooth controllers and all configured automatically and just worked in less than 5 minutes. HDMI to the tv and bang we were all gaming. It's amazing how simple it was. Now I really am starting to become a fan of RA but there whole input section and in anything to do with controllers just flat out sucks. It's beyond awful. They really need to fix that. 

Sorry for the rant, as it probably doesn't belong here but just goes to show I'm still having issues with controllers. OpenEmu's controller settings are Just really easy and good. Wish RA could follow. 

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Ugh the frustration continues... now none of my controllers will work on RetroArch. Not even for single player. The d-pad works but the face buttons to select and go back in the RA menu or any buttons to play a game just don't work... I don't get it. So frustrating as LaunchBox is so awesome and fun... no idea what to do. tried several things such as deleting the bluetooth connection, re-connecting, tried wired controls. I tried deleting the default config file and "restarting" RA and setting it up and no avail. I just don't get why this is acting up :( so disappointing.

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I would suggest at this point for you to do a new install of Retroarch with a wired controller plugged in.

I don't know what controllers you are specifically using but I have used XBox 360, Hori FC, Logitech wireless and even PS4 controllers without issues, Retroarch just detects them. Though you may have to go to Input > Input User 1 Binds > User 1 Device Index once there press left or right on the keyboard until your controller you want to use is selected.

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21 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

I would suggest at this point for you to do a new install of Retroarch with a wired controller plugged in.

I don't know what controllers you are specifically using but I have used XBox 360, Hori FC, Logitech wireless and even PS4 controllers without issues, Retroarch just detects them. Though you may have to go to Input > Input User 1 Binds > User 1 Device Index once there press left or right on the keyboard until your controller you want to use is selected.

Thats whats odd... thats what I did when I started setting this all up. Got everything pretty much working no issues. Now my controllers wont work. They are connected blue tooth but they worked before... then boom just stopped. I have went to where you said and made sure everything is set like it should be but no luck. If I did a new install can I copy all my saves and such? And just attempt to re-do all the core specific configs I had saved?


EDIT: I just deleted a config and started to re-do it looks like that fixed it.

Edited by ABeezy13
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I have no experience with bluetooth controllers an Retroarch at all but every time I head about people having issues it seems to always be bluetooth. My guess (and only a guess) is that it is somehow losing its configuration or RA forgetting.

Yeah you can just copy your save files. I was just suggesting a new install more for testing purposes than a replacement of your old install. If you can get a fresh install to see and use your controllers without issues then you could either switch over to the new one or wipe your old configs and start fresh with the old one.

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23 hours ago, lordmonkus said:

I have no experience with bluetooth controllers an Retroarch at all but every time I head about people having issues it seems to always be bluetooth. My guess (and only a guess) is that it is somehow losing its configuration or RA forgetting.

Yeah you can just copy your save files. I was just suggesting a new install more for testing purposes than a replacement of your old install. If you can get a fresh install to see and use your controllers without issues then you could either switch over to the new one or wipe your old configs and start fresh with the old one.

I did a new nightly build, copied only my saved games folder. So pretty much started from scratch. Everything seems to be working correctly again with my bluetooth controllers. So weird. That is seriously my only gripe with RA is the shoddy connections and configurations with controllers and such (at least wirelessly).

But yes just copied my saves and did the new install. Hopefully it doesn't wig out on me again after time :P


I really appreciate your help as always kind sir!

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In Launch Box if I highlight say all my SNES games and delete them does it automatically delete all the downloaded images associated? So like fan art, box art, cart/cd art etc? Or do I have to go into where it stores that and delete the folders?

I am re-doing something and want to start fresh with that as well. Curious the easiest way to achieve this? Pretty much want to delete everything associated with the roms/games EXCEPT my saves.

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On 2/7/2017 at 10:57 PM, CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT said:

You'll have to go into the LB folder delete them manually for the platform you don't want media for any longer.

Just a quick note here if you delete a game you can run clean up images from the tools menu and it will remove any images no longer attached to games for music, manuals and videos though you will have to manually remove them from your folder structure

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On 2/7/2017 at 10:57 PM, CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT said:

Deleting the games from LB will not delete the art work, videos, music, etc., associated with them. You'll have to go into the LB folder delete them manually for the platform you don't want media for any longer.


3 hours ago, DOS76 said:

Just a quick note here if you delete a game you can run clean up images from the tools menu and it will remove any images no longer attached to games for music, manuals and videos though you will have to manually remove them from your folder structure



Thanks guys! I appreciate it! Going to ask another quick question. I wanted to know that because I am going to reimport my library and delete all the PAL, JAP, EU, etc images for my games so they only have the NA images. However when I imported before I turned off all the "fan art" I didn't want all of that in the background on Launch box. However in Big Box when using themes that have screen shots and videos I will need to make sure I download that stuff when I import right? I just did not like all those images showing up on the background in the standard Launch Box. 

Also for videos if they are used in the theme I downloaded do I have to pay for an account on emu movies or whatever it was called that they pull from?

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18 minutes ago, ABeezy13 said:




Thanks guys! I appreciate it! Going to ask another quick question. I wanted to know that because I am going to reimport my library and delete all the PAL, JAP, EU, etc images for my games so they only have the NA images. However when I imported before I turned off all the "fan art" I didn't want all of that in the background on Launch box. However in Big Box when using themes that have screen shots and videos I will need to make sure I download that stuff when I import right? I just did not like all those images showing up on the background in the standard Launch Box. 

Also for videos if they are used in the theme I downloaded do I have to pay for an account on emu movies or whatever it was called that they pull from?

You can have fanart downloaded and NOT use it in LB if you don't want to, but do in BigBox.

To change the setting in LB, just go to Settings -> Options -> Images -> Default Background and drop the slider all the way to the right. This will adjust the image opacity (right is invisible and left is opaque). If you adjust this, you might find a setting that works for you and keeps the art showing in LB, too. If you just don't want to see fanart images in LB, scale all the way right and make it invisible (the background will be solid black when you highlight a game).




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If I brought in a game and it doesn't look to have found any box art or anything of the such... how do I re scrape just that game and not every game? I think it was an error in the title of the game so I fixed it and want to see if it will pull in all the data now.


EDIT: Or is there a way to look through the database to see what exists that may be a closest match? So if I didnt know what was wrong with the title I could browse and find the correct one.



Edited by ABeezy13
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1 minute ago, ABeezy13 said:

If I brought in a game and it doesn't look to have found any box art or anything of the such... how do I re scrape just that game and not every game? I think it was an error in the title of the game so I fixed it and want to see if it will pull in all the data now.


EDIT: Or is there a way to look through the database to see what exists that may be a closest match? So if I didnt know what was wrong with the title I could browse and find the correct one.

Right Click -> Edit, then in the top right "Search for Metadata." If there is a blue link there instead, then that means it was attached to a LBGDB entry. You can manually search up the database to see if the game exists, you can also edit a games name and click on search to see if there are any different results without fully changing the name of a game.

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On 2/11/2017 at 4:34 PM, SentaiBrad said:

Right Click -> Edit, then in the top right "Search for Metadata." If there is a blue link there instead, then that means it was attached to a LBGDB entry. You can manually search up the database to see if the game exists, you can also edit a games name and click on search to see if there are any different results without fully changing the name of a game.

Thanks Brad! That works like a charm!


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Probably better off asking this somewhere else so if so feel free to redirect me... but just opened up BB and there is an update, hit ok to download, got an error. SO I closed and opened LB to try, hit ok to install the update and same result, it failed. The error I get is "Unable to download update: An exception occurred during a web client request." Anyone know what that exactly means and how to fix it?

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