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So I've been slowly making Launchbox/BigBox home, and I've been working more and more with retroarch, after getting things setup initially, it's just nice to have it be there and re-configure controls for whatever device I happen to be using. That being said, I'm not having much luck with getting N64 emulation rolling with the hi res texture pack I have for Zelda OOT. I can only find the "rice" plugin available within the "parallel_n64" core, but I don't know where to drop the textures. Another thing that's weird is that the game doesn't appear to be rendering correctly with the "parallel_N64" core. Everything looks fine in Mupen, but I still can't get high res textures in either way. I've seen some other posts that say they get it working, but I don't know where to actually put the files. In Project64, I put the files here: ~\LaunchBox\Emulators\Project64 2.1\Plugin\GFX\hires_texture, then each game had it's own folder.


Yeah, I saw that, but Project 64 isn't making the .htc file from the loose files for me. I have a bunch of ".dat" files in ~LaunchBox\Emulators\Project64 2.1\Plugin\GFX\cache, but even after launching a game, I don't get any .htc files. I'm using the Glide64 plug-in and the "rice format" for hi res textures.

  On 5/20/2017 at 11:35 PM, lordmonkus said:

I'm not sure if Rice format ones convert.


Interesting, and a little discouraging. So my loose files look like this



03.thumb.PNG.f1d0ff2ac90830fa63d353f2257596d1.PNGWould these be considered the "loose" files? If so, what plugin for Project64 do I need to use in order to produce the .htc files?


Yes, those would be loose files.

If they are GlideN64 compatible they should load using PJ64 with the GlideN64 plugin and an .htc file should be generated in the \Plugin\GFX\cache\ folder of your PJ64 install folder.

It's been a while since I have messed with this stuff so my memory could be off.

  On 5/20/2017 at 11:59 PM, lordmonkus said:

If they are GlideN64 compatible they should load using PJ64 with the GlideN64 plugin and an .htc file should be generated in the \Plugin\GFX\cache\ folder of your PJ64 install folder.


So I downloaded the latest version of Project64, I also downloaded the texture pack from scratch (it kept crashing with the one that works on a previous version of Project64), Using the "Glide64 For PJ64:" I still only get ".dat" files as a result. I'm tinkering with settings though. I did notice that the Glide64 still needs to be set to "Rice" in order to use the texture pack though.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Can someone post/pastebin their Retroarch console log of what it looks like when a hi res texture is loading with the mupen64plus core? I have txHiresEnable set to "True" and the console reflects this on startup,  and have tried putting the .htc files (downloaded ones as well as generated ones that work in pj64) in every possible place it might look in the Mupen64plus system folder of Retroarch but for the life of me can't even get it to show me it's trying to locate any textures, much less load them.

Edited by p bizzy

Yeah, both are enabled (tried with it off as well). And with a couple different packs. I'm at a loss.

Using latest Mupen64plus core with (now) Retroarch 1.6.4



You should have in your \Retroarch\system folder a sub folder called Mupen64plus and then in there should be some more folders and files. The .htc texture packs go into the \cache folder.


2017-08-12 16_42_09-2xExplorer Z1 - F__Screenshots.png

2017-08-12 16_42_17-2xExplorer Z1 - H__Emulation_Emulators_Retroarch 1.6.0_system_Mupen64plus_cache.png

If it doesn't work for you I really don't know what to tell you, this is what worked for me.

Posted (edited)





That's what I have...trying everything fresh. Oh, well. Thanks for your help, though.

You would think the console would show where its trying to find a texture pack at least if that option is enabled.

Edited by p bizzy
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