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First off, hello and I hope you can help me here.   I really want to get into emulation but I am hindered by something I cannot find any info for. If this is also the wrong forum for this topic, can you please point me to the correct one?  I MOSTLY understand the importing roms deal within Launchbox.  I am totally confused about the bios part.  Let's say I have the No-Intro complete download.  It has the bios in it. Am I right by saying I need to rename the bios file?  If I have to change the bios file name, is there a list of correct naming of said bios? Where do I put said bios?  I have searched hard on info regarding this but always come up empty.  Is there a good guide somewhere for all the bios? Once again, thank you!

Edited by kalimah

Many emulators do not require a bios file. No Intro includes them for thoroughness only. In order to find out if an emulator requires this file, it's best to visit the emulator page. Again, most do not. Nor should they ever be imported to launchbox.

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Your order of operations should always be to get the system, games and emulator, working outside of launchbox before you import. This makes it easier to ask for help as it can help isolate any problems you're having.

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58 minutes ago, fromlostdays said:

Your order of operations should always be to get the system, games and emulator, working outside of launchbox before you import. This makes it easier to ask for help as it can help isolate any problems you're having.

Quoting this for emphasis and like @fromlostdays and @DOS76 have said, the requirement of bios will depend upon the emulator being used.


Thanks for your help so far guys.  Like I said, I'm a nooby noobish noober when it comes to emulation and setting it up. The No-Intro BIG download comes with bios for the certain systems I want to run but it seems like the bios is worded wrong. Here's an example ([BIOS] ColecoVision (USA, Europe).col.  Do I have to rename it when I use an emulator that does need this bios?  I tried running BlueMSX and nothing worked.  I gavce mame a try but alas, I don't think the bios is correctly named?  Just wish I could find a good tutorial.  The only ones I find never mention anything about the bios placement etc.


yeah that name won't work with colem or MAME I don't know about BlueMSX as I've never used it before. MAME will be looking for coleco.zip with two files inside the zip colecoa.rom and 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 for Colem you would need coleco.rom


It may be worth noting that MAME is a strange one. If you're going to use Mame you're going to want to download a good mame rom set. The reason is, a mame rom set actually comes with a bunch of bios files mame needs. So to address your question directly, yes, depending on where you get things, they may be named weird and emulators may require you to rename. Also, not all bios files will work with every emulator, some are picky. I wouldn't personally bother trying to use the no intro bios for any system. I'd just good "emulator name / bios".

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Also note, some emulators may require a bios file to be extracted, some, like mame, want the file to be zipped. Again, you just have to go to the emulator page and Google and read up.

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1 hour ago, kalimah said:

I'm a nooby noobish noober when it comes to emulation and setting it up.

It's all good, we're here to help in anyway we can.

1 hour ago, kalimah said:

The No-Intro BIG download comes with bios

Tip: Even if you don't need the bios for certain games make sure you keep them around just in case. You never know when you might need them in the future.


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