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Adding systems to Mame


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Been looking around on the net and can't find the answer. I have Mame set up in Launchbox/BigBox. Currently Arcade is the only system in it. I'm trying to add the Bally Astrocade. I imported the roms, selected Mame  and added Bally Astrocade to Associated Platforms then checked Default Emulator leaving  Default Command Line Parameters blank. They successfully import then I edit platform to point to my roms which are on a different drive.  I double click the game and the initializing screen briefly pops up, disappears and the game won't start.  I'm sure it's something simple but it has me stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated as there are several systems I want to use Mame with.

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Unfortunately I cannot give you the exact answer to your question because I don't use Mame for other systems like consoles, I do however use a build of stand alone Mess from back before they re-merged Mess and Mame. While what I will tell you is not exactly the same as it would be with Mess most of the key things to do will be.

With my Mess setup what I do is I dump the bios files into my Mess\roms\ folder, they can probably go in the folder with games but this way was reliable for me. Then in my mess.ini I added the paths to the location of the roms for the systems I wanted to use Mess for. Depending on how many systems you are planning on doing this for it gets very long.

Here is my rompath in mess.ini

rompath                   "roms;E:\Downloaded Games\Emulation\Roms\Mame Full;H:\Emulation\Roms\Atari 5200\;H:\Emulation\Roms\CD-i\;H:\Emulation\Emulators\Mess\roms\;H:\Emulation\Roms\NeoGeo CD\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Coleco Vision\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Atari 7800\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Atari Lynx\;H:\Emulation\Roms\FM-Towns Marty\;H:\Emulation\Roms\NEC PC-98\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Fairchild\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Amstrad CPC\"

Each games path is separated by a semi colon ;

Next in Launchbox you need to add all the systems to the associated platforms of the emulator and each one will have a very specific command based on the system and type of media such as floppy, cd or tape. Here is a screenshot of my Mess associated platforms to give you an idea of how they need to be.59bf32e8e9e0a_2017-09-1722_42_18-EditEmulator.thumb.png.9bcba341e5f77fe84a6fd899dfc65251.pngFor other systems here is a chart showing all the systems with the system name and media type you need to use in the command line along with  the supported media types.


I hope this at least gets you pointed in the somewhat right direction. I know Mame handles things somewhat similar but there are some minor differences. I will have to try and tackle it again sometime with Mame instead of Mess 177 which is the version I currently use.

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Well it goes a bit further- The Mame screen pops up and says "initializing" and stays up for a few secs then closes. That's a lot longer than before. I remember reading a post (I think you may have written) where you mention to uncheck "extract rom before running" or similar and I remember doing that as I was importing.

What I did definitely changed something bit I still don't have it right. 

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Like I said, i dumped my bios in the Mame\roms\ folder but I think you can have them anywhere as long as you point your mame.ini rom path to it.

Here is my current rompath line in my mame.ini file with the new tester setup for this.

rompath                   "roms;H:\Emulation\Roms\Genesis\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Atari 5200\"

rompath                   "roms;H:\Emulation\Roms\Genesis\;H:\Emulation\Roms\Atari 5200\"

The bios files are in the \roms\ folder and then I also point to my Genesis and 5200 roms separating each with a semi colon ;

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Checking on here https://pastebin.com/18W3EbD0 it looks to me like your command line would be

astrocde -cart

I also just noticed that you don't need to put the rom paths to each system, but I still have my bios files in the \roms\ folder of Mame. I'm still tinkering around with it to see what else I can figure out though. I did find that The Adventures of Batman and Robin doesn't work for some reason, maybe a bad or incomplete bios.

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