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I have two games in my launch box that disappear seemingly every time I close the program and open it again.

I have to re-import them both every time I start launchbox back up.

The games are "silhouette mirage" for the ps167062-silhouette-mirage-playstation-front-cover.thumb.jpg.edfb9255e9cf4d2b3b5bb8b16b7b16c6.jpg and castlevania lament of innocence" for the ps2.28822-castlevania-lament-of-innocence-playstation-2-front-cover.thumb.jpg.253b74a7a35f1132ae24c7153a7a8563.jpg

If anyone has any idea why this might be happening I would appreciate any help.


The imports go to the platform xmls files. So for example, your ps1 game should be added to your LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\Sony Playstation.xml file sort of like this:

    <ApplicationPath>..\Arcade\Sony Playstation\roms\Silhouette Mirage (USA).cue</ApplicationPath>
    <CommandLine />
    <ConfigurationCommandLine />
    <ConfigurationPath />
    <DosBoxConfigurationPath />
    <ManualPath />
    <MusicPath />
    <Notes>In an apocalyptic future, the Edo computer has gone beserk, dividing the world's inhabitants into two mutant classes, Silhouette and Mirage. Now, the watchguard computer safety system has sent forth the Messenger of Justice to travel to Edo and repair the damage before the world is lost forever. As the Messenger, Shyna Nera Shyna, blast, beat, and bash your way through seven wild and bizarre stages using friendly parasite weapons to aid your advance against wacky enemies, huge fully-animated bosses, and devilishly difficult obstacles. Providing the utmost in playability and replayability, the game wizards at Treasure, the brilliant minds behinds such international hits as Gunstar Heroes™, Dynamite Headdy™, Mischief Makers™, and Guardian Heroes™ have come up with another sure-fire classic that pushes the 2-D capabilities of your PlayStation® game console to its limit, and come up with a hit!</Notes>
    <Platform>Sony Playstation</Platform>
    <Publisher>Spaz (Working Designs)</Publisher>
    <Rating>E - Everyone</Rating>
    <RootFolder />
    <ScummVMGameDataFolderPath />
    <ScummVMGameType />
    <SortTitle />
    <Source />
    <Status>Imported ROM</Status>
    <WikipediaURL />
    <Title>Silhouette Mirage</Title>
    <Version />
    <Series />
    <PlayMode>Single Player</PlayMode>
    <Region>North America</Region>
    <VideoPath />

So, after you import the game, you can search the xml file for this game while LB is still running and see if it got written to that file. But then make sure you close the xml file. Then close LB and check the file again. If it's still in there, it should remain on next launch. At least this should give you some ideas on where to start looking.

  • 4 months later...

I have this same problem.  I had multiple titles disappear, the only common thread is that they are PS2 (though not all of my PS2 files, just over half of them, seemingly at random).  I can re-add them but they disappear as soon as I close and reopen the program.  

I checked the Playstation 2 xml file and the missing games are still listed.  They just don't appear in Launchbox.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Someone was able to fix this issue? In my case, game is disappearing from list after run any game. I have to re-import it to see it again. Please help.

Edited by osmodiars
13 minutes ago, osmodiars said:

Someone was able to fix this issue? In my case, game is disappearing from list after run any game. I have to re-import it to see it again. Please help.

Make sure you do not have any of these boxes in the view dropdown checked.


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