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For a few games (most recently Street Fighter V on Steam), Big Box has continued to play background music even while the game is running. How do I fix this?

Also, in Platform categories view, when I hit a category, there's a slight delay before it "enters" the category. I hear the sound of the "click" event, then a 1 second delay, and then another sound of "click" event before it finally transitions into the category,.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I seen your post  while doing a search for a similar issue which I am having too. I decided rather than make a new thread I would add to this one, in hope that we both can get some support.

In my case, I use Launchbox for both Emulation but also for some custom games using Unity/Unreal etc. I have recently started using the background music feature of Launchbox which seems perfectly fine for normal emulated stuff. I am using Launchbox to open Rocketlauncher/Retroarch for the Emulated systems; music would play on the Launchbox menus, when I select a game to see more details the music stops, it remains off until i quit the game I am playing, then the music would startup again after navigating the menus . This is normal and works great.

The issue I am seeing this with is Unity games with the 'Launcher' window which pops up on start. The music would stop when I select a game for detail view. As soon as the game opens and I click start on the Unity Launcher, Launchbox starts playing music again, the only way to stop that is to Alt-Tab to Launchbox, then Alt-Tab back to the game I started.

Guy, I'm afraid I don't know about Street Fighter V, but when you open that game do you have any 'setup' windows pop up before the game boots up? if so then our problems are probably related.

For more information I am using Windows 8.1, I am using Launchbox 7.16 and here is an  Example Game, it is free and legal from Itch.io if anyone wants to give it a try.

Is anyone else having issues like this? Would it be better to report this as a bug rather than use the forums?


p.s Guy, I'm afraid I'm not having your other issue, Iv used Launchbox for about 6 or so months and not seen/heard that before. It sounds like it may be a performance issue?

  • 3 months later...

Hi Guys,

This happens to me as well; although only when launching a Steam game through BigBox. The background music pauses; there is a small steam dialog that appears momentarily before the game fires up full-screen; and then the background music resumes whilst the game has loaded.

I see it has been a little while since you last posted. Were you able to get to the bottom of this issue and resolve it?


6 hours ago, Mr_Moon said:

Hi Guys,

This happens to me as well; although only when launching a Steam game through BigBox. The background music pauses; there is a small steam dialog that appears momentarily before the game fires up full-screen; and then the background music resumes whilst the game has loaded.

I see it has been a little while since you last posted. Were you able to get to the bottom of this issue and resolve it?


Hi Moon,

Oh right, well I'm glad to see it's not just us. Yeah I think it's anytime a dialog box comes up, I think LB gets confused by it for some reason. I have noticed it on other emulated stuff too however.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to resolve it myself. Only alt-tabbing to Launch/Big Box and then back to the game seems to get it to stop but then when you return to Launch/Big Box the music is still playing in a random place. Its' a little jarring but I think it's because it was still running in the background. I have created an issue on Bitbucket but I haven't had any response from that either :/

Background music on Big Box still playing

Here is the link if you'd like to follow it, hopefully we get an answer soon!


  • 6 months later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Bumping this as I have the same issue. I'm doing a very vanilla Big Box--->Launch SNES Game and getting the background music as I try to play. This is basically the most common use case so I figure there must be something big/obivous that addresses this. Happy to provide further details on my specific setup if helpful, though it looks like this topic hasn't seen much love since 2018.

  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Also bumping because I have same/similar issue (i didn't even launch the game but while scrolling through the games list, the video trailer of the game plays, with music, and when i moved on to a different game and started that game, the music from the trailer of the previous game was still playing..) It's odd that after 2 years it hasn't been addressed on here, and I totally agree that it makes big box useless if you have to back out to close it. Might as well manually launch the emulator/games. Please help, someone!

Edited by scofo
  • 2 weeks later...

I want to post this as an issue for me too.  I tweaked a game and move on to another and the video sound from a previous game in the menu keeps playing.  I have to exit out to clear it but then it happens again about 5 games in.  Bit of a pain when trying to update my games database

  • 3 weeks later...

I'am having the same problem. In launchBox sometimes after returning from a game I hear the audio from the video of that game. Sometimes even after editing a game I hear the audio from the video of the previous game I edited. Funny thing is, I don't even use de "Game Details view" in LaunchBox and I don't have game audio files. Disabling "Show video's" for LaunchBox's Game Details view solved the spontaneous audio issue for me.

  • 4 weeks later...

New user to BigBox. Having the same issue. I've tried about 6 platforms so far and the only platform it *doesn't* do this for is Dreamcast. If it matters, I'm using RocketLauncher (and NullDC for Dreamcast). Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Anyone found a workaround yet? Perhaps there's a way to tell BigBox to not automatically start videos when browsing through the game list? Auto playing videos is obviously a big draw to any frontend that I'd really like to leave on, but I definitely can't live with having music playing in the background when I'm trying to play games. Worst part is that it just loops continuously.

Posted (edited)

Not sure if this is a workaround or a fix, but through random testing I was able to find that by disabling this setting the problem went away:

Options -> Game Startup

Uncheck 'Show "Loading Game..." Message' (checked by default)

I'm using the default theme, in case it matters.

Edited by slizzap
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Hey, I was having this isue w/ Rocket Launcher & Dreamcast when launching a game from BigBox. I solved it by going to the Rocket Launcher UI app. Next, choose the guilty system/emu in RL (in my case Dreamcast.)

Then find Settings>the Main tab>Suspend Front End & set that to true. It's in the tp box of the RL settings once you highlight ur system & hit tht green Settings icon. Leaving it on default wasn't good enough for me.

Sharing in case anybody reads this & is still having the issue or if it pops back up for anyone else like it did for me in the last 2 weeks.  

Edited by Lf indy
  • 1 year later...

Hey checking to see if this ever got resolved. I'm having the same issue. Specifically, the music in the last view (where you select play) never stops. I put music into a theme i made for that view. I think the view stays open in the background when the game is loaded so not sure if there is a way around it. Any ideas?

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