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I am trying to setup some overlays in RetroArch and I am having 2 problems.  I cant figure out how to save it on a per system basis.   The only place I can find to pick an overlay is Onscreen Display - Onscreen Overlay but that changes it for everything regardless of what core you have loaded.  I wanted to have a different Overlay for each system.  


The second problem is I cant figure out how to change the size of the game image to fit certain bezels.  I am going to use these for what is available:


and these are fine because I can just set the appropriate aspect ratio and it fills it correctly, but for other ones like this GBA one I cant figure out how to get it to fit inside the bezel:



This is how I got mine to work, with thanks to @Zombeaver
To keep your overlays (bezels) tidy and separate from all the existing stuff in the overlays folder, I suggest making a new folder in overlays called bezels and put your bezel pngs in. Some of these images have long names so I renamed all mine to short, obvious names like nes.png snes.png psx.png n64.png genesis.png and so on.
Once you've added your pngs, open the borders folder and pick a cfg file, lets say gb.cfg
Copy this file into the bezels folder and make as many copies as there are pngs.
Rename each copy to match a png, nes.cfg snes.cfg and so on.
Edit each cfg in turn and replace the gb.png bit with the png file's name, say nes.png snes.png and so on.
Now edit the file retroarch.cfg in the root folder and set
input_overlay_enable to false
Now open the config folder and in it create some new folders (as many as you have overlays).
Rename these new folders to match the core names of the systems you want to use overlays with, like mesen snes9x mupen64plus genesis_plus_gx and so on.
Copy the file retroarch.cfg in the root folder and paste a copy of it into each of these new folders.
Rename each copy to match the core, so mesen.cfg snes9x.cfg mednafen_psx.cfg and so on.
Edit each of these cfg files in turn and set
input_overlay_enable to true
input_overlay_opacity to 1.000000
input_overlay to the path and file of the correct overlay cfg file in your bezels folder.
Setting the opacity to 1.000000 is to prevent see-through where the overlay and game areas may overlap, such as overlays with built-in curved tv surrounds.
Finally open LaunchBox and edit your Retroarch Associated Platforms to use core specific configs.
example for Playstation
-L "cores\mednafen_psx_libretro.dll" -c "config\mednafen_psx\mednafen_psx.cfg"
All going well you will now have different overlays for different platforms.
I don't know how the game area can be changed to fit the bezel window as all my bezels fit just fine.
  • Like 2
  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, antilis said:

I have the same problem, where did you solve the problem?

A hug

Which part, the per system overlay or the size of the game play area?

FYI, Retroarch now has a per directory override so it's real easy now to save per system overrides.

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