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Big Box Audio Shuffle Not Changing Tracks


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It has been brought to Jason and I's attention that many users are having issues within Big Box with background music not changing tracks correctly. I'm having a hard time replicating and was hoping I could get some more information from people with this issue. If you are having this issue if you could please send me the following:

Your BigBoxSettings.xml file (\\LaunchBox\Data\)
Let me know what the contents are (or a screenshot) of the contents of \\Launchbox\Music\Background\
If you have any files in the other folders in the above folder path would appreciate if you could send me those as well (screenshots or content list, not the actual music file)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to see this getting some traction! I admittedly haven't dealt with this in well over a year since I bootlegged Winamp controlled by a few AutoHotKey scripts as a stopgap measure to allow random music between games.

Just checked and I still have this issue with the native media playback. First track is random and then it starts at the beginning of the "Background" folder alphabetically by folder and track.

I'll PM over the requested info now!

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