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I have seen a couple of older threads talking about three screens and wanted to see if any of the new releases of LB/BB include any type of support for 3 screen displays?  In my case, this is not a three screen desktop, but a 3 screen Vpin cabinet.  The playfield (the biggest screen laying flat in front of the controls in portrait orientation but still in landscape mode as the computer sees it)  screen is where most emulators will launch to and play from but then I have two additional screens, one a 1080p 32" monitor and a 720p 15" monitor above the playfield.  I would love to put a marquee or clear logo on one and maybe controller info, game info or even a 3d box image that stay on those two screens while the emulator is launched and the game is being played.  Possible? Not yet?  Thanks for any input!


There have been no updates. This could possibly be done with a plug-in but one has not been created either.

If you ever want to see what updates have been released you can view all changelog notes directly in LB. go to the hamburger menu in the upper left of LB and Choose >Help >Changelog.

2 hours ago, wolpoffm said:

I would love to put a marquee or clear logo on one and maybe controller info, game info or even a 3d box image that stay on those two screens while the emulator is launched and the game is being played.  Possible?

Maybe give this a try and see if it even works.  It's an unofficial beta plugin that is close to doing what you want.  

You'll need to 'test' it with an “Arcade - Controls Information” image or "Device" image (as described in the post).

Test it on your pincab (on both your backglass and 3rd monitor, respectively), then reply to that post with your findings (good, bad or indifferent).   And then (assuming it works) feel free to leave a comment, suggestion and/or request (i.e. allow for different image(s), accommodate up to two 'extra' monitors...)


  • 1 month later...

Hi Joe, sorry to bother you on such a minor problem, but it is proving to be more frustrating than anything I have encountered because it is probably so easy.  You seem to be the go to guy when it comes to a VP setup.

I have a three screen setup, and all I want is Mame to show up on the main screen just LB and all my other emulators, When I open a game, it should cover up LB or BB....  For some reason, no matter what I do, the press any key screen shows up on second screen (playfield, I will have different display settings when it comes to pinball).  I have messed around with the ini file, the UI, and messed around with windows registry, I have messed around with everything and I cannot change it.   If I increase the number of screens in the Mame ini folder, it just mirrors mame to all of the screens.  I looked for other settings that might change it to no avail.  Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can move on to setting up my Sinden Light Guns under the correct display settings with multiple screens, which is not easy.  Then I can move on to pinball, which am highly anticipating.

Thanks in advance for your help,



1 hour ago, Ingabagovinanana said:

You seem to be the go to guy when it comes to a VP setup.

Not true.  Unless you're talking about the other "Joe".  But thanks?  lol

But I think your question is regarding MAME.  It sounds like you're saying when you launch a MAME [Arcade] game, the game comes up on your monitor #1 (which is your backglass).  But before that, MAME's warning saying (something like) "This game may be screwed up, so don't blame us. Press any key to continue." will show up on your monitor #2 (which is your playfield).

Or is the warning AND the game both showing up on monitor #2?

What does your "OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS" section in your mame.ini look like?

Do your "OSD VIDEO OPTIONS" section have  "numscreens                1"?    Or is it set to 2?

Is the only issue the Warning popup?  If so, search for a "no-nag" copy of mame.exe that matches your current MAME/roms version and replace your current one with it.

BTW, it was by chance that I saw this message. If you need to get my attention, the other Joe, or anyone for that matter, in your message type @ (the "at" symbol) followed by the person's name. If there're multiple options, keep typing 'til you find the right one or click it when it appears in the 'list'. ;) 


Thank you for answering.  I will give that a shot.  Mame is showing on the playfield, but I want it to show on the backglass, and backglass is actually the main screen.  OSD per-window seems to do nothing.  I have tried all combinations of trying to get it to play on any other screen by itself.  If I change the -numscreens to 3, then I can put anything in the OSD Per-window and no matter what, it comes up on all screens, but the Mame's warning still comes up on the playfield.  I guess I did get you confused regarding pinball.  


Again, I appreciate your response, especially on New Years Eve.


@IngabagovinananaThere are mixed reviews about Gameroom Solutions, however, I got my pincab from them and while their support wasn't the best, it wasn't terrible.  All that is to say that they have a video on setting up Mame in a pincab and with a little adjustment to fit your needs, the setting section might help...

I have mine the opposite of yours.  I have BigBox on my Backglass, banners on my full dmd and games on my playfield.  MAME handles this well, but other emulators like PCSX2 don't have screen rotation options which kills them for me on the playfield.  Anyway, hope this helps!



Hey it worked.  I have tried to do this in the past, but could not...   Thank you.

Any other suggestions on what to do about my screen problem?  I have heard of a -verbose option to see what my screens are, but I am not sure how to use that in command prompt.  Do I go to the mame directory?  I am not very good at command lines.   

Thanks again..



Thank you for that, I have been looking for something like that for some time, I am watching as we speak.   I understand what your saying about the opposite.  I do want some of the vertical games to play on the playfield like 1944, but not the ones that that are supposed to be on a backglass, especially the ones that I have for the Sinden. 

So, I have quite a bit going on, not to mention a G29 steering wheel on the same system, as well which is also connected to a PS4 with VR.  I have multiple switches to go back and forth.  I will also have another switch for VP and LB/BB.  Every time I get one thing set up, I screw up something else.   Let's hope this video can clear some things up for me.


Hey Wolpoffm,

I wish I saw that a long time ago, unfortunately, I was given the advice to get everything running for BB, all console/arcade emulators as well as mame, the only thing left is Mame not playing on the correct screen.... Once I get that, then work on pinball with different screen settings. I do plan on using PUP, I'm going to create a shortcut on the backglass/Desktop/main screen, for PUP and for BB when the PC is started.  Depending on which one you pick, the main screen will change using a display changing software, because for pinball, the main must be the playfield, but for most console emulators, it must be the backglass if you want to play on the same system. 

I'm thinking about just resetting everything in Mame to default, since I have changed a lot of mame systems to match special settings for Lightguns and driving games, I would hate to delete but might have to.  Do you know how to do that?



Get MAME running on its own, correctly, before even worrying about any frontends.

After watching (at least the 1st part of) the video and getting things to work correctly on the backglass, close MAME and make a copy of the mame.ini file and call it "horizont.ini".  Now don't touch that file. Leave it alone.  What this does is loads that ini file anytime you run a regular [horizontal] game.

Now go through those steps again to gets things working on the playfield.  Change the "\\.\DISPLAY2" settings, rotation, etc. as discussed in the video.  Pro tip: test using an actual vertical game such as Donkey kong. ;)  Once everything is working correctly for vertical games (correct monitor, correct rotation and so on), exit MAME.  Now make a [another] copy of the mame.ini file and call it "vertical.ini". 

Now what should happen is whenever you launch a horizontal oriented game, it'll play on the backglass.  And when you launch a vertical oriented game, it'll launch on the playfield.  


I don't think he shows it, but he does mention how to navigate to your MAME directory inside the command prompt.  Once there, type the command

mame.exe -v >stuff.txt

Or if you have an onder version:

mame64.exe -v >stuff.txt

Once MAME has loaded, exit it.  You now have a file in your MAME root folder called "stuff.txt".  Open that text file and a little was down you'll see your Displays, as MAME sees them.





I'm not doing this through any front ends.  I am using Mame.exe to launch the Mame games.....  I've learned to get all emulators working first before using a front end.   As I said, no matter what screen I change in the ini file it goes to the playfield TV.  I should probably mention, I have two TVs as monitors and one small monitor for what would be the DMD, or for Marquee, if I wanted.  

I really do not reallly care right now about the or vertical games.  I usually play them horizontal anyways.  That seems like something I could fix later on.  All I want is Mame to play on the backglass, and I cannot get that to happen.  I just tried the stuff.txt execution, and Mame came up on the playfield.  I didn't get the screen pic that you have.  


10 minutes ago, Ingabagovinanana said:

I just tried the stuff.txt execution, and Mame came up on the playfield.  I didn't get the screen pic that you have. 


3 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

Once MAME has loaded, exit it.  You now have a file in your MAME root folder called "stuff.txt".

Did it create that file?


I'm so sorry... Yes it did create a stuff file.  I missed the part where I had to exit Mame first.

It says that my second screen is the primary.  Here is a copy and paste of what I see in the file below.  How do I make Display 1 Primary?  Anything else that may be odd?

Attempting load of mame.ini
Parsing mame.ini
Attempting load of mame.ini
Parsing mame.ini
Reading translation file English: 1 strings, original table at word offset 7, translated table at word offset 9
Loaded 0 translations from file English
Starting plugin data...
Attempting load of mame.ini
Parsing mame.ini
Attempting load of mame.ini
Parsing mame.ini
Video: Monitor 65537 = "\\.\DISPLAY1" 
Video: Monitor 65539 = "\\.\DISPLAY2" (primary)
Video: Monitor 65541 = "\\.\DISPLAY3" 
Direct3D: Using Direct3D 9
Physical width 1920, height 1080
Direct3D: Initialize
Direct3D: Configuring adapter #1 = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
Direct3D: YUV format = RGB
Direct3D: Max texture size = 16384x16384
Direct3D: Device created at 1920x1080
Direct3D: Initialize HLSL
Direct3D: Initialize
Direct3D: Configuring adapter #0 = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
Direct3D: YUV format = RGB
Direct3D: Max texture size = 16384x16384
Direct3D: Device created at 1920x1080
Direct3D: Initialize HLSL
Direct3D: Initialize
Direct3D: Configuring adapter #2 = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
Direct3D: YUV format = RGB
Direct3D: Max texture size = 16384x16384
Direct3D: Device created at 1920x1080
Direct3D: Initialize HLSL
RawInput: APIs detected
RawInput: APIs detected
RawInput: APIs detected
DirectSound: Primary buffer: 48000 Hz, 16 bits, 2 channels

1 hour ago, Ingabagovinanana said:

How do I make Display 1 Primary?

You can't change that, but you can change which display it comes up on.


open/edit your mame.ini file.  Scroll down to the "OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS" section.  

They should all be set to "auto".  Change the "screen" line to "\\.\DISPLAY1" like so:


Close/save the file.  Start MAME.  Make note of which screen it comes up on, and which screen [when you start a game] it comes up on.  Should be the same.

Exit MAME.  Open mame.ini (again) and change "\\.\DISPLAY1"  to  "\\.\DISPLAY2". 

Close/save the file.  Start MAME.  Make note of which screen it comes up on, and which screen [when you start a game] it comes up on.  Should be the same.

Exit MAME.  Open mame.ini (again) and change "\\.\DISPLAY2"  to  "\\.\DISPLAY3". 

Close/save the file.  Start MAME.  Make note of which screen it comes up on, and which screen [when you start a game] it comes up on.  Should be the same.


@JoeViking245 I thought I replied to this last night.  I guess I never hit reply.  I have tried all of that over and over again.  No matter what display I enter Mame is on the same screen.  I tried all other screens as well, tried every different combination, still it starts on the same screen... number 2.   

If I change the numscreen in the section above to 3 screens I get the game on all screens, but the initial "press any key screen" is always on the playfield.  Once I press a key, then whatever game I am playing is on all three, so I know it is possible.  Maybe I have to live with it just playing on all screens????  I don't know what else to do.

1 hour ago, Ingabagovinanana said:

I don't know what else to do.

Make sure you only have 1 mame.ini file.   Look in your MAME root folder (should be the one you've been editing).  Look in the ../MAME/ini  folder.  Hopefully there's not one there [also].  Once you've verified there's only 1, edit it making the following changes:

  • Change "screen" line to "\\.\DISPLAY1"
  • Change "screen0" line to "\\.\DISPLAY1"
  • Change "screen1" line to "\\.\DISPLAY1"
  • Change "screen2" line to "\\.\DISPLAY1"
  • Change "screen3" line to "\\.\DISPLAY1"

Save. Close. MAME. Play. Make note. Exit

  • Change "screen" line to "\\.\DISPLAY2"
  • Change "screen0" line to "\\.\DISPLAY2"
  • Change "screen1" line to "\\.\DISPLAY2"
  • Change "screen2" line to "\\.\DISPLAY2"
  • Change "screen3" line to "\\.\DISPLAY2"

Save. Close. MAME. Play. Make note. Exit

Does anything change?

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