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Very Slow Media Downloader


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Are there any known issues with the media downloader?

I'm doing a fresh install of Launchbox and had to kill the media download cause it was going for over 3 hours and hadnt even gotten past the metadata.

Its still taken over a hour to even get nowhere near a quarter of the way through just the amstrad before freezing completely and needing to be terminated

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Has something happened with the bezel project or Git lately? I went with the actual program for the bezel project and even it is busted as hell compared to back when ETA Prime made his video on it.

Once I stopped downloading bezels through launchbox it fixed most of my issues

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Nothing known as far as I know. I just performed numerous tests using the Project's Windows app to install bezel packs and had no time related issues at all.

Which geographical region are you in? Do you get any errors from the Windows app at all? What is your download speed from your ISP?

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Is this using the Bezel Project.exe app? If you are at the moving bezel point in the process, that shows there is no issue with downloading or with Github. Moving the directories should be very quick. No delay like you are seeing should ever happen. I assume you have plenty of spare space in %temp% and the destination directories?

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500gb on the %temp% drive and 600gb on the target drive, I killed it and re ran it in administrator mode and same issue, downloads everything and gets stuck at the same spot

This is through the Bezel Project.exe but I am almost wondering if this was the same issue Launchbox was having when I was trying it through it.

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As a way of diagnosing and eliminating, I would recommend installing a temporary version of Retroarch on the ssd, change preferences in the Bezel Project.exe app to point to the new Retroarch, then try installing the same bezel pack. See if it completes or hangs at the same place.

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It obviously has a bad sector(s) that only gets hit when trying to copy over a large amount of data. Existing programs/data will probably read without issue. A drive of that age should be replaced. Sad, but true. I have an entire set of 8 4TB drives that are due for replacement in the next year.

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Yeaaah, I appreciate the help though.

I was hoping to make these last until I could set up a NAS in the near future, hopefully when I go buy a new one later this afternoon I can get everything off it without to much issue.

Guess I'm doing a real clean install of Launchbox.

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32 minutes ago, dragon57 said:

It obviously has a bad sector(s) that only gets hit when trying to copy over a large amount of data. Existing programs/data will probably read without issue. A drive of that age should be replaced. Sad, but true. I have an entire set of 8 4TB drives that are due for replacement in the next year.

Couldnt it simply be retroarch.cfg related, your hitting that to set bezel paths right?

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