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Carnival King

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Hello I am trying to get Carnival king to allow me to start the game. I think I moved the CHD file correctly into the folder where the MAME roms are located. I simply copied and pasted the CHD folder into that location and did nothing else. Are there other steps that I need to take? I am able to get the game to load and chose 1 or 2 players with either my xbox controller or the keyboard. I feel like I have tried every key but I cannot get it to go any further to be able to play the game. I ,moved a few other CHD folders over the same way for Area 51 and Carnevil and I am able to get those to allow me to play them. I know these games are designed for a light gun. Is there a way to use a mouse or xbox controller? The cross hairs on these games does not move naturally with what I  have.  Any help is appreciated thank you.



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Works fine. You need to calibrate the game for the mouse or light guns to work.

Carnival King

Press F2 to enter SERVICE mode and select 'CALIBRATE GUN' with the VOLUME DOWN key '-'. Hit F2 to calibrate and to finish process hit F2 again.




Edited by Joe35car
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I just now had time to try again. I discovered that I was also not able to play Carneval. The issue I am having is when the screen tells me to press start I do not know what to press to get a game to start. I am able to fire with  the game pad and the keyboard. I also figured out how to change the input assignments. 

When I want the non CHD games to start I press one of the small buttons on the xbox controller or maybe 1 on the keyboard. I have tried every key. I even tried it on a second machine and with another keyboard which is a wired windows keyboard.

disclaimer I am running Windows 11 24H2 on an old 2015 CoreI7  iMac but it is not a virtual machine.  The iMac is intel based.  

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I feel like I am doing something wrong.

i do not recall seeing a “start”  button mapping option when using the tab key


I did try re mapping the top button option in the input drop down menu from control to z and it would not start the game  ?

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Launch the game and hit Tab

Go to Inputs (General) then Player 1 Controls. Scroll down past P1 Button 16 and you will see P1 Start. Do the same for P2 under the Player 2 Controls. This way binds that button universally for all games. 

To bind this game uniquely select the option for Input (This Machine) and look for 1 Player Start after the Track Y Analog option.  

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6 minutes ago, AOR said:

Thank you. I tried the method you described and the setting is already set to button 1 or Joystick and I am still not able to get the games to start?

please see photo 



According to your screenshot, Player 1 (P1) Start is set to keyboard 1 (top of the keyboard. Not "1" on the 10-key) and the Start button on your Player 1 controller. Not button 1 [on Player one's controller].

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I tried every single  key  on 2 keyboards one being a windows keyboard and all of the buttons on the xbox controller on 2 different computers and I have not been able to get the games to start 

I am able to start non CHD games with the keyboard and x box controller 

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Thank you. I went where you suggested and I did try changing this last night to Z which I just now changed to Joy 1 or 1, I am not sure if there is somewhere I am supposed to save the new setting? when back out of the menus then go back the setting change I made is grey and the others are not. I also checked on a virtual machine I have setup showing the Mac OS icons which I did not change any of the mappings and I cannot get either machine to get the CHD  games to start. please see photos. thank you. 



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23 minutes ago, AOR said:

when back out of the menus then go back the setting change I made is grey and the others are not

The greyed out lines are indicators that this line has changed from its default value(s)

So, all the other ones not greyed out indicate they are default values

It's normal behavior to help visualize what has been edited

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I feel like I am doing everything right then. I guess my next steps may be to install all this on a genuine Windows machine which has Windows 10 on it  and see if it works there. Has anyone tried to get these CHD games to work on Windows 24H2? I tried with both Lunchbox 13.6 and 13.7 and no change 

I believe my virtual machine is 23H2 

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I installed Lunchbox 13.7 on a genuine Windows 10 PC. I imported the .270 merged  Romset and I copied the merged  CHD file for Carnival king to the folder where the rom files were imported to. I assume I did this correctly? I copied the CHD folder not just the file inside of it and put it in the roms folder.

I am still not able to get the game to start. Am I doing something wrong or is there possibly a bug in the software or files?



Edited by AOR
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Yes it works outside of Launchbox. For whatever reason I tried the other 2 games I moved the CHD files to play the games and they both work and start. Those games are CarnEvil and Area 51. I still have not been able to get Carnival King to get past this screen in the process of trying to play the game. As you can see I have entered plenty of coins.

After I shoot and pop the 1 player ballon I move the crosshairs over the arrows to choose where to go. I shoot at it and I see the screen flash and it makes a sound but it does not start the game. please see photo. thank you and thank you for clarifying that Windows 11 24H2 works with this. Are you able to try this specific game and see if you can get it to start?

I do have start set for keyboard 1 or the little gamepad button which starts my other games.  I am also trying the key and button to get the game to start 



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