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Rincewind Theme 1.9.6

   (3 reviews)

9 Screenshots

About This File

Total Game Count now works in all Languages

Updated the plugin Now on the new version of @NJDave71's Plugin (v4),

You may need to Unblock the plugin.

Credit to @NJDave71 for his plugin


Wow finally ready to release!! First off I have to mention that this is my first attempt to design a theme and secondly thank you to @viking as it was the base for the theme, and @criticalcid for all the help when I got stuck :)

Please install the font supplied in the folder before you start.

This theme has been designed around these platform clear logos and I recommend installing them to get the intended look

- simply download them and add them in the  ...\ LaunchBox \ Themes \ <Theme name> \ Images \ Platforms \ Clear Logo.
Remember to make sure the files are named the same as your platform name.


I also recommend using these platform images.

- simply download them and add them in the  ...\ LaunchBox \ Themes \ <Theme name> \ Images \ Platforms \ Banner.
Remember to make sure the files are named the same as your platform name.


What's New in Version 1.9.6   See changelog


Total Game Count now works in all Languages

Updated the plugin Now on the new version of @NJDave71's Plugin (v4),

You may need to Unblock the plugin.


Still cant sort out the animated gif not scaling properly on different monitor resolutions, Would love it if anyone has any ideas...... HELP!!! ;) 


Categories & Playlist TOTAL GAMES now work. Credit goes to @NJDave71 for his HelperControl Plugin. 

 TOTAL GAMES should now align properly on 4k screens

Removed scanline effect from all videos


Added the Community Star Rating to be displayed on most game views.

Also removed the rounded corners so that VLC will now work (shame on vlc).

Remember if you using the Banners and Clear Platform Logos from the above links then you will need to add them back in.


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Cool Cheers. Can you also check to see if the Community Star Ratings are showing for you too please 

 Ref. the Game Count for the Playlists I'm not sure I will have to look into it and see if there is away

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Ok, tried both. Definitely the 1st one. The horizontal alignment for the total games count was good on both by the verticle alignment was off in the 2nd one, being a little uneven with the "Total Games" text. Also, the 2nd one reintroduced the scan lines thing for me but as you stated earlier, there was an easy fix. Thank you kindly for your work ;-)

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Hi there,

Ok, well I went and checked the community star ratings within the game menu and they seem to be there for me but then I found another issue. The scanlines are on the game menu now but they were not before. Right now, it is the only aspect of the theme that has scanlines. I took an image to show you what i mean:



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3 hours ago, Impact_Thomas said:

@Deathbringer what Background do you use for PlatformView ?

@Rincewind what Background do you use for PlatformView ?



I use "Platform Wheel 1" for the platform list and for games list I use "Vertical Wheel 1" its best to assign a key to change views in the options then you can keep pressing it till you find one you want

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3 hours ago, Rincewind said:

@Ripklawe @Deathbringer New version out with the align fix for 4K and also scanlines removed from all views. Can you let me know / take a screen grab to make sure all is ok, cheers

I put it in and it all looks good to me. Thank you for your work. Hit me up if you change things and want a guinea pig to try things on.

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I have a new issue, name of the platform and name of it don't show right, also the video gets over the system's plaque... "select platform" it continue to get over logos too...
I have a 1600x900 monitor and a 1080p TV5a79d76a3c843_Sinttulo.thumb.jpg.b6796a21ec9bf5f902c4e07f164ff6d6.jpg

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It was designed for 1080 so it should be fine on that computer, but 1600x900 you will always get placement issues, all I can suggest is on that computer you will have to customise that view. I'll PM you a modified version to test but again I don't have a 1600x900 to test it myself.

How did you get the white area on the right and bottom?

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5 hours ago, Rincewind said:

It was designed for 1080 so it should be fine on that computer, but 1600x900 you will always get placement issues, all I can suggest is on that computer you will have to customise that view. I'll PM you a modified version to test but again I don't have a 1600x900 to test it myself.

How did you get the white area on the right and bottom?

I will greatly appreciate it, thank you!
And that was a Paint issue when I paste a printed screen there.

Thanks again!

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Last update for a while I think. Just added Categories & Playlist Total Games count :) hopefully it still works on a 4K monitor 

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10 hours ago, Rincewind said:

Last update for a while I think. Just added Categories & Playlist Total Games count :) hopefully it still works on a 4K monitor 

I, for some reason, was not following this post. Just updated to this new version. Total games count for playlist works as advertised. Thank you kindly for the update. Let us know if you plan any revisions. Always room for improvement but to be fair, it is going to be kinda hard here. It is so good as it is. Thanks again!

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I am not seeing the issue Deathbringer is talking about, perhaps an image to show us exactly what it is. The only issue I DID notice, and is a moot point since I do not use the view, is that the text for platforms and platform names is cut of. This is for Platform Wheel 3. Below is an example of what I mean.



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On 8/2/2018 at 7:51 AM, Rincewind said:

That is strange, is that on both your setups and can you see it when your viewing the categories?


No, I don't see it anymore, also I noted that the screen with the video on platformview (vertical scroll) is centered, before it was a little to the right and had curved borders on the corners.
Some issues with the "Select Platform/Select Game" plaque being a little out of place and the issue from the text cut that Ripclawe mention is for the Windows scale... I use 125% on the 1080 Tv

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The cut off text is fixed! But I still can't see the number of total games and star rating (in games view)... also the video "vertical platform view" still in the center covering the system plaques (logos) when the video was a little to the right and with curved edges  it looked much more bettersnap1.thumb.png.e7337cd64f3d9f7c84ee1314e371d884.png

Edited by Deathbringer
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@Deathbringer sorry about that, looks like it's getting worse not better. I am struggling to get this to work on any other screen size than 1920x1080 I did manage to test on 1600x900 and that still looked ok. Really don't see why the total games is not showing up. 

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Nice theme. But still no game count for me. With new update it says "Games:0" . Before update "Games :  "

My launchbox is configured in french language;don't know if it matters.

Also,game count works with City Hunter theme




Edited by lezok
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