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Sega Model 3 | Supermodel Git - EVERYTHING Pre Configured inc Controls. For PC, Controller, Mouse & Light Guns. Test Menu's Configured. Free Play. All Games in English. 2 Player Mouse Support. Audio Adjusted. Layout Images...The Whole 9 Yards 1.0.4

   (6 reviews)

26 Screenshots

About This File



Hopefully the last update before the audio project is done.

---Star Wars Arcade bonus stages no longer invert the y axis. Awesome. Thanks to @k_rollo for pointing the fix out.

This should now be the last 'configuration' update needed. I can't think of anything else I can do. I've said it a million times I know but this has to be it now....right?



Audio is the last piece of the puzzle, and it burns at me, interferes with each one of my days. The levels aren't even correct at defaults. I done what I could with getting stuff louder, like the voices in all the racers but I am NO audio expert nor claim to be. 

So, ready for a long explanation? Games like Sega Rally have a 4:1 audio system with different sounds coming from different speakers. Voices come from the rear speakers which only go to a certain 'loudness'. The audio options Balance, Music, Sound all do different things per game despite their labelling. Making configuring sound a veritable nightmare. However, there are now some more granular sound options in Supermodel specifically for the 4:1 games. So overcoming these obstacles should be relatively easy.

I have full documentation on what the audio options do per game and how to change everything.

But, I lack the audio expertise to know what to set everything at. Like what level should the voices be compared to the music and sound effects. Mixing essentially.

This wasn't even set on the original hardware and no one knows what the 'correct' levels are. Maybe there was some documentation that is now missing. This info isn't even in any of the manuals, perhaps was meant to be set up per install by the engineer? Who knows! The point is no one really knows what the 'dev' intended levels are supposed to be, as the hardware wasn't made with 'console like audio' in mind. Shits been set to essentially arbitrary values.

If you know what you are doing with audio please get in touch.


IMPORTANT: I am not working for the Supermodel Team. This is in no way official. It's just me, admiring Ian and the teams amazing hard work. Presenting it in a way that is usable for PC, Controller and Mouse with minimal effort. A lot of people are turned away from this emulator because of the setup. Thinking it's broken or too much hard work. I want to change that and make things easy so people realise just how good Supermodel is.


I love this emulator.....but it is a pain in the ass to setup.
This is more due to the nature of how the hardware worked not the emulator itself.
Because of these factors Supermodel isn't pre setup for any specific use case, it's up to you to configure it for your specific use case.

But lets face it, most of us are using a PC, Controller, Mouse and Light Guns.

With this pre configuration you will get:

-Every Game Working with No Errors. (AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE CORRECT ROMS)

-2 Player Mouse Light Gun Support. The Lost World, The Ocean Hunter, L.A. Machineguns and Start Wars Arcade (yes I have calibrated for both players). For this to work the mouse indexing needs to match what has been set in the ini file. By default the mouse indexes have been set to MOUSE1 and MOUSE2. For mouse only users this is generally fine, but light gun users may find their mouse index to a higher/different MOUSE number. I have an entire video dedicated to identifying and changing your mouse index. So, if it doesn't work for you it's probably the mouse indexing, in which case follow along with the video. Most light gun users will be familiar with their respective software and will know how to set up/match inputs. This is simply light gun ready, everything set to rawinput, calibrated and controls inverted where needed. You still have to setup your light gun software. Check the ini file to see what controls I have set so you can line these up in you light gun software.

-Audio Configured. Left at default the audio is quiet/loud and not balanced for most games as the baseline (not bassline) is not known. Supermodel simply sets it all to max by Default leaving some games really loud and others really quiet. So, Audio has been adjusted on a per game basis. This took ages and would probably need a video an hour long to explain. Just know that it was super confusing with the Balance option doing different things per game.
I adjusted every games volume to be 'about' the same db.

-Test Menu Fixes. Every game that needed a test menu fix has had it done. For E.g. the Network Board Not Present issue and Feedback Lever issue in Star Wars. This includes setting many of these games Cabinet Type to 'normal' rather than leaving them set to Deluxe. Most of the Deluxe variants have more input options (clutch, fishing line etc) that aren't used or emulated, especially for use with a controller. All games are set to Free Play, Japanese games are in English and regions have been changed to USA where possible. 

-Analogue Steering Saturation & Analogue Calibration. All of the racing games have very twitchy steering by default. This is because of the Analogue Saturation not being correct or calibrated. Some of these games for e.g. Dirt Devils and ECA can be correctly calibrated in the test menu using 'Volume Setting' or whatever analogue calibration function the game has natively. Other racing games for e.g. Daytona 2 and Sega Rally 2 do not have a native analogue steering calibration function in their test menus. However Supermodel has a InputJoy1XSaturation option that kinda does the same thing. By default, these games with no native analogue configuration have a lot of 'dead zone' when the steering is fully locked. Meaning you can ease off the stick some of the way with no effect on the steering in game which means the Analogue Saturation is incorrect causing twitchy steering. I have tested every racing game and adjusted InputJoy1XSaturation. This is now perfect for all the games without a native analogue calibration function, while keeping all of the steering range. This makes all the racing games far more playable. Other games like Sega Bass Fishing also needed their analogue controls calibrating in the Volume Setting function in their test menus. For full details on this please see the table below. (A lot of testing went into this)

-Enhancements. Some games benefit from having different modes activated. For e.g. Sega Rally 2 'Game Type' set to 'Special' enables 3 laps per stage rather than just the one. Virtua Striker has Golden Goal and Penalty Shootout modes that are off by default, having a longer play time is also preferable in this type of game. There's also little changes like setting Speedometers to MPH from KPH. Please see the table below for more info.

-Controls Have Been Pre Configured...yayyyy. Please see the images provided for button layouts. I have spent many hours on figuring out the best layouts to ensure no clashing inputs and intuitive controls, I could go into detail but again it would need a video an hour long to cover it all. Just know a 'dead zone' of 5% has been added to the analogue sticks to prevent saggy sticks from steering your car for you, or randomly entering directional inputs when you don't want. Also, some games will use force feedback to vibrate your controller.

I have provided a pre configured Supermodel.ini file for XINPUT and DINPUT.
XINPUT (Xbox/Windows) is by far the preferred input method.
This is because all XINPUT controllers are the same between controllers with their input IDs. This is great for making pre configurations because it's the same for everyone.
If you are unsure as to what input system your controller uses a quick google search should tell you, or this should tell you https://gamepad-tester.com
DINPUT is not so great for making pre configs as their input IDs can vary between controllers.
So, now here comes a...


So with that out of the way.



  • Download the most recent Supermodel Git version. Not SVNr as this is now old.
  • Download the Sega Model 3 UI (not required, optional)
  • Unzip both.
  • Transfer the Include Folder, Snaps Folder and the Sega Model 3 UI exe, from the Model 3 UI folder into the Supermodel Git folder. ONLY TRANSFER THESE FILES. 
  • Use as recent as possible MAME NON-Merged ROMS. DON'T USE MERGED ROMS.
  • Supermodel is now kept in line with MAME updates if they are to do with Model 3 Games.
  • You can use as old as 0.236. Supermodel is "backwards compatible" to this point.
    magtruck was updated 0.249
    oceanhun was updated 0.253

Parent roms should/have been used wherever possible. However, some 'clones' need to be used. 'gatbassur' is the preferable version of Sega Bass Fishing due to I/O. 'scudplus' and 'vf3tb' are also clones. I consider these to be separate games in their own right as they have additional/different content so they are here as well as their parent rom counterpart. Virtua Striker 2 has a bunch of versions, I am using the parent roms of the main 3 versions/revisions. Their content does differ slightly so I have all 3. This is essentially a 1 game 1 rom list.

This is the set to use, place in ROMs folder of Supermodel. You only need what is listed below:

bassdx         (Only needed if using a split set, not needed if using the recommended NON-Merged set. 
dirtdvls        (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-19338a.bin'. Found in scud.zip)
eca               (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-19338a.bin'. Found in scud.zip)
fvipers2       (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18022.ic2'. Found in segabill.zip)
getbassur    (Only play this version of Sega Bass Fishing. All the others break/crash after 10 mins. This version was ported to the Dreamcast because of it's more controller friendly setup. If using a Split rom you'll need the parent rom 'bassdx' also)
lemans24    (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18261.ic9'. Found in stcc.zip)
magtruck    (Better dump as of 0.249. Fixes Attract Mode. This is a newer version so it will be the new parent. With the old 'magtruck' parent becoming the clone 'mgtrkbad')
oceanhun   (New dump as of 0.253. This is a newer version so it will be the new parent. With the old 'oceanhun' parent becoming the clone 'oceanhuna')
vf3              (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18022.ic2'. Found in segabill.zip)
von2           (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18022.ic2'. Found in segabill.zip)
vs2              (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18022.ic2'. Found in segabill.zip)
vs298         (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18022.ic2'. Found in segabill.zip)
vs2v991     (Split rom will be missing optional file 'epr-18022.ic2'. Found in segabill.zip)


  • Download the NVRAM folder from this page and unzip. Move the NVRAM folder you just unzipped into Supermodels file system, replacing the NVRAM folder/files that are already there.
  • Download the Supermodel.ini file for your input system, XINPUT or DINPUT. Move the Supermodel.ini into the Config folder, replacing the one that is already there.
  • If you need to, change your resolution in the UI or the ini file. I have it set to 1920x1080. If you are getting slowdown drop the resolution to 1280x720. All other settings are set for a reason, so only touch them if you know what you are doing. 
  • If you are using the UI you can now start it and play a game!
  • PLEASE NOTE: No need to touch Games.xml. New versions of Supermodel do not require the input type to be changed for 2 Players in The Lost World. The default 'analog_gun' input version now works properly and is preferable as it's way more accurate. It has a far more granular calibration function compared to the 'gun' version. 
  • If you are NOT using the UI you can use my custom Sega Model 3 Platform XML with LaunchBox to launch the games.


  • Download Sega Model 3 XML from this page.
  • Make sure LaunchBox is closed and not running in the background.
  • Place XML into 'Platforms' folder if LaunchBox. It is located in the 'Data' folder.
  • Start LaunchBox
  • Sega Model 3 Platform should appear on the left.
  • Set ROMS Path - Click on any Model 3 game - Press Ctrl + A to select all games - Go to Tools->File Management - Click on 'Change Roms path for selected games' - Select folder where your ROMs are located. 
  • Make sure the Emulator is setup and is the default for Sega Model 3 under Associated Platforms.
  • PLAY!!!

Awesome Feature:
Try using WideScreen at the same time as WideBackround. This is essentially a widescreen hack giving a true anamorphic widescreen image.
It works really well with most games, apart from Virtua Striker 2 and Sega Bass Fishing. IT WORKS LIKE REALLY, REALLY WELL.

Any questions feel free to ask.

Below is a list of everything that I have done per game. YOU DONT NEED TO DO ANY OF THIS. Consider this the documentation for this pre configuration. 
Please give this a read! A lot of hard work went into this.
Not only have I listed everything that I have done I have also listed any cheats, region change codes and important information.


Daytona USA 2: Battle on the Edge

Daytona USA 2: Power Edition
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using the Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Link ID set to SINGLE. Fixes Network Board Not Present.
-Setting Region to USA removes the option to switch between the Dennis St. James and the Takenobu Mitsuyoshi soundtracks. (Dennis) is the default when set to USA. However, you can still play the alternate soundtrack version with a really easy cheat that is listed below.

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-Steering was very twitchy due to the Analogue Saturation. The analogue steering is technically 1 to 1 however, there is actually quite a lot of 'dead zone' when you have the steering fully turned. I found you can ease off the control stick about a quarter of the way, from fully locked, before it actually started effecting the steering. I confirmed this in 1st Person view where you can see the drivers hand and steering wheel. I eased of the steering about a quarter of the way before the steering wheel moved and the steering started to react. The 'Input Test' within the test menu did not reflect this, giving values for the entire range of the left stick XAXIS.
-So after some extensive testing I have changed the InputJoy1XSaturation to 155% for Daytona 2:BOTE and 165% for Daytona 2:PE, to compensate for this 'dead zone'. This makes the area of the analogue steering XAXIS wider giving way better control, without losing any actual in game steering 'range'. As soon as you ease of the stick the steering will react.
-This 'kinda dead zone' would have been present on the original arcade machine hardware, but due to the amount of travel/range left and right on the steering wheel it wouldn't have been noticed (arms don't twist that far). This adjustment is more of a "trueish" 1 to 1 and is much more appropriate for use with a controller.

General Info:
-Controller will vibrate with this game if you have that functionality.
-More racing modes and 'number of laps customisation per difficulty' are available in the test menu when set to USA.

Alternate Camera Views (you won't be able to do some of these due to the VR buttons NEEDING to be mapped to the D-Pad):
-Press VR1 and VR2 at the same time to get a view from just behind the front left wheel well.
-Press VR2 and VR3 at the same time to get a view from just behind the front right wheel well.
-Press VR2 while already in view 2 to get a cockpit view.
-Press VR4, and while you are holding it press the other three at the same time to get a sky cam view.
-Hold VR2 or VR3 or VR4 and repeatedly tap Start for other alternate views.

-Hold Start when selecting a transmission  for 'Time Lap' mode. No other cars on the track.
-Hold Start when waiting for the race to start/load to play the alternate soundtrack.
-Hold Start when selecting a track to play the mirrored version.
-Light Up Fantasy Amusement Park - Rapidly tap Start during Lap 3 or Lap 4 to light up the road.

Unlock Hornet Car - Battle on the Edge Version Only (you won't be able to pull this off due to the VR buttons NEEDING to be mapped to the D-Pad. However, I have provided a save state of just after inputing the code, so you can adjust the stats and use this car):
-Before starting the game, move the gear stick into first gear. (Right Stick UP, before adding credits and or pressing Start. You don't need to hold the stick up)
-At the course selection screen, move the stick into fourth gear. (Right Stick RIGHT, you don't need to hold the stick right)
-Then Press View Buttons in this Order: VR1, VR4, VR2, VR4, VR1, VR2, VR2+VR3 (together), and VR1. You only have 8 seconds to pull this off and then quickly select a track if you dont want to play the beginner course.
-If done correctly, you'll get the Hornet in place of the usual selection of cars. The cars stats can be modified using the view buttons and the steering wheel. Again, you only have 8 seconds to do this.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu, Push and Hold Start, then with Start Held, Press GREEN/VR4, GREEN/VR4, BLUE/VR2, YELLOW/VR3, RED/VR1, YELLOW/VR3, BLUE/VR2.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Dirt Devils
Test Menu Changes:
-Oversteering issue fixed via calibrating the analogue controls with the 'Calibrate Control Devise' function in the test menu. Gas and Brake have also been correctly calibrated.
-Speedometer set to MPH. KPH is the default.

General Info:
-Region dictated by rom. The parent rom 'dirtdvls' is Export region with no option to change to USA. This is fine as its in English. For USA use rom 'dirtdvlsu'.
-Controller will vibrate with this game if you have that functionality.
-Hold Shift UP in the Vehicle Select screen to toggle to Manual Transmission.

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-As the analogue controls have been calibrated in the 'Calibrate Control Device' to fix the oversteering issue in the test menu. Even though the steering is 1 to 1 it's still super twitchy so InputJoy1XSaturation = 118 has been added to take the edge off.
Emergency Call Ambulance
Test Menu Changes:
-Siren Volume set to 1. It's really annoying otherwise. Default is 7.
-Distance set to MILE. METRE is the default. Although because its the Export version Mile is actually Ft in game because of the metric system or something. ("you's a smart mother f***er") They just didn't label it correctly for the Export version.
-Analogue Controls calibrated in the 'Volume Setting' function.

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-As the analogue controls have been calibrated in the 'Volume Setting' within test menu there is NO need to adjust the InputJoy1XSaturation.

General Info:
-Region dictated by rom. The parent rom 'eca' is Export region with no option to change to USA. This is fine as its in English.

Cheat Code to Play as an EMT on Foot with a Stretcher:
-On transmission select screen, highlight Manual Transmission
-Push Gear shift Up, Up, Down, Down, Up
Fighting Vipers 2
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.

General Info:
-Controls are set to the Dreamcast port defaults. P=(X), K=(Y), G=(A). The Left Stick and D-Pad are usable at the same time.
-A full moves list can be found here

Region Change Code:
-Go to test menu then go into 'Game Assignments'
-Set cursor at 'Country' line then press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left.
-This will then allow you to change the 'Country' to USA and others.
Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders
Test Menu Changes:
-Game Region set to USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Export is the default.
-Cabinet Type set to STANDARD.
-Engine Volume set to 5. The default is 8.
-Number of Stages set to 5. The default is 4.
-Analogue Controls calibrated in the 'Volume Setting' function.

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-As the analogue controls have been calibrated in the 'Volume Setting' in the test menu there is NO need to adjust the InputJoy1XSaturation.

Cheats: Extra Music Track
-When you select your bike press and hold the foot/rear brake (A).
-Then select your transmission with the Start button. Hold the foot/rear brake (A) and the Start button until the race starts.
-Now scroll through the music tracks and you'll find one called ''Jingle Bells''.

Region Change Code:
-Go to test menu then go into 'Game Assignments'
-Press Shift Up, Shift Up, Shift Down, Shift Down, View, Music, View, Music
-This brings up an additional region select option where you can select USA and other regions.
L.A Machineguns: Rage of the Machines
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Cabinet Type set to STANDERED. (Not a typo, it's spelled like this in the test menu)
-Calibrated for Accuracy in the 'Aim Set' function.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu push Start, Start, Service, Start, Start, Start, Service, Test.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Le Mans 24
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Special Car set to SKYLINE. The default is NONE

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-Steering is very twitchy due to the Analogue Saturation. Controls are a perfect 1 to 1 however it's still really difficult to control.
-So after some extensive testing I have changed the InputJoy1XSaturation to 120%. This makes the area of the analog steering XAXIS 'wider' giving way better control.
-You do lose some steering range but the trade off is more than worth it and barely noticeable.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu press Start, Start, Service, Service, Start, Test.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Lost World, The
-So, I'm bringing the hammer down on this one as I have discovered the issue everyone (inc. myself) has been having. This game has 2 input methods which can only be changed in the Games.xml. 1-The default, which is analog input, so x and y coordinate based. This one doesn't flash as it's analog based (<input type="analog_gun1" />). 2-The alternative light gun input method which flashes the screen and detects where the light gun is pointed, like a traditional light gun game (<input type="gun1" />).
-In the Supermodel.ini file the inputs labeled for The Lost World ONLY APPLY when the game has been set to Light Gun input (<input type="gun1" />). When set to the default analog input type (<input type="analog_gun1" />), the inputs are actually the ones labeled as Ocean Hunter, L.A. Machineguns, NOT the inputs labelled as Lost World. With 'InputAnalogTriggerLeft' being the trigger for Lost World, and 'InputAnalogTriggerRight' being the off-screen/reload button for Lost World, under the "Analog Inputs" for Ocean Hunter, L.A. Machineguns input section. Not confusing as shit at all.
-This does make sense after the fact, as when set to analog input..... the analog inputs apply.... not the light gun inputs derrrrr. But because of the frankly appalling labelling in the ini file, it has spun me (and seemingly everyone else) till now. As a result of all this confusion I have labelled these inputs correctly in the ini file. I swear this emulator is out to get me.....
-InputAutoTrigger in the .ini is ON. This allows you to simply press the reload button to reload. If this is OFF you'd need to hold reload and then press fire to reload.

Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Calibrated for Accuracy in 'Gun Setting' option.

General Info:
-Crosshairs are ON in the .ini file.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu press Start, Start, Service, Start, Service, Test.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Magical Truck Adventure
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Export is the default.
-Christmas Mode is ON. Changes outfits of players.
-Analogue Controls calibrated in the 'Device Settings' function.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu press Start, Start, Service, Start, Service, Test
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Ocean Hunter, The
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Cabinet Type set to STANDARD. The default is DELUXE.
-Analogue Controls calibrated for Accuracy in 'Volume Setting' function.

Region Change Code:
-Go to test menu then go into 'Game Assignments' and press 1P Start, 2P Start, 1P Start, 2P Start, 1P Start, 2P Start, 2P Start
-This brings up an extra option. Select USA or other regions.
Scud Race / Sega Super GT

Scud Race Plus / Sega Super GT Plus
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. No Region Change Code. USA and other regions selectable from 'Game Assignments'. Japan is the default.
-Link ID set to SINGLE. Fixes Network Board Not Present.

General Info:
-Controller will vibrate with this game if you have that functionality.

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-Steering is very twitchy due to the Analogue Saturation. The analogue steering is 1 to 1 however there is quite a lot of 'dead zone' when you have the steering fully turned, despite the values the test menu gives you. I found you can ease off the stick about a quarter of the way before it actually started affecting the steering. I confirmed this in 1st Person View where you can see the drivers hand and steering wheel, I eased of the steering about a quarter of the way before the steering wheel moved and the steering started to react. The 'Input Test' did not reflect this, giving values for the entire range of the control stick XAXIS.
-So after some extensive testing I have changed the InputJoy1XSaturation to 155%, to compensate for this 'dead zone'. This makes the area of the analog steering XAXIS wider giving way better control, without losing any actual in-game steering 'range'. As soon as you ease of the stick the steering will react.
-This 'kinda dead zone' would have been present on the original hardware, but due to the amount of travel from left to right on the steering wheel it wouldn't have been noticed. This adjustment is more of a 'kinda true 1 to 1' and is much more appropriate for a controller.
Sega Bass Fishing / Get Bass
-Use 'getbassur' over every other version of Sega Bass Fishing.
-Other versions will play for 10 mins and give an I/O error. This version (getbassur) doesn't break due to I/O as it doesn't have a 'line tension' input.
-This also makes the controls pretty much the same as the Dreamcast port.

Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Analogue Controls calibrated in the Volume Setting function within the test menu.
-Game Time and Continue Time have been set to the maximum '3m50s'.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu, select CRT TEST and move to screen 2/2.
-Push the Service Button 4 times, exit the CRT TEST.
-Go into Game Assignments, push Service Button 3 times, then press and hold Service Button and then press Test.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to other regions.
Sega Rally 2

Sega Rally 2 DX
Standard and DX differences:
-The DX version has a different livery (car decals) and some other minor "under the hood" updates.

-This game will run slow and have graphical glitches if the PowerPCFrequency is left on 49.
-Setting to a higher number will fix this. However if set too high the emulator will start to run slow.
-PowerPCFrenquency set to 69 in the ini file. This fixes the issue. It's the sweet spot.

Test Menu Changes:
-Game Region set to USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Export is the default.
-Game Mode set to SPECIAL. This enables 3 Laps per stage. The default is NORMAL (1 Lap per stage).
-Difficulty set to EASY. It's still pretty brutal.
-Default View set to BEHIND. The default is Driver.
-Speedometer set to MPH. Default is KMH.
-Cabinet Type set to TWIN. The CLUTCH and other stuff are NOT used when set to TWIN, which is what we want. The default is DELUXE.
-Coin Assignments set to Free Play. This helps with a bug where if you restart the game with credits loaded it may not display any graphics. Setting to Free Play helps with this.

Analogue Steering Saturation & Calibration:
-Steering is very twitchy due to the Analogue Saturation being 'short'. The analogue steering is 1 to 1 however there is quite a lot of 'dead zone' when you have the steering fully turned, despite the values the test menu gives you. I found you can ease off the stick about a quarter of the way before it actually started affecting the steering.
-So after some extensive testing I have changed the InputJoy1XSaturation to 155%, to compensate for this 'dead zone'. This makes the area of the analoge steering XAXIS 'wider' giving way better control, without losing any actual in-game steering 'range'. As soon as you ease of the stick the steering will react.
-This 'kinda dead zone' would have been present on the original hardware, but due to the amount of travel from left to right on the steering wheel it wouldn't have been noticed. This adjustment is more of a 'kinda true 1 to 1' and is much more appropriate for a controller.

General Info:
-Controller will vibrate with this game if you have that functionality.

-Unlock the Delta and Celica Cars - Press View Change and the Handbrake (A+Y) at the same time on the car select.
-Better Time Display - Put in your name then hold View Change and Handbrake (A+Y) at the same time until the game starts.
-Turn Off Music - Put in your name then hold Start until the game starts.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu using the Service Button:-
-Do 4 short presses, 2 long (about 2 seconds per press), 2 short presses, then 1 long press (about 2 seconds).
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to other regions.
Ski Champ
-This game has an InputSkiY AXIS Input. Despite this being designated as a Y axis it's actually used for movement on the X axis.
-It is for turning harder, like digging in the edges of the skis. This is how the original arcade hardware works.
-This is assigned to the Right Stick. Move the Right Stick in the same direction as the Left Stick to turn harder.

Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/Export.
Setting to USA kept crashing the game for me. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Extend Time set to 25s. The game is pretty much impossible to complete otherwise. The default is 20s.
-Analogue Controls calibrated in the Volume Setting function within the test menu.
-Force Feedback MUST be enabled otherwise you'll get the 'Check Drive Board' error. Preventing you from playing the game.
-Setting to Free Play forces a 1st Person perspective. Set to 1coin = 1play.

General Info:
-Controller will vibrate with this game if you have that functionality.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu press Blue, Green, Blue, Green, Service, Service.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.

Spikeout Final Edition
Test Menu Changes:
-Game Region set to USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Export is the default.

General Info:
-To pick up an item press Beat+Charge+Down (X+A+Down, at the same time). I couldn't figure this out for ages.
-There is a surprising amount of moves and combos. Here is a full list

Spikeout Region Change Code:
-Set cursor on Game Assignments.
-Then press Button3(Charge), Start, Button4(Jump), Start, Start, Start, Button1(Shift), Start, Start.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.

Spikeout Final Edition Region Change Code:
-Set cursor on TIMER TEST.
-Then press and hold the Service Button and enter the following:
-Button4(Jump), Start, Button4(Jump), Start, THEN RELEASE SERVICE BUTTON, Button1(Shift), Start, Start, Start, Button3(Charge), Start, Start, Button1(Shift), Start, Test.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade
-Coin Assignments set to Free Play. This helps with a bug where if you restart the game with credits loaded from a previous play session, it may not display any graphics. Setting to Free Play helps with this.

Test Menu Changes:
-Cabinet Type set to U/R. This prevents an issues with the 'Feedback Lever'. The default is DELUXE
-Lever set to Up---Down - Down---Up. This aligns the main game and bonus stages control inversion. NO Y axis flipping.

General Info:
-The parent rom 'swtrilgy' is USA region. This game has a Region Change Code available but not needed for this version/set. It will be listed below anyway just for reference.

Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu using the Service Button,
-Do 3 short presses, 2 long presses (about 2 seconds per press), 2 short presses then 1 long press (about 2 seconds).
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Virtua Fighter 3

Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. No Region Change Code, USA and other regions selectable from 'Game Assignments'. Japan is the default.
-Show Command set to ON.
-Stage Select set to CHALLENGER. The default is OFF.

General Info:
-Controls set to Dreamcast port defaults. The Left stick and D-Pad are usable at the same time.
-A full moves list is here

Different Costumes - Hold Start and then select your character with any button.
Virtua Striker 2

Virtua Striker 2 '98

Virtua Striker 2 '99.1
Test Menu Changes:
-'vs2 and 'vs2v991'Language/Game Region set to English/USA. No Region Change Code, USA and other regions selectable from 'Game Assignments'. Export is the default.
-'vs298' Game Region set to USA. Only achievable by using Region Change Code. Japan is the default.
-Game Time set to maximum 3m00s. Default is 2m00s
-G Goal Mode (IF THERE'S A DRAW BY THE END OF THE MATCH) = (EXTRA TIME, NEXT GOAL WINS) set to 1m. OFF is the default. (If extra time goes 1m with no goals the match will go to a Penalty Knockout.)
-P K Mode (PENALTY KNOCKOUT) Set to REAL. OFF is the default. (This will let penalties go on until there is a clear winner.)

Virtua Striker 2 '98 Region Change Code:
-Go to test menu then go into 'Game Assignments'.
-Then press the Service Button once for about 5 seconds, then press the Service Button three times shortly, then press the Service Button one time for about 5 seconds again.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.
Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram
Test Menu Changes:
-Language/Game Region set to English/USA. Only achievable by using Engineers Code. Japan is the default.
-Play Time for all options is set to DEATHMATCH (No Timer). The default is 80 secs.

General Info:
-Using Macro Controls, Turn Left & Right are set to the right stick.

Engineers Region Change Code:
-In the main test menu press Start, Start, Service, Start, Start, Start, Service, Service, Test.
-This brings you to a hidden region select screen where you can change to USA and other regions.

Edited by Warped Polygon
Added updated setup guide video

What's New in Version 1.0.4   See changelog


-Star Wars Arcade Bonus Stage Y Axis Inversion Fixed. The bonus stages now play the same as the rest of the game.

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Great Work! Thank you for all your hard work and efford for this collosal project!

Quick tip for those having different setting on "Scale and Layout" other than 100% (I set mine to 150% because i have a TV not a monitor).

Go to "supermodel.exe", right click it and select properties->compatibility->change settings for all users->change high DPI settings->tick High DPI scaling override and set to application, hit ok and save it.

I changed it also on "Sega Model 3 UI -r860.exe" just in case.

This will let the application to choose the scaling not windows and fixes the incorrect resolution problem.


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On 1/29/2023 at 9:30 PM, Warped Polygon said:

Using merged roms will case the emu to run whatever version it feels like rather than the specific one you want/need to. I'm glad there is a newer UI and using it should be fine with my pre config.

Hello Sir, I'm still not able to play with the lightgun.  Can you please support?  I have an AE Lightgun, but there is no movement at all even though it is calibrated and works with other emulators.  Thanks.

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38 minutes ago, Morris Schaffer said:

Hello Sir, I'm still not able to play with the lightgun.  Can you please support?  I have an AE Lightgun, but there is no movement at all even though it is calibrated and works with other emulators.  Thanks.

Hi mate, sorry you had to chase me around the socials but this is the place where I provide the most support. Have you checked your mouse indexing?

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On 2/7/2023 at 4:37 PM, Morris Schaffer said:

Finally decided to give your instructions a go and it's one of those 'why the hell didn't I try it sooner' kinda things.  Works like a charm right from the start.  And with a beefy machine I'm playing Widescreen 4k 60 fps Daytona USA 2.  Even got rumble with my xbox pad.

Thank you thank you so much for this.

Now if only I could play online against others.  Any idea if that works?  The UI has a button called 'network.'

There is support for this but it takes some setting up which is entirely different to this setup and only possible with lan at the moment I believe. There are a couple of tuts on this out there for multi screen lan etc

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On 3/3/2023 at 6:00 PM, Warped Polygon said:

Hi mate, sorry you had to chase me around the socials but this is the place where I provide the most support. Have you checked your mouse indexing?

Hi there, no worries.  This is where my skills are too limiting.  How can I check my mouse indexing?  Do you mean the mouse indexing of my actual lightgun or in fact my actual mouse itself?  Any chance for an addendum to your first post?  Strictly for getting lightgun to work for those 2 or 3 games?  

Just dying to play some lost world.  :)

Also, since I don't have a wireless mouse and a 43 inch monitor I cannot play SW trilogy arcade with the mouse. I would prefer my xbox gamepad.  True, that's hardly as accurate, but here's the weird part.  When I boot up my PC and I open launchbox and I start the game for the first time, I can move the aiming reticule with my gamepad.  Then I close the game (esc button) and restart the game, again from within LB, then my controls are unresponsive.  To clarify, I can start a new game with the pad, but cannot move around any longer.  So for instance, at the level select screen, I always have to choose Yavin.  Selecting Yavin works, but I cannot select other levels. Not that it matters because I cannot move the aiming reticule at all with the game pad, except the first time, then it works.  Super odd.  This behavior I could verify yesterday and I could repeat it just now.   When it no longer works with the gamepad, the mouse does work, but as I said I'd be so close to the screen my eyeballs would explode.  :)

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10 hours ago, Morris Schaffer said:

To clarify, I can start a new game with the pad, but cannot move around any longer.  So for instance, at the level select screen, I always have to choose Yavin.  Selecting Yavin works, but I cannot select other levels. Not that it matters because I cannot move the aiming reticule at all with the game pad, except the first time, then it works.  Super odd.  This behavior I could verify yesterday and I could repeat it just now.   When it no longer works with the gamepad, the mouse does work, but as I said I'd be so close to the screen my eyeballs would explode. 

yeah an odd one indeed. I have replicated this issue also. It may be due to the cabinet type being bet to upright rather than deluxe. I will test this and fix very soon, if you change this in the mean time remember the inversion on the controls will change. Ahh man Star Wars is a pain, get ready for some headaches.

As for mouse indexing etc, apparently demulshooter is the way to go to get this set up with lightguns.

EDIT: You can check the mouse index by using the Remap Tool in the UI. Don't actually set any controls using this. Nothing will be saved unless you press q, so just start it and press the trigger and it should tell you the input starting with MOUSE1, MOUSE2 etc. It's the number you want. Once you have found that out you'll have to edit the .ini file input section for the three lightgun games and change MOUSE1 and MOUSE2 to whatever number appeared in the remapping tool.

Edited by Warped Polygon
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On 2/11/2023 at 1:35 PM, vasago792000 said:

Great Work! Thank you for all your hard work and efford for this collosal project!

Quick tip for those having different setting on "Scale and Layout" other than 100% (I set mine to 150% because i have a TV not a monitor).

Go to "supermodel.exe", right click it and select properties->compatibility->change settings for all users->change high DPI settings->tick High DPI scaling override and set to application, hit ok and save it.

I changed it also on "Sega Model 3 UI -r860.exe" just in case.

This will let the application to choose the scaling not windows and fixes the incorrect resolution problem.


Thanks so much for this. I'm about to update the tut video with a common issues section too. Quick question, do you have your monitor or graphics card set to scale?

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17 hours ago, Warped Polygon said:

yeah an odd one indeed. I have replicated this issue also. It may be due to the cabinet type being bet to upright rather than deluxe. I will test this and fix very soon, if you change this in the mean time remember the inversion on the controls will change. Ahh man Star Wars is a pain, get ready for some headaches.

As for mouse indexing etc, apparently demulshooter is the way to go to get this set up with lightguns.

EDIT: You can check the mouse index by using the Remap Tool in the UI. Don't actually set any controls using this. Nothing will be saved unless you press q, so just start it and press the trigger and it should tell you the input starting with MOUSE1, MOUSE2 etc. It's the number you want. Once you have found that out you'll have to edit the .ini file input section for the three lightgun games and change MOUSE1 and MOUSE2 to whatever number appeared in the remapping tool.

Cool that you were able to replicate that occurence.  Let's see what comes out of it.

As for the instructions, when I got some time in the following days, I'll give it a try.   Will report back for sure.  Thanks man.

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18 hours ago, Warped Polygon said:

yeah an odd one indeed. I have replicated this issue also. It may be due to the cabinet type being bet to upright rather than deluxe. I will test this and fix very soon, if you change this in the mean time remember the inversion on the controls will change. Ahh man Star Wars is a pain, get ready for some headaches.

As for mouse indexing etc, apparently demulshooter is the way to go to get this set up with lightguns.

EDIT: You can check the mouse index by using the Remap Tool in the UI. Don't actually set any controls using this. Nothing will be saved unless you press q, so just start it and press the trigger and it should tell you the input starting with MOUSE1, MOUSE2 etc. It's the number you want. Once you have found that out you'll have to edit the .ini file input section for the three lightgun games and change MOUSE1 and MOUSE2 to whatever number appeared in the remapping tool.

Already tried to accomplish something, but I don't even know where the remap tool is.  Attached my UI, with Lost World selected.  There is a config button at the bottom of the UI.  Is it that?  When I click it a window opens up which seems to be saying something about controls.

Anyhow, if I know that I gotta fiddle with this exact thingie, it would narrow things down a bit more.  




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20 hours ago, Warped Polygon said:

@Morris Schaffer

Mouse indexing for Supermodel really needed a video all to itself. Which you have just prompted me to make this eve. I hope this helps. If not, let me know.


Hi there, I saw it on facebook.  First of all, many thanks for doing this.  Really appreciate it.  Seems very straightforward.  I tried to follow it, but for some reason no movement from my gun.  Start button on gun works as I can skip title screen.  Here a screenshot and vid of my own.  Gun works cuz right after I played aliens extermination on Teknoparrot.  i could also move around my desktop.  Curious to know where I'm going wrong.  As you can see, I click the gun trigger, that shows a 6 in the input window, I close that, go to the ini and add the 6 to the lost world settings.  For good measure I add a 6 to 2nd player also.  I save the ini.  In the UI I also change back to xinput by the way.



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Your index and ini line up but it's still not working. Hmmmmm. Can you play any LG games with your lightgun?

So we need to backtrack and make sure everything else is in place. Towards the top of the ini file there are some per game entries that should look like this. The InputSystem=rawinput is the most important thing here.
[ lamachin ]
SoundVolume = 115
Balance = 0

[ oceanhun ]
SoundVolume = 200
Balance = 100

[ lostwsga ] 
SoundVolume = 100
Balance = 20

If you have these in place then raw input is being used. Try playing with rawinput set in the UI just to make sure of this.

If its still not working then there is something else going on that I can't test for not having a light gun. Try using Arcade Guns app. There is a tut for this being used with Supermodel so that may help.
I'll keep trying tho man, I like a mystery.

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Morris, in your Games.xml is lostwga set to use gun or analog_gun?

If set to analog_gun, it would be ignoring the gun setting you changed and using the one below instead.


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6 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

Morris, in your Games.xml is lostwga set to use gun or analog_gun?

If set to analog_gun, it would be ignoring the gun setting you changed and using the one below instead.


Hi there as you see here it is set to analog_gun1 and 2.  So this is wrong and must be changed?  Thanks.


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11 hours ago, Warped Polygon said:

Your index and ini line up but it's still not working. Hmmmmm. Can you play any LG games with your lightgun?

So we need to backtrack and make sure everything else is in place. Towards the top of the ini file there are some per game entries that should look like this. The InputSystem=rawinput is the most important thing here.
[ lamachin ]
SoundVolume = 115
Balance = 0

[ oceanhun ]
SoundVolume = 200
Balance = 100

[ lostwsga ] 
SoundVolume = 100
Balance = 20

If you have these in place then raw input is being used. Try playing with rawinput set in the UI just to make sure of this.

If its still not working then there is something else going on that I can't test for not having a light gun. Try using Arcade Guns app. There is a tut for this being used with Supermodel so that may help.
I'll keep trying tho man, I like a mystery.

Hi, I checked all this and they're set correctly.   I will try playing with raw input setting in UI as well and try another game such as LA machine guns. 

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12 hours ago, Warped Polygon said:

Your index and ini line up but it's still not working. Hmmmmm. Can you play any LG games with your lightgun?

28 minutes ago, Morris Schaffer said:

Hi there as you see here it is set to analog_gun1 and 2.  So this is wrong and must be changed?  Thanks.


If your Games.xml is set to use analog_gun, then the inputs used in your Supermodel.ini are InputAnalogGunX, not InputGunX. Am I reading this wrong?

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Ok guys a bit of a breakthrough.  Checked my mouse index, same as I did yesterday by clicking gun trigger, and instead of 6 it is now 4.  Lol, warped explained this can happen in the vid.  So I added the 4's in the ini for La Machine guns and it works like a charm.  Awesome.  

Then I tried Lost world again by inserting the 4 into the ini and lo and behold now it works.  I've no idea why it wouldn't work yesterday.  The vid I made clearly showed a '6' being returned as my index value.

That said, see attached screenshot.  Can I disable other player's crosshair and in fact for just lost world can i disable my crosshair as well?  Thanks


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6 minutes ago, Headrush69 said:

If your Games.xml is set to use analog_gun, then the inputs used in your Supermodel.ini are InputAnalogGunX, not InputGunX. Am I reading this wrong?

I dunno.  As I just wrote, now it all seems to work rather well.  Current settings for lost world and la machine guns attached as per the ini.  Though I'd like to think about it some more, feels like some logic eludes me here. 


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4 minutes ago, Morris Schaffer said:

I dunno.  As I just wrote, now it all seems to work rather well.  Current settings for lost world and la machine guns attached as per the ini.  Though I'd like to think about it some more, feels like some logic eludes me here. 

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I was just referring to Lost World.

Have to run to work, maybe Warped can chime in but crosshairs depends on whether using emulator's crosshairs, in-game crosshairs and whether using gun or analog gun as well.

I though Warped and I comment on other another of his threads about this with the information, but I have to run. Will look later if needed.


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1 hour ago, Morris Schaffer said:

Can I disable other player's crosshair and in fact for just lost world can i disable my crosshair as well?  Thanks

Yes, in the control tab in the UI you have a crosshairs option. This can be set to 1 player only, 2 players or completely off.

Glad you got it working in the end. Welcome to the world of windows mouse indexing. It's a pain in the ass lol.

@Headrush69 Changing the Lost World analog_gun to just gun shouldn't have an impact on the inputs that are standard in the ini file. are you having an issue?

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58 minutes ago, Warped Polygon said:

Yes, in the control tab in the UI you have a crosshairs option. This can be set to 1 player only, 2 players or completely off.

Awesome.  Thanks.  By the way, did you ever ponder going the GUN route for SW trilogy arcade?  I wonder if it's as easy as copying the lost world preset in the ini and overwriting the star wars one.  Ain't no way I'm gonna risk it tho. :)

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2 hours ago, Morris Schaffer said:

I wonder if it's as easy as copying the lost world preset in the ini and overwriting the star wars one.  Ain't no way I'm gonna risk it tho. :)

Just tested and it works with rawinput. I'm gonna update this on the next version, can't believe I missed it.

If you wanna set Star Wars up now just add the line       InputSystem=rawinput         to the per game entry towards the top of the ini file.

Then change the inputs for Star Wars. So where you see just MOUSE, add your lightgun index number to it so it becomes MOUSE4 or whatever your index number is.

Remember that lightsaber battles invert the y axis, it's not broken lol

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9 hours ago, Warped Polygon said:

@Headrush69 Changing the Lost World analog_gun to just gun shouldn't have an impact on the inputs that are standard in the ini file. are you having an issue?

I have no issues. 

I am very confused by this statement, are you sure you don't just have both InputGun and  InputAnalogGun set to the same thing and hence why it works?

I am only speaking about lostwga as this arcade mode  came with both light guns and analog guns. 

If you set up lostwga as gun in Games.xml and configure inputs, it will set the InputGun inputs in Supermodel.ini

If you set up lostwga as analog_gun in Games.xml and configure inputs, it will set the InputAnalogGun inputs in Supermodel.ini.

Just re-tested and the Supermodel emu uses the corresponding entry as expected according to what is set in Games.xml


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Excellent work...i messed up my settings ages ago,and couldn't be bothered with all the headache (all over again).So...yeah,thanks.

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Just wanted to share this vid here.  It's Star Wars Trilogy played with a Lightgun thanks to the updated build shared here about a week ago.  You still need to figure out your Mouse index Id number using the UI, and make sure this number is pasted into the Supermodel ini under config for Star Wars trilogy.  Mine said 1 and I changed it into 6 and bam it worked.

I made the marquee myself and the emulator is running on reshade with a CRT Royale shader, the bezel is also enabled via reshade using the Layer fx option.  Please ask in case of questions.

And thanks Warped Polygon for adding SW light gun support.

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