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The MAME Arcade Pre Configuration Project | Complete Download with Arcade Platform XML 1.0.0

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Proper update is coming in about a week (06/08/24). More games and fixes!

8 Months (so far), 3550 games, 100's of hours configuring and too many late nights to count..... this is the MAME Arcade Pre Config Project.

If you want show your appreciation and support the project and myself please check put my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/warpedpolygon

No need to use the importer with the provided custom platform xml. I fully recommend using this to get the most out of what's been done.

If you have been following along you know what the score is. If you are new here, let me explain what all this is.

MAME is awesome, however like many other emulators it doesn't know what your use case is, how can it. So, it's defaults are more of a 'one size fits all... but not perfectly' kind of deal. As a result getting things setup can be a mine field. This isn't just down to MAME defaults, plenty of games present you with a bunch of hoops to jump through just to play the damn thing. This, on top of figuring out controls, (which is the main point here) can be a very frustrating experience. Even google can come up short sometimes leaving you to fumble around in the dark. Removing this frustration is the whole point of the project. I see lots of github requests for MAME that aren't emulation issues, they're configuration and setup issues. This project should alleviate the rage of most users. FOR CONTROL PAD USERS.

So, let's just get into the stuff you wanna hear. To keep it simple I'm gonna list what IS here and what ISN'T here:


  • Every working Parent ROM has been configured. Although, some games listed as NOT WORKING do indeed work to some degree. These have also been configured to future proof the project.
  • Clones and/or preferred versions have been identified, configured and added in ADDITION to their parent counterparts. This could be an uncensored Japanese version, control hack, translation or even a sequel. In some instances an entirely different game can be a clone version. This is such an important part of the project.
  • All English region Names/Versions have been configured. You may know a game by a completely different name depending on your region. All English versions with different names have been configured. So, if it's Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, or just Zoom 909 to you, you'll be able to find it. It'll have that title in game also. I haven't just duplicated the parent version and changed the name in LB.
  • All games have been tested and controls configured for XINPUT Controllers. This has been done per game. Some games needed ages spent on them to figure what the hell was going on. Robocop 2 has diagonals that need mapping to the second player joystick, despite being a one player game. So, you can imagine the time and testing that went in.
  • Multiplayer games set to work with maximum players. Pretty much 70% of 4 player games were setup for 2 players by default. Games that remove the character selection for 4 players have had their 2 player versions also added so you have the choice.
  • Multi screen games set for both one and two screen use. You will have the choice to launch the 1 screen or 2 screen version without having to set everything up. These maybe listed a 1 and 2 player variants.
  • All analog games have had their sensitivity checked and changed if needed. Yes, the trackball Sonic game works just fine despite what people say.
  • Every configured game has a control layout image.
  • Working Prototypes are here.
  • English set for Japanese only games wherever possible. There's more than you think.
  • Unlockable/hidden content pre unlocked. Keep in mind some cheats for hidden content are a one time use and don't save to NVRAM.
  • Fighting game button layouts are setup to all be the same. Exactly the same as Street Fighter 2 on SNES for 6 button fighters. 
  • Light gun games set for controller AND mouse usage. Inaccurate games have been calibrated.
  • Widescreen games set to pixel aspect.
  • Technical hoops already jumped through.
  • Much, much, much more.


  • Mah-jong games that use a Mah-jong panel. These simply have too many inputs to map to a controller. Mah-jong games that use a joystick are here.
  • Japanese quiz games.
  • Gambling and video poker games. Basically anything with a BET, HOLD input system.
  • Japanese clone versions, UNLESS they are preferred or have additional content. 
  • Truly non working games that simply black screen.
  • Any arcade platforms better emulated outside of MAME for e.g. Sega Model 2 & 3.


A lot of work has gone into making sure these games are all accounted for in the xml. There were a bunch of roms that weren't recognised by the importer or games that simply haven't yet been added to the Database. I have made sure that these have been added and named correctly before I start changing/updating the database. Also, I have gone the extra mile and added version info in the title of the game if there are multiples of the same game. So, you will see The Simpsons (2 Player) and The Simpsons (4 Players) as separate versions for extra convenience. PlayChoice-10 games and mega play games have also had this info added to the title so you know exactly what version is being selected, despite sharing the same name as other versions/games.


Despite my previous statements, Non-Merged is the best for sooo many reasons. I plead with you, just go non merged and you'll have a better time. 
However, I have been accommodating and everything has been setup for Merged set users also. But, having games setup as individual roms is way easier to manage than using a merged set and selecting/expanding different versions. This presented a problem that I cant be asked to explain. The long and short is MERGED SET USERS WILL NEED TO USE THE DUMMY ZIP FILES PROVIDED TO BE ABLE TO LAUNCH CLONES. This is so LaunchBox has something to grab onto and launch the game. Is it an elegant solution....NO. Does it just work and future proof any updates and changes that MAME may make to the Merged set...YES. This is because there's a dummy zip for every game, simply copy paste them into your roms folder and DO NOT REPLACE any files that are already present. DO NOT REPLACE. DO NOT REPLACE. 

Not all Merged set users are going to like that solution. My advice if you are not wanting to use dummy zips....get a Non-Merged set.


  1. Download CFG, NVRAM and Control Layout Images
  2. Put CFG and NVRAM files in the cfg and nvram folders of MAME
  3. Use Images however you want. I like to put these in the Screenshot - Gameplay images folder so they display in the side bar. If you don't use a gameplay screenshots this is a nice solution outside of BigBox.
  4. This has been made for use with XINPUT controllers. If you aren't using an XINPUT controller you can use DS4windows or it's alternative.


  1. Download the Arcade.xml
  2. (Merged Set users ONLY) Grab ALL the DUMMY ZIPS and place in Roms folder. DO NOT REPLACE anything that is already there.
  3. Backup your old xml just in case if you have one.
  4. Make sure LaunchBox is not running
  5. Place Arcade.xml into Data->Platforms folder in LaunchBox
  6. Start LaunchBox. The Arcade platform should be showing now.
  7. Select all games in the Arcade platform (Ctrl+A), then go to Tools->File Management->Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games
  8. Find your ROMs folder and select it.
  9. Don't forget to set your emulator path and set it as the default for Arcade platform.
  10. PLAY!!!

This project will be kept up to date moving forward. If you have any info, suggestions or whatever just holler in the comments. 

Edited by Warped Polygon

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


Just changed the folder layout for images to match what is shown in video. Nothing major, if you have this already downloaded this update does nothing for you.

Added Video to description.

Proper update coming within a week.

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  • Game On 1
  • Unusual Gem 6

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I have a problem, everything is in perfect condition but the MAME snap videos, which are now all located in the arcade folder, are not playing in Launch Box or Big Box. Could someone guide me to get it working again?

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FYI, asteroid & astdelux.cfg controls both not working correctly.

No shield on astdelux and no hyperspace on asteroids.

Once deleted the normal MAME cfg files work fine.

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Hi, thanks for your hardworking!

So for using these 3500 games we need to blindly assign the whole mame full folder ? Usually i create a txt list from adb.arcadeitalia.net and with a tool i copy just those games present in the list. Is there a way to just filters the games you configured ?

Txt structure is as attached on this post



Edited by cybermat
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So far I found 5 Games, which weren't working correctly.

Here's how to fix it:

Street Fighter (stuck in Service Mode)
TAB (for MAME-menu) --> DIP Switches --> Set "Service Mode" to OFF --> Close MAME (and the .cfg-file will be overwritten)

Asteroids & Asteroids Deluxe (not all Buttons were mapped)
The Shield/Beam function was missing
TAB --> Input --> Input Assignments (this system) --> map button 5 to whatever you want (I took button B) --> Close MAME

Carnevil (not starting)
TAB --> DIP Switches --> Change "Coinage source" to "CMOS" --> Close MAME

Wizard of Wor (wrong inputs)
Player 1 was mapped to player 2, too.
TAB --> Input --> Input Assignments (this system) --> remap player 2 --> Close MAME

Edited by hoderer
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@zugswang @hoderer

Thanks so much for reporting the games that aren't working or incorrect

Just to recap..?

Asteroids & Asteroids DLX
Hard Drivin
Street Fighter
Wizard or Wor

I gotta say I'm stoked, thought there may be more that are incorrect or not working. But 5 out of 3550 is not bad going


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On 8/3/2024 at 4:00 PM, Warped Polygon said:

But 5 out of 3550 is not bad going

yes, that's great, but I didn't test everything - just a lot. I'm quite sure, there is more, but I was really excited how good everything is! thanks again for your work!

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OFFtopic: If you like large pre-configuration projects... I have a suggestion:
Overscan of NES games.
Nes games almost always have small bugs in the corner of the screen, but it really varies from game to game, there is no fixed definition for everyone.
and it would be cool to be able to download a pack with all the games already configured to play on Mesen (the best NES emulator).
how it works: Mesen stores this info in simple .json text files in "GameConfig" folder, and for this file to work it just needs to have the same name as the Rom. so maybe it would be useful to have duplicate .json files with different rom pack names(like No-Intro, English Translation ROMs Collection by Chadmaster, etc)

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