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View game specific commands from MAME's command.dat 1.1.0

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Inspired from MAME's built in feature in the main UI (and via their in-game Tab menu) and Ben Baker's CPWizard.



View information from MAME's command.dat to show:


Included in the plugin is a "MAME Command" Custom Badge (LaunchBox Only [unless someone figures out how to show Custom Badges in BigBox])
This will show the badge image.png.e73af7ef8b21d63e1fbeebca3de02b79.png for games included in command.dat



Installing the plugin

  1. Download and open the file using 7zip.
    • if you don't use 7zip, first unblock the file (Right click, select Properties, and click Unblock) then open it as you normally would.
  2. Extract the main folder from inside the zip file into ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\
    •     i.e.  D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MAMEConmmandDat\ 
    •     (the main folder "MAMEConmmandDat" and all its subfolders are required for the plugin to work!)
  3. Start LaunchBox or BigBox


Enabling the Custom Badge

In LaunchBox, click Badges, Plugin Badges, "MAME Command"
You can change the badges image by replacing the image ../LaunchBox/Images/Badges/MAMEcommands.png


Using the plugin
LaunchBox:  Right-click on a game and select MAME Commands.

BigBox:  In the Game Details screen, scroll to the bottom on the list and select MAME Commands.


To scroll through the page, use your keyboard Up/Down arrow keys, mouse wheel or your controller's left joystick (or DPad) Up/Down.

To close the window, press Escape, or on your controller press your mapped Exit Game (LaunchBox) or Close Active Window (BigBox) button(s).



Version 0.262 of command.dat is included. Future updates can be found here: https://www.progettosnaps.net/command).  Just replace the existing file located in the plugins /Data/ subfolder.


As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, comments and accolades are welcome. 😎

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

  • Like 7
  • Unusual Gem 3

User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.

Very very cool, I love your plugins. I will definitely use this often to see what I have to do with one or two lesser-known arcade games. Also great for fighting games 🥰

  • Thanks 1
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