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Everything posted by TheNewClassics

  1. One other thing I've noticed with the recent betas is that the release year is only showing up for some games in Big Box; it looks to be sporadic. I'm using the Game Discovery Center
  2. Might just be my setup, but the 3D boxes are no longer rotating with the right joystick anymore. Default view
  3. I've got no options showing up in the Game Details screen in Big Box, just a blank list. Critical Zone default is my theme.
  4. Is there a way to update BB themes (via Theme Manager) without being in BB? Because I can't see the text lists at all in BB, and I'm getting an error each time a text list tries to load.
  5. One last thing to mention with regards to this beta. The multi-disc issue m3u issue was fixed earlier in the cycle (thank you for that), but I did notice that when you try to import a single game on system using RA, it'll ask you for the core for that import as well. However, if that game's selected core doesn't match the system's default emulator, it just defaults to the default emu. Seems to ignore that selection for the import
  6. Thanks for the fix in the newest beta. One follow up question. Since we can't set a secondary core for certain games with any kind of drop-down, etc., I've been using command line for certain games that need Beetle PSX HW. However, that is still using m3u files, even when the core is not set to do so within LB's emulator options.
  7. Got it. Thanks for taking a look C-Beats, I appreciate it.
  8. Hey LB team, got a bit of an odd bug here. I use Retroarch's Swanstation primarily for my PSX games, and I have had m3u creation enabled in settings. For some PSX games with texture packs, Beetle PSX HW is needed. I've put that core as a secondary in my Associated Platforms tab, and have m3u creation disabled/unchecked for that core. When I launch a PSX game with Beetle, it still creates the m3u file. The only way it doesn't is if I turn it off for Swanstation as well. Is there any way to disable m3u on a core per game basis, or does the default m3u option always have to be unchecked?
  9. -g works for me still.
  10. Huh. Yea that's all I had in there. That pull request I referenced is now merged tho, I wonder if that changed anything. It also said in there --game is a command line argument, I wonder if that would work. Should be able to test it soon.
  11. Glad it worked. I tried with just the -g command also, and it worked for me. Hopefully that keeps working for awhile.
  12. This might help, haven't tested it yet: https://github.com/shadps4-emu/shadPS4/pull/1586 Looks like we're gonna need to add -g and -f. I should be able to check it later. Granted, that pull request hasn't been merged yet.
  13. Same issue. It worked before but I believe I recent update changed how it launches via command line. Will try to figure out what we need to do to make it work
  14. Hey guys, any chance for these two? 1. Sonic 2 VS - Sega Genesis 2. Golden Tee LIVE 2007 - Arcade Thanks in advance!
  15. Couple more things I've figured out @AstroBob that could potentially be helpful narrowing down the issue. - I've tried a fresh install of LB 13.17 in a different folder. I still seem to get NET core errors. - Tried reinstalling/uninstalling NET core 6.0 and 3.1. Also ran sfc /scannow with no improvements. I'm thinking it could be helpful to go back to the version before LB switched to the newer NET core version, but I'm unsure where I would find an particular older version of LB. Is there a repository somewhere for the older versions? (10/27 update): Continuing to look into this, I searched for the specific error code I was getting. Several different resources mention a possible issue being background garbage collection, "gcConcurrent" setting used within NET core. The couple resources I found: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/runtime-config/garbage-collector (specifically the Background GC part) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4367664/application-crashes-with-internal-error-in-the-net-runtime (mentions the error and it potentially having to do with garbage collection) I'm now trying to see if I can change that setting within the LB runtimeconfig.json file itself. Guessing I might break something in the process, but if this extra info provides any chance of a repair it's worth it. After all that, this looks to work for me. I added this to my LB runtimeconfig file and I'm not getting the crashes with updating metadata/media anymore. { "runtimeOptions": { "configProperties": { "System.GC.Concurrent": false } } }
  16. Thanks for taking a look AstroBob; so as of now, my main issue is crashing at various points in LB due to what looks to be a NET core error. But it is definitely reproductible when downloading metadata/media. To respond to your questions: - 13.17. I've been upgrading as the betas have come along for several years - I'd say at least 6 months now, maybe longer. I can't pin down which version did it. I did notice it's a NET core issue according to Windows Event Viewer, so I was looking to see when LB updated it's NET core version - Around 30k Thanks again; I've been trying to troubleshoot this for about a week. Was fortunate to find a fix for the initial load issue, but these other crashes have been very tough to pin down.
  17. Not sure if this will be helpful for anyone in the future, but I found an old topic in which C-Beats suggested to set "EnableAutomatedImports" to false in the settings.xml file, and now it loads every time without issue. Unfortunately, I'm still getting crashes related to Net core in other places., at least according to the Event Viewer.
  18. Hi LB team; I'm getting a pretty consistent crash with the "Populating Local Metadata" step on opening LB. Every 4th or 5th load, it does eventually load properly. I took a look in the Windows Event Viewer and got a log and a couple readouts. Wondering if anyone could take a look and see if there's anything to go by in there. Along the same lines, I consistently get a crash when downloading images/metadata and get to the "Clearing Image Cache" step. From what I can see in the logs, it appears to be a NET core error. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling all of the NET core packages but the crashes still continue. Error log.txt Error summaries compiled.txt Report.wer
  19. Hey guys, anybody willing to take a shot at this one? It's the only version that has the "With Banjo-Kazooie" I believe.
  20. Hey everyone. Anybody be interested to tackling the Grauen no Torikago series for Dreamcast? It just got recently translated, and it doesn't look like any of them have logos in the DB. Here's the first one:
  21. Thanks for doing this LB team. Question from me is will other rating systems like PEGI, CERO, etc. be implemented to the database? Including previous ones, like VRC?
  22. Hey everyone. Anyone willing to take a stab at this one? It's British Open Championship Golf for Windows. I just added it to the database. Unfortunately I can't find any real high quality shots of the cover anywhere
  23. Hi LB team, Been having a new issue recently. I've been trying to download and update metadata and media for my collection. When I do so, it downloads all the metadata, but when it gets to "Clearing Image Cache", it freezes and then LB crashes without a crash log. Is there some place to clear the LB image cache separately?
  24. I changed the naming of the videos that had the - to a _, and it's still not working properly for me. I can't figure out on which beta it changed, but I know on the previous version the videos were recognized properly even with the dash.
  25. Thanks for the info. Is that new? Because it worked before for several years for me with the dash. But good to know if that's the case.
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