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Everything posted by midd

  1. here's a decent Youtube tutorial on using a streamdeck in an arcade cabinet. Skip past the first few minutes. The rest is good and informative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rm0B1M-6Ys&list=PLvNsWRCC6ica5n4spukPjoFfyWnzcUUL6&index=147
  2. ughh its not writing to the ini after I made the switch.
  3. ok so it appears to be writing to the correct ini file. However I have a new issue. When I booted up this morning, the program lauched and identified \\.\DISPLAY2 as the primary display. But when it wrote to the ini file which was previously DISPLAY14, it put DISPLAY2 and left the 4 on from DISPLAY14 thus giving me DISPLAY24. Should I go back to this : $content = $content -replace '(DISPLAY\d{1,2})',"$primarydisplay"
  4. These are the pop ups. Is this what you are referring to? https://imgur.com/gallery/CGv6f5X Think I figured it out. I assumed the proper mame.ini file was in the ini folder. There's another mame.ini in the mame folder. That's the one. I'll edit the script and see if it changes the righ mame.ini
  5. So your program didn’t update the lightgun ini. . But I downloaded arcade64 to make some changes using the gui. I can assign the screen, display14 and it will show in the ini file, but it’s still going to the marquee if I launch it through Launchbox. If I launch the game just through arcade64, it goes to the main display. must be something with his scripts.
  6. ok it didnt change in the lightgun drive
  7. then what am I looking for when I uncomment it. I did it for both areas as you instructed and a popup window appeared for every line of the .ini file, twice so I assumed it was for read and write. I had to select ok for each line to cycle through it all
  8. yes even with the original script, 2 of my mame ini files are showing Display14. the lightgun drive mame is read only. I've tried changing the permissions to allow write but the mame folder is still showing read only. He's got it locked down. I'm waiting for a reply from him.
  9. so its reading but its either not writing or not saving after it writes. ahhh the ini folder was read only. I'll try again. ok so I use three instances of mame. 2 of them switched. Jasen Baker's Integrum Retro Lightgun drive is read only so thats a problem. I'm waiting to hear back from him
  10. I copy this and changed the pathnames to my proper folders. I'm getting the popup window of \\.\Display14 for my primary screen. But I'm not seeing the change in the mame.ini file #Set working dir to mame directory so that it can read and write the mame.ini Set-Location -Path "E:\Launchbox\Emulators\MAME Lightgun\" #Get-Location #Run mame in verbose to grab display info. Wait 1 second so the file can be written $proc = Start-Process -FilePath "E:\Launchbox\Emulators\MAME Lightgun\mame.exe" -ArgumentList "-verbose" -RedirectStandardOutput output.txt Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $inputs = Get-Content -Path 'E:\Launchbox\Emulators\MAME Lightgun\output.txt' #Write-Output $inputs #Find primary DISPLAY $primarydisplayline = ($inputs | Select-String "\(primary\)").Line $primarydisplay = $primarydisplayline -replace '.*(DISPLAY\d).*',"`$1" Write-Output $primarydisplayline Write-Output $primarydisplay #Read in mame.ini $content = Get-Content -Path 'E:\Launchbox\Emulators\MAME Lightgun\ini\mame.ini' #Write-Output $content #Edit mame.ini mouse related lines #Update DISPLAYx with primary DISPLAYy $content = $content -replace '(DISPLAY\d)',"$primarydisplay" #Write-Output $content #Write new mame.ini file $content | Set-Content -Path "E:\Launchbox\Emulators\MAME Lightgun\ini\mame.ini" #Kill mame Get-Process -Name MAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
  11. Came to ask a similar question when I found this one. So I’ll add my question here. It seems like every time I boot up, my display order gets changed. I have three monitors that I use with the third screen plugin. Windows keeps the order in the display settings. However Mame is currently launching on my marquee screen instead of my main screen. And I change it each time in OSD setting in the .ini setting. And the display number in third screen plugin changes. I think the current config is display 5, display 6 and display 7. EDIT: found this thread and am giving it a try. Hopefully this works.
  12. My issue with this is games like Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfentstein use Escape to save the game prior to exiting. So would I just use a Wait command in the script?
  13. oops no that's a typo on my part in my post. I should have just pasted. EDIT: maybe it was missing. It's working now after checking and converting it one more time to an exe file.. Thanks for pointing it out
  14. Hoping someone can help. I'm trying to launch a profile for a specific game, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein. I've named the profile Wolf.xpadderprofile. I'm using xpadder 2015.01.01 using ahk, I turned this one line script into an .exe file that I launch as an additional app in Launchbox prior to starting the game. run, C:\Launchbox\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe "C:\Launchbox\Xpadder\Wolf.xpadderprofile" /M When the game launches, Xpadder pops up saying it cannot open the profile. However if I have take the additional app out of launchbox, run xpadder with wolf profile loaded, the game works the way I want it to.
  15. Thanks for this post. I was searching for Applewin to see how people have set it up. I think I have it down except I can't close out of a game and return back to launchbox. Any issues using mame for this? or is still the esc key? I don't use mame for anything by arcade roms. Also do you use xpadder, joy2key or something similar for apple ii games?
  16. midd

    Game IDs

    Not really a troubleshooting issue. It's more of a technical question and I wasn't sure where else to ask: I'm assuming GAME ID's are assigned by Launchbox as they are added? I'm not talking about the Launchbox Game Database ID; just the Game ID itself as found in a Platform's xml file? I'm asking because I'm trying to merge 300+ games from one instance of Launchbox to another. The one's I'm trying to merge call on additional apps (basically 3-5 scripts depending on the game). Rather than add each application 3-5 times for each 300+ games. I was considering copying the additional apps info from the one xml file to mine. THat's where I noticed different game IDs for the same game in each xml. I'll add pics in a second for reference.
  17. So now it’s making more sense. I had it set to Sega Dreamcast but not the individual game folders. That’s why the plug-in couldn’t find the games unless I drug to the main folder. As you can see I don’t play dc much. I added gun games and decided to dig into Dreamcast a little more
  18. ok I just realized I'm in the same boat as Maxforwarpspeed was earlier in this thread. My DreamCast games are in their own folders. that was it. I pulled two games and all their files from their folders and moved them to the Sega dream cast folder. Those two are being converted. I'm just going to download a CHD set. Might be easier that way and def. faster. I'll compare the sets and convert any missing from the new set to CHD from my original set.
  19. No server. Just an external drive L:/Launchbox/Games/Sega Dreamcast as a last resort, I’m going to delete the plug-in and reinstall.
  20. They are in the right location and path file
  21. Ok well that was short lived. Deleted the old plugin. Installed the new. Selected gdi to chd, delete the old files and use the same file name. None of them were converted. take notice of ms. Pac-Man . Look below the convert box and you’ll see the file that the plug in claimed to not have found.
  22. Thanks for the reply. This is what I get when I try. I suppose it has something to do with the gdi file? My Dreamcast roms are a gdi file along with bin. I assumed the plug-in would comvert based on the bin files.
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