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Johnny T

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64-Bit Supercomputer

64-Bit Supercomputer (6/7)



  1. So glad you got it sorted - felt for you when I read your first post
  2. Yep completely agree. And, for all you know, you might be immortal....
  3. Looks like it would be an amazing project if you succeed with it. Would be a huge difference to be able to play games knowing all the controls etc. and have everything automatically generated.
  4. A bit of Google-foo looking for a Pause theme to display controller mappings brought me to some of your posts about a plugin to handle this. Is this still on the cards? And do you have any rough ideas on a release date? I would be a very willing beta-tester if you needed one. Currently looking at creating images to display on a Pause menu that will show game controls but, reading some of your ideas, it seems you are streets ahead of this?
  5. This is remarkable and an epic piece of work. My only question is around controller "index" numbers? When I tested my controllers initially they were showing as JOY7 and JOY8 so I did a find/replace on the supermodel.ini and all was well. However, next time I booted up it didn't work and I found my controllers had moved to JOY5 and JOY6. Is there any way of "fixing" the controllers so they can't ever change their index number? Thanks again for all your hard work
    What an amazing and comprehensive piece of work. This is no doubt a labour of love and it shows! Thank you for sharing this with the world. Very much appreciated
  6. Great idea - thanks! Thanks for the clarification sundogak. I wasn't 100% sure. It certainly seems like a better way to categorise them though but not to worry. Appreciate the feedback folks cheers
  7. I had a lightgun playlist that auto-populated by the system being Arcade and the genre being "Shooter / Gun". A new game didn't show up and I noticed the genre was just "Shooter" so I went to the LB DB to edit it (thinking it was wrong) and the Shooter/Gun genre doesn't seem to be there anymore?? https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/105186-golgo-13 But this now means that this lightgun game is the same genre as something like "1942" (a traditional 'shooter') ? Is this a mistake somewhere in the system or is there another way of distinguishing between shooters like 1942 and shooters that used physical guns ?
  8. Thanks for the info - I think I'm sorted now but it will definitely help others. Much appreciated
  9. I know this is an old topic. I have the same issue with Pitfall not starting. I don't have a problem with Pitfall II. It's one of my faves so any pointers or help would be very much appreciated. I'm not sure if it's possible to have game-specific cores in RA ? Or some simpler way of just editing the code in the rom or whatever? Thanks
  10. Thanks @JoeViking245 you cracked it! I thought I still had an error but with a bit more experimentation it's now working. You were right with your fix but I also had an issue with quotation marks around the SetWorkingDir variable that I didn't need. So my full script is now: #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force SetWorkingDir, D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MAME\MAME Arcade ;where mame is located. Note: No "\" after "Mame". MAMERun = mame.exe GameRDP = D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip ;Path and Machine (rom) folder Process,Close,LEDBlinky.exe Run,taskkill /im "LEDBlinky.exe" /F Sleep 2500 Process,Close,mamehook.exe Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F Sleep 2500 Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MameHooker\mamehooker5.1\mamehook.exe" Sleep 2500 Run, %MAMERun% "%GameRDP%", , Hide Escape:: Process,Close,mamehook.exe Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F Sleep 300 Process,Close,mame.exe Run,taskkill /im "mame.exe" /F WinClose, ahk_exe mame.exe Sleep 300 Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe" return This is working perfectly - thanks very much for your help! Let's go Mr Driver.........
  11. Hi all I'm trying to launch ChaseHQ from an AHK file so that I can have MameHooker running instead of LEDBlinky. I've tried lots of different variants but I'm getting nowhere and wondered if someone could help? Here's where I'm up to... #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force SetWorkingDir, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MAME\MAME Arcade" ;where mame is located. Note: No "\" after "Mame". MAMERun = mame.exe GameRDP = "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip" ;Path and Machine (rom) folder Process,Close,LEDBlinky.exe Run,taskkill /im "LEDBlinky.exe" /F Sleep 2500 Process,Close,mamehook.exe Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F Sleep 2500 Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MameHooker\mamehooker5.1\mamehook.exe" Sleep 2500 Run, %MAMERun% -"D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip", , Hide Escape:: Process,Close,mamehook.exe Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F Sleep 300 Process,Close,mame.exe Run,taskkill /im "mame.exe" /F WinClose, ahk_exe mame.exe Sleep 300 Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe" return I just get an error when it comes to launching MAME ?
  12. Strange that it works if you just launch it natively from VPX? My LB set up for Visual Pinball is this just in case it helps? Also double check you're launching the correct version of 24 (i.e. just in case there's another file in your tables folder or it's located somewhere else - as a self-confessed hoarder I've accidentally linked to files from backup areas before)
  13. You might be better just going with FX3 now rather than FX2 ? When I looked into it a while ago all the FX2 tables (or certainly all the ones I checked) have an FX3 version so it's just like a direct upgrade? (unless you're wanting both FX2 and FX3?)
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