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Everything posted by darreldearth

  1. I found a temporary work around for now by removing my game library location from Yuzu, because it loads in the background even if launchbox has launced directly into a game. just sucks because it makes installing DLCs and Updates more messy.
  2. Does anyone know a way to stop Yuzu from loading the game library in the background? My library is over a 1000 games and even when launching games through launchbox Yuzu still loads the game library in the background which makes the emulator freeze up for like 5 min till its done. Be nice to just stop the library from loading since theres no need to load it once im already in a game which ive launched through launchbox.
  3. The bottom bar which had play music as well as other options is gone now. is there an option to re-enable it? Otherwise, is the only way to play music by right clicking now? Also, when selecting to show Text for all games it shows the developer along with the name of the game. is there a way to hide the developer and only show the name of the game?
  4. I would like to see it implemented also. Confused the crap out of me till I realized I couldn't use the same operator twice to create an AND/OR.
  5. @phunky1 The updated Script works Great๐Ÿ˜! thanks So Much! Great being able to have it decode somewhere other than on the NAS server lol๐Ÿ˜…, also seems to work a slightly faster but that could just be in my head lol, kuz even with a 12900k CPU i still think the CPU bottlenecks the Hard drives read/write speed lol, but without more testing i could be wrong. But thanks for spending so much time on the script it works great!
  6. Awesome!๐Ÿ˜ yeah the new version worked perfectly too with no problems thanks! Sorry one last thing lol... For the code you posed Below for your RPCS3-Decrypt-ISO-LaunchBox script you made is there a way to have the decrypted file be decrypted anywhere other than where the Original Encrypted file is located? Here's your original script below for reference (However, If its to much work adding a custom location then no worries, just figured it might be slightly faster saving the decrypted file to my computer rather than back to the NAS Server where the Encrypted files are) # Will get ISO param from Launchbox param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ISOpath ) # Put script in same folder as rpcs3.exe or change to direct path. $RPCS3path = "$PSScriptRoot\rpcs3.exe" #Path to PS3DEC.exe $PS3DEC = "$PSScriptRoot\ps3dec\PS3Dec.exe" #path to disc key files for decryptions $KeysPath = "C:\Roms\Sony Playstation 3\_PS3 Downloading\DKeys" $Keys = Get-ChildItem $KeysPath $ISOname = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($ISOpath) $Key = $Keys | Where-Object -Property name -Like "$ISOname*" $KeyValue = Get-Content $key.FullName $DecryptISO = (Split-Path $ISOpath -Parent) + "\$ISOname" + "_DEC.iso" & $PS3DEC d key $KeyValue $ISOpath $DecryptISO | Out-Null # Mounts the ISO to a drive letter $Vol = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $DecryptISO -PassThru # sleeps 2 seconds to wait for disk to mount. Can be changed as needed. Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Then gets the drive letter that the ISO was mounted to. $Voldisk = $vol | Get-Volume # Created the $path variable to the EBOOT.BIN file for lanching in rpcs3 $path = $Voldisk.DriveLetter + ':\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN' # Lanches rpcs3 with EBOOT.BIN path, can add extra arguments for rpcs3.exe if needed. Not tested in this script. & $RPCS3path $path # sleeps 2 seconds until rpcs3 has a chance to start Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Waits for rpcs3 to be closed Wait-Process rpcs3 # Dismounts the ISO image drive Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $DecryptISO Remove-Item $DecryptISO -Force
  7. ok so I GOT IT WORKING! i tried this to see my execution policy and it was restricted so set it to Unrestricted using this command Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted according to online Afterwards I was able to run the script but i have to tell it to allow it each time but it still worked!!!!! Link to your script for anyone else looking to use it! https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox/blob/master/Bulk-Decrypt-ISOs.ps1 So now both scripts work beautifly as far as i can tell๐Ÿ˜. So everyone now has 2 ways to batch convert their ISOs incase one doesnt work for anyone thanks to you both @phunky1 & @JoeViking245. Thanks so much for the help!
  8. ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ@JoeViking245 Got his code working for bulk Decrypting! This is the code he made below which worked๐Ÿ˜ As he was saying just replace your paths in the first 3 rows Listed below.... 1: ps3dec.exe decoder program (.exe) location 2: Folder Location for your new decrypted games 3: path to location of your Batch file & Encrypted roms which will be decrypted @echo off set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISOFolder=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\ set path=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion Set key= for %%f in (*.iso) do ( set keyFile=%%~dpnf.dkey set /p key=< "!keyFile!" echo key file: !keyFile! echo key=: !key! start "" /w /d "%path%" "%path2ps3dec%" d key !key! "%%~dpnxf" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" ) pause ๐Ÿฅณ
  9. hmmm... tried the new code but the same thing is happening with windowspowershell. The window launches and imediately closes. below is the code i used with my paths replacing the original ones. is there a way to pause the script at the end so the window will stay open so i can read/post what is says? i tried adding -noexit and also tried adding Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit" to the end of the script but it didnt keep the window from forcing closed #path to ps3dec.exe $PS3DEC = 'C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe' #root folder where you keep encrypted iso $ISOroot = 'C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3' #root folder where decrypted ISO will be stored. $ISOdecrypt = 'C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DecryptedGames' #root folder you keep all dkeys files $dKeys = 'C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\Keys' $ISOall = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $ISOroot $report = foreach ($iso in $ISOall) { [int]$currentItem = [array]::indexof($ISOall, $iso) Write-Progress -Activity 'Decrypting isos....' -Status "Currently Decrypting - $($iso.name) - $($currentItem) of $($ISOall.Count - 1) $([math]::round((($currentItem + 1)/$ISOall.Count),2) * 100)% " -PercentComplete $([float](($currentItem + 1) / $ISOall.Count) * 100) Clear-Variable key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Key = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $dKeys | Where-Object -Property name -Like "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($iso.fullname))*" if ($null -ne $key){ Write-Host "Decrypting... $($iso.name)" -ForegroundColor Green $KeyValue = Get-Content -LiteralPath $key.FullName $DecryptISO = $ISOdecrypt + "\$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($iso.fullname))" + '_DEC.iso' & $PS3DEC d key $KeyValue $($iso.fullname) $DecryptISO [PSCustomObject]@{ OrginalISO = $iso.name Decrypted = $DecryptISO Status = 'Completed' } } else { Write-Host "No key found for $($iso.name)" -ForegroundColor Red [PSCustomObject]@{ OrginalISO = $iso.name Decrypted = '' Status = 'No Key found' } } } $report
  10. I tried your code before I ran out of the house this morning, so I didnt have much time to troubleshoot๐Ÿ˜ต, but after changing the paths and running the script the powershell window would open and immediately close without doing anything. I'll mess with it a bit more in a couple hours once I get back and see if I can figure out why that is and let you know. Thanks!
  11. haha. Gave it shot but it didnt work. here's what it said without the ECHO also tried the older version without echo just to be sure ๐Ÿ˜ set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISOFolder=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\ for %%f in (*.iso) do ( set keyFile=%%~dpnf.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%%f" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" ) pause
  12. Ugh didnt work lol. But Yeah they're all in the same folder like in the screenshot below.... The new line of code just gave this result...
  13. this was the output from adding echo. nothing was decrypted. just asks you to press any key to continue and then the window closes. lol and yeah im only testing with 2 files in a folder on my desktop for now haha
  14. Yeah it worked great! Thanks for the batch file i gave it a try only changing folder locations and this was the result @echo off set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISOFolder=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\ for %%f in (*.iso) do ( set keyFile=%%~dpnf.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%%f" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" ) pause
  15. WOOT That Finally WORKED! Thanks! Now to see about trying to make a batch script using what you just made ill try doing what you posted before and see what happens lol. So for everyone else to see heres what finally ended up working (and like @JoeViking245 said only change the first 3 lines to fit your directories) (DKeys and Roms must be in same folder).... Option 1: Here's @JoeViking245's magic batch code (Below) - which uses a .batch file in conjunction with @phunky1's RPCS3-ISO-Launchbox.ps1 script found here https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISO=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\temp-decryptedGame.iso set path2RPCS3ps1=M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\rpcs3\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 set encryptedISO=%1 set keyFile=%~dpn1.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" set path=%~dp1 start "" /w /d "%path%" "%path2ps3dec%" d key %key% %encryptedISO% "%decryptedISO%" start "" /w "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "%path2RPCS3ps1%" "%decryptedISO%" del "%decryptedISO%" And of coarse Option 2!: the script @phunky1 made which is posted here: https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox works great also and achived the same result. (Dkeys and Roms can be in seperate folders if specified if location is changed in the script). Use the RPCS3-Decrypt-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 and not the regular RPCS3-ISO-Launchbox.ps1 listed above for his all in one ISO/decode Script. Download with instructions on his github link Also a link to his original post without decoding
  16. I appreciate you trying over and over. Seems like it got closer lol. this time it didnt have any errors, but it didnt decrypt the game so the emulator rpcs3 launched saying it couldnt find the game. The output of the CMD is below.
  17. Thanks. Unfortunately the result was still the same. The system cannot find the file d. set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISO=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\temp-decryptedGame.iso set path2RPCS3ps1=M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\rpcs3\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 set encryptedISO=%1 set keyFile=%~dpn1.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" start "" /w /d "%path2ps3dec%" d key %key% "%encryptedISO%" "%decryptedISO%" start "" /w "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "%path2RPCS3ps1%" "%decryptedISO%" del "%decryptedISO%
  18. i switched it to /c because it got rid of this error below since all my files were on the C drive instead of D. Guessing that /c wasnt reffering to my drive letter though lol. This is what happens if i switch it back to /d just says the system cannot find the File d twards the bottom
  19. everything seems to work better now but gets stuck twards the bottom at (invalid switch - "/c") Heres the new code in my batch file again just for reference. set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISO=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\temp-decryptedGame.iso set path2RPCS3ps1=M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\rpcs3\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 set encryptedISO=%1 set keyFile=%~dpn1.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" start "" /w /c %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%encryptedISO%" "%decryptedISO%" start "" /w "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "%path2RPCS3ps1%" "%decryptedISO%" del "%decryptedISO%
  20. The script worked great! it actually decrypted almost instantly... lol probably kuz i tested with a few games on my SSD instead of my NAS Server ๐Ÿ˜ฃ. Be great if you could get the batch script working which could do all 1500 games at once from a single folder to give everyone options. but with both of these it could really help people move away from the JB Folders with how much more convient the ISOs are. Most people seem to give up on ISOs kuz they get lost trying to decrypt the games, but this really speeds it up and makes it easy. So thanks a lot to you both @JoeViking245 @phunky1
  21. That would be great to get the batch script! im trying out the new script you posted now and ill report back
  22. This seems to be working but then half way through the "Plants vs. Zombies (USA).dkey" name gets cut in half and becomes "vs. Zombies (USA).dkey". The output i recieved is below
  23. OK got home and tried the script. It didnt work yet so maybe i messed something up ๐Ÿ˜– but ill post what happened. This is what i typed into the batch file (Also, i used windowspowershell instead because i dont have powershell7... set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISO=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\temp-decryptedGame.iso set path2RPCS3ps1=M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\rpcs3\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 set encryptedISO=%1 set keyFile=%~dpn1.dkey set /p key=< %keyFile% start "" /w /d %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%encryptedISO%" "%decryptedISO%" start "" /w "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "%path2RPCS3ps1%" "%decryptedISO%" del "%decryptedISO% Below is a screenshot of the output from command prompt. Thanks!
  24. @JoeViking245 Awesome! I'll test the new script when I get back home and report back! Also, For decrypting all of the games at once like you posted above do you know how to make a batch script for PS3dec which will run through all games within a folder decrypting them all? Otherwise you have to sit there for 2-5 min at a time waiting for each to finish which takes an average of around 75 hours for 1500 games ๐Ÿ˜ต
  25. Wow that was fast๐Ÿ˜ฑ. To answer your questions YES the key file does change with every game, so I'm assuming your code needs to be changed a little. The key file is named the same as each game with an extension of .dkey Example would be 007 - Blood Stone (Japan).iso Would be... 007 - Blood Stone (Japan).dkey They could either be in the same folder as the roms to simplify it, or if not to much work then in a seperate folder called keys or something. Also, in the code you posted on line 3.... "key=323CE7042E84AF01555853C280760FIF" is this assuming the key is in the same folder as the encrypted rom with a name of "323CE7042E84AF01555853C280760FIF" ? Just trying to figure out what to edit to test the script. But that was really fast for the rest of everything! Thanks, and I'll still try the code when I get home. Temporarily I'll just name the key file key to test it. PS. yeah you're right, it takes a while each time to decrypt the games (sux kuz without a loading bar you might think it froze lol). But yeah, Figured it's easier than decrypting each game 1 by 1 before hand which takes forever for 1k+ games without a batch script for ps3dec ๐Ÿ˜ฌ (unless you're willing to take a shot at that too lol) ๐Ÿ˜ต. Each game would just need to retain its original name so you could tell them apart with "_dec" at the end or something. Definately would have been nice if the creator of ps3dec included that for those of us without much coding ability instead of having to do them individually in command prompt.
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