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Everything posted by Mumut

  1. Thanks for the reply Shadowfire, I can confirm the last update of launchbox fix the problem
  2. I'm a huge fan of this theme but since the last update, I experienced freeze and crash when browsing too fast games compatible with retroachievements. Launchbox is having difficulties loading achievements and after browsing few games, it freezes approximately 30 seconds. And if I continues browsing after that, it crash. I hope you'll find a quick fix for that bug. Thanks for your work
  3. Great launchbox theme! Love it
  4. Hi @viking ! It's very kind to ask ^^ You can just reuse the design of the genesis video and replace the platform with the megadrive II, it will be more than enough for me ! All I want is a feeling of nostalgia when I see the video, and be able to say to my friends "see that! I grew up with this one!" Thank you very much viking for considering and for asking what will pleased me. You're a big plus to this community!
  5. Awesome job as usual! Is the GCE Vectrex planned? I don't see it on the list, but it was in your Nostalgia video set. And I have a personal request about the Sega Megadrive 2, can you; when you'll have the time of course; make a video with it? I grew up with the megadrive 2, I'm sad to see that megadrive 1 is the only version proposed ^^. Thanks a lot for considering my requests vikings
  6. Awesome!
  7. Big thanks for the Dark Mode @viking ! And you will be glad to know, that my issue of colors we talked about in december, solved itself with the 10.8 update of launchbox! I don't know why though.
  8. My computer is up to date, I just verified in case. Nope I didn't change platforms' names as you can see, just few details like the numbers of controllers for exemple. Every platforms is green, like it was at the previous version. Nouvelle image bitmap.bmp
  9. I look very closely the files you mentionned and they look exactly like yours... They seems fine to me. I have two more files in this folder with the prefix "SAVE_" I guess it's normal but I'm lost with this problem ^^ That's my curse I guess lol
  10. So I'm back, but nothing change for me. I delete the version provided by bigbox to install the 0.5 forum version but everything is still green ^^ and by the way, you asked earlier but yes the option page is dark grey. Sorry to bother you viking
  11. I'm French as well so yes it's very easy to understand for me ? but I don't have any unlock button under "read only" and "hidden". I download the theme with the manager in bigbox. it says that the 0.5 version. I'll try directly from here and I come back to you.
  12. I'm not sure how to do it, after the right clic I go to properties? then in the security section I'd give the full control for every user but it doesn't change anything. The file is not hidden or "read only".
  13. Hi Viking, I use Launchbox 10.7 and no I don't renamed any platform. The only particularity in my setup is that Launchbox is fully installed on a SSD but my game folders is on a separate HDD. Can it be the reason of my bug? I try to reinstall and repair the theme several times too.
  14. Nice to see you are working hard on it! But I have a problem with the last update, the menu is supose to be to the color of the platform but for me it's always green for all of them. Should I do something more? Thanks for all your work ^^
  15. Great Job! Can we use it to make an automatic playlist of "most played games" ? And I have a request too : is it possible to add the possibility to add time of play to a game? (I have many hours in a few RPG, it would be great to indicate the actual time of my save in order to have a really accurate time, in BigBox). Thanks for your work!
  16. Waouhou, incredible theme! I like it, very pro and clean, can't wait to see the final version! I will add my suggestions ^^ : maybe in the future, it will be a good idea to make a pause theme, a start up theme and a Start up video in order to have a complete Bigbox Colorful experience. I will definitely follow your creations! Cheers from France!
    Thanks for your work, I like it, it's simple but very nice when you use it on a big TV like me ^^ It's my default theme now. I have few suggestions to ugrade your theme, please consider it : - add stars instead of the text for the community notation - add an index to quickly select a letter when we browse our game collection - And maybe make videos a little more bigger. Keep up the good work!
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