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Everything posted by BrainyCabde

  1. Dang I'll keep my ear out and chime in when I find something...
  2. Did you ever figure this out? I'm just now trying to get add 7th Heaven to LB so I can autorun the game with mods without going to the launcher first.
  3. Kind of a shame that Mame can't at least have the option to upscale 3D arcade games like MK4 or Tekken Tag Tournament. Maybe someday...
  4. Sorry again for bumping, but something occured to me this morning and I wanted to share here. I started thinking, why don't I just make my 4K TV the primary display. I'll set my taskbar to both screens and also enable auto hide taskbar. This way everything will natively just launch on the TV instead of my 1440p display. Then when I want to launch PC games on my 1440p display, 99% of the time they have a monitor selction in the graphics optinons anyways. The reason I didn't do this before, is because my 4K TV is the LGCX OLED. OLED's have a notorious problem with screen burn in. I already set my wallpaper to black so it literally looks like it's turned off. Then I thought, why not just make it primary and auto hide taskbar so the burn in won't be an issue. Now i'm running it this way, and don't need third party apps or a bunch of ahk scripts to fix flaws with the old setup. Again, sorry for making a bunch of posts in various threads these last few weeks. Just want to share the experience with anyone who might be in a similar situation. Launchbox is an amazing piece of software that i've always dreamed of. The community here is amazing. Thank you guys for everything you do!
  5. Thank you for this. Display Fusion seems to be a bit easier to use than MonitorSwitcher. The only problem is, CXBX Reloaded goes fullscreen instantly on game launch and I can't move the window afterwards. Xenia has no problems at all since it starts windowed then goes fullscreen afterwards. I tried using alt+enter to fullscreen a windowed CXBX, but it doesn't do anything unfortunately. Other than that, everything is working fine now. Thanks for your help
  6. So I found this app called DIsplayFusion. It has a feature called triggers. Basically, on opening an app(CXBX, Xenia, etc.), it can move the app to the screen of your choosing. Works like a charm. Would still love to see this feature implemented into Launchbox in the future. Hope this helps anyone who has this problem in the future.
  7. So I found a tool called MonitorProfileSwitcher, and I also have this tool called AutoActions. In MonitorProfileSwitcher, i've set up two profiles. One with my 1440p monitor set as primary, and another profile with my 4K TV as primary. I set up a hotkey for each profile. For my 1440p primary profile, the hotkey is - For my 4K TV primary profile, the hotkey is = In AutoActions, i've made a profile so when CXBX Reloaded or Xenia is launched, it automatically launches MonitorProfileSwitcher. When CXBX or Xenia is closed, it closes MonitorProfileSwitcher. My question is, is there a way to add the - or = hotkeys to a commandline argument section in AutoActions, or maybe to add them hotkeys to the running script section of Launchbox/BigBox? Sorry for the complicated mess, I wish LB/BB had a feature built in like this so we could avoid using this many third party applications to get the desired result. Thank you in advance.
  8. Usually i've always just disabled my primary screen when running LB/BB to get standalone emulators to launch on the correct screen. I used to do it this way because a few standalone emulators would launch on the wrong screen and not remember window/screen position and size. Now it seems like a lot of emulators have fixed this issue and have no problem running on the correct screen. Emulators such as RPCS3, Yuzu, PCSX2, Cemu, and Dolphin have no problem remembering the screen to open on. However, i've noticed CXBX Reloaded and Xenia do not remember the screen to open on. Does anyone know of a way to fix this issue with these two emulators?
  9. It worked! I have only -g in the default command line parameters. Here is the full running script for Cemu now... Sleep, 8000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send {LButton} Send !{Enter} Return Esc:: WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} Thank you very much!
  10. This is still a problem. I've tried the latest stable version of Cemu and the latest experimental version as well. Both launch through LB/BB, but I end up on a black screen with audio. If I open my task manager, Cemu shows up as a window. Cemu has no issues launching games on it's own, but when trying to get it to work through LB/BB, I get the black screen bug. All settings in LB are at default for Cemu. Half of the games I have don't give me a black screen. Cemu seems to lose focus on launch. There's gotta be a AHK script that solves this. I am using two screens with my primary disabled and using my secondary screen. All my other emulators(including standalone) don't have issue with this at all. Just half of the Cemu games. Would love to hear any feedback at all. Thanks in advance! Edit- Figured it out thanks to fellow user Skizzosjt. For default command line parameters, you'll only want -g. As for the running script section, here is what I have... Sleep, 8000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send {LButton} Send !{Enter} Return Esc:: WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} That's it. Hope this helps anyone who comes across this issue down the road. Thank you Skizzosjt for all your help!
  11. Well, i've found a script that works, but i'd have to add a mouse click to the Cemu window in the script, and I have no idea how to do that. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the script I have so far. Sleep, 8000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send !{Enter} Return Esc:: WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} So I have to remove the -f from the command line parameters to start it in windowed so the screen doesn't go black. I'm sure the above script would work if I could add a mouse click to the window before the alt-enter section.
  12. Ok. So after some tinkering, i'm learning that launchbox has a hard time keeping Cemu focused. So I thought, why not have Cemu launch in windowed mode and then run a script to have it fullscreen after the shaders are loaded. Question is, does anyone know of a script that does this for Cemu? Or even better, a script that keeps Cemu in focus over LB/BB.
  13. So I spent some time messing around with this again. The script I posted before no longer works, but what I have noticed is that only half of the games I have are giving me the black screen with audio issue on launch. I've been using TLOZ BOTW for my tests and never thought to try other games. Twilight Princess, Dr. Luigi, and Donkey Kong Country:Tropical Freeze to name a few don't give me the black screen issue at all. There's something really weird about this issue here. I'm really stumped. Literally makes zero sense why only half the games I have for Cemu give me the black screen issue, while the other half don't. Sorry for bringing this back up, but i'm determined to find a fix for this and get this resolved so no one else will have to battle this problem down the road. As Arnold says, "I'll be back".
  14. Nice! I thought of looking through the scripts there to see what can be done. Good looking out skizzosjt Appreciate it very much. Love the community here! Have a blessed day!
  15. Yeah, only problem is it's only a solution for Cemu. If I use both screens at the same time for other emulators, they won't remember the screen that I want to play on. PCSX2 for example will only launch on my primary screen if both screens are enabled. There's a couple others that do the same thing too. I'd prefer to just have both enabled, but most emulators are just going to launch on my 1440p monitor. I've looked for apps that allow picking a monitor per application, but none of them seem to work anyways. Either way, i'll try to get that script running with LB again to see if it will work.
  16. There's definitely something weird with the way LB and Cemu are interacting with each other here. LB has no problem running standalone emulators on just my second screen, none of them turn black. I'd run LB with both screens turned on at the same time, but some of the other standalone emulators don't remember screen position and launch on my primary screen, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of LB in the first place. Edit- For reference, my first screen is a 1440p monitor, and my second screen is a LG CX TV at 4K.
  17. Both my screens are on 100% scaling. I've tried running just one screen, no dice. I've also disabled startup screens, no dice. This issue is only with Cemu, all other standalone emulators I use are fine(Yuzu, Dolphin, Xenia, RPCS3, CXBX-R, etc.). Would my LB install be fine if I install a fresh copy over the one I already have? I just don't want to lose any settings that i've put together. Edit- So I launched a Cemu game with both monitors running, and it worked fine. The reason I don't usually do this though, is other emulators will not launch on my secondary screen(4KTV). This is the only emulator that has had this problem. I wonder if theres a setting I can change to solve this through Cemu...
  18. So I spent a ton of time trying to figure this out. I give up. I removed Cemu from PC. Reinstalled it and also removed Cemu from LB and re-added it back to LB. Nothing worked. I would love someone forever if they could help me with this.
  19. Yeah, I reverted my settings to what you have and the issue came back. It could be due to the fact that I have multiple screens. I am only running my secondary screen in Windows by itself though, so I don't think it would cause any issues there(unless Launchbox just hates multiple screens, in which case more users would be complaining about these kinds of issues). Either way, I guess i'll just use the fix I posted above. If something ever comes up, i'll post back in this thread for an update. Edit- Ok. So I updated Cemu to the newest version, and even with the script I posted above it still goes to a black screen after launching game. Not sure what is going on here, this is the only standalone emulator that gives me troubles with this so far. Guess i'll look around some more and see what I can dig up...
  20. Yeah, I wouldn't do that. Thanks for the input though.
  21. 2023 and this is still an issue. Launching Cemu games from Bigbox gives me a black screen when the game launches. Opening up task manager brings up the Cemu screen, but that's obviously a pain to do that every time. Has anyone ever found an actual fix for this issue? Edit - I found this script on another page here in the forums. It works, but the LB startup screen for Cemu is white. It's better than the original issue at hand here, but I wish there was another way to fix it without making the startup screen white. Here is the script for those interested. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 loop 20 { Sleep 500 if WinExist("Cemu") { Sleep 1000 WinActivate break } }
    Best Overlays for Retroarch hands down! Not even kidding, these are perfect for my LG CX OLED and running a CRT/Geom shader in combination looks perfect. The only thing I wish that we had was the option for no screen dust. I kept my TV's clean back in the day and do even more so nowadays. So forgive me if this has been answered, but do you plan on adding an option like this in the future for these sexy overlays? Either way, endorsed Mr. Retrolust!
  22. I found a plugin that works with Mod Organizer 2 that creates a shortcut you can put anywhere on your PC and launch any of the apps directly through MO2 without even having to open it. This is perfect for Launchbox. Here is a link for anyone else who is interested. https://kezyma.github.io/?p=shortcutter
  23. Nice. Thank you guys
  24. Bump.
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