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Everything posted by Jinux

    Ever so great. For the ones who are using Kodi Nexus 20, just open up main.py in the resources folder and add import xbmcvfs then change tempdir = xbmc.translatePath to xbmcvfs.translatePath on line 63. Save the file, and the add on works in kodi 20 nexus. Happy gaming all 🙂
  1. Hello, it is a very nice theme and fits my kodi skin absolutly wonderful. But is there someone who could tell me why all the themes count my games, except this theme? I get 0 games at all the platforms. Am i doing something wrong, i tried searching for it, but i see only that it was fixed in latest update. However it still is not counting my games. Thnaks in advance...
    Very cool, absolute love the intro. Well done !
    It is a very nice theme, but sadly the game count does not work. It says 0 games, other themes display the game count correct. Maybe i'm doing something wrong? It says in version 0.2.2 it is fixed ...
  2. Restarted and it works now, super cool ?
  3. `Thanks neil9000 i found it out. It is all in dutch here, so had to seBuarch for the right word, it is strange they call it, "bekeken" which means viewed. But i found it, however, now i get all sorts of windows errors, telling me to unblock several dll's. I do this, then i get a very big windows with a lot of text telling me something is wrong with a wheel of some sort. I will try closing and starting it again to see if it makes any difference on my windows 10 machine. But thanks for the help i am one step further ?
  4. I have searched tutorials and youtube and the forum, but I downloaded some themes, put them in the themes folder, then i go to options, visuals change theme, there is only "default" Anyone can explain what i am doing wrong ? Also in bigbox, i see nothing to change the theme, so i go to desktop mode options visual and try it there but only the default theme is displayed as an option., Thanks in advance, Jeroen.
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